Description: John Hashimoto reports on a visit to Boston by David Duke (Louisiana State Representative and former Ku Klux Klansman). Hashimoto notes that protesters turned out for Duke's speech at the Old South Meeting House. Hashimoto's report includes footage of protesters in front of the Old South Meeting House and footage of Duke's speech inside, which protesters try to drown out with chanting. Duke struggles to make himself heard above the jeers of protesters in the Meeting House. A scuffle breaks out between a protester and a Duke supporter. Hashimoto reports that Duke is trying to trying to overcome his past as a Ku Klux Klan leader, but that his white rights agenda was not well received during his visit to Boston. Hashimoto interviews Duke. Duke says that he has overcome his past and that he is not longer a "hater." Hashimoto reports that Duke answered questions from callers on a radio talk show while in Boston. Hashimoto's report includes footage of Duke speaking to callers in a radio studio. Duke defends himself against charges of racism. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Avi Nelson and Dianne Wilkerson talk about quotas and civil rights and Carmen Fields reports on the history and present activities of the Ku Klux Klan
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of protesters outside of the Old South Meeting House in Boston. The protesters march in a circle, carrying signs. A protest leader shouts into a bullhorn, "Hitler-lovers you can't hide. Shots of protesters; of a man carrying a sign reading, "David Duke: Klan in a suit." John Hashimoto reports that David Duke (Louisiana state representative) spoke at the Old South Meeting House tonight. V: Shot of Duke sitting inside the Old South Meeting House. Audio of the audience booing and whistling at Duke. Hashimoto reports that there was tight security in the Meeting House; that tension erupted from the moment he appeared. V: Shots of audience members yelling and clapping their hands. Hashimoto reports that some audience members were trying create so much noise that Duke could not speak. V: Shot of Duke sitting in the Meeting House; of audience members on their feet making noise. Footage of Duke speaking from a podium. Duke says that freedom of speech exists for all points of view. Duke says that there are many historical examples of people who have stood up for an idea, only to find out that the idea was wrong. Hashimoto reports that Duke visited Boston in his own bus in 1974; that Duke was a Ku Klux Klan member in 1974; that Duke tried to stir up trouble in South Boston during the busing crisis. V: Shots of Duke speaking from the podium; of the audience. Audio of the audience yelling. Hashimoto reports that Duke is now a state representative from Louisiana; that he is a former candidate for the US Senate. Hashimoto reports that Duke is running for governor of Louisiana; that some recognize him as a powerful political force. V: Footage of Duke being interviewed by Hashimoto. Hashimoto asks Duke if people see him as a "hater." Duke says that some people think of him as a "hater." Duke says that he is sorry if some people feel that way. Duke says that he does not hate anyone; that he want the country to work for everybody. Duke says that the country's liberal social policies have not worked. Footage of Duke speaking from the podium at the Old South Meeting House. Audio of audience members making noise. Duke condemns the nation's welfare program. Hashimoto reports that Duke repeatedly refers to the underclass. Hashimoto reports that Duke believes that the underclass is a burden to society. Hashimoto says that Duke is haunted by his past and by his present rhetoric. V: Footage of Duke being interviewed by Hashimoto. Duke says that he has felt hatred in the past; that he regrets that hatred. Duke says that he has evolved and grown. Duke says that he is a Christian; that he has been "made new" by Christ. Hashimoto reports that Duke took calls on a WHDH radio show with Ted O'Brien (radio personality); that Duke was not rattled by callers. V: Footage of Duke in a radio studio. Duke speaks into a broadcaster's microphone. Duke says that affirmative action is discrimination against white people; that affirmative action is wrong. Duke says that discrimination against African Americans is also wrong. Duke says that voters have a right to question his past. Duke says that his past should not be the only issue. Duke says that Edward Kennedy (US Senator) overcame Chappaquiddick; that Duke should be able to overcome his past. Duke says that the first child born in New Orleans this year was the eighth illegitimate child of a local woman. Duke says that there are differences between the various chapters of the Ku Klux Klan; that none of the members of his chapter were ever accused of harming a minority. Shot of O'Brien in the studio. Footage of Duke being interviewed by Hashimoto. Duke says that he never hated all African Americans and Jews; that he felt hatred toward those who committed robbery and rape in the South. Hashimoto asks if those criminals were African American or Jewish. Duke says no. Hashimoto reports that a Duke supporter clashed with protesters during Duke's speech at the Old South Meeting House; that Duke's speech was a sideshow. V: Shots of police and media in the balcony of the Old South Meeting House. Police are breaking up a fight. The crowd mills around. Hashimoto stands in the Old South Meeting House. The audience boos and whistles at Duke. Duke is visible at the podium. Hashimoto reports that Duke's white rights agenda was not well received publicly in Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/28/1991
Description: Christy George reports that the campaigns of Jesse Jackson and Michael Dukakis have different agendas for the upcoming Democratic convention. She notes that Jackson may not support Dukakis's choice of running mate because he would like to be named as Dukakis's running mate. George reports that Jackson has threatened to have floor fights on all platform issues that he does not win, and to present his speech outside of the convention if he feels slighted by the party. George speculates on whether the delegates for each candidate will unite at the convention. Interview with Dukakis delegate Raymond Jordan and Jackson delegate Saundra Graham about their views of the convention. Jordan says that he is working to unite all Democrats behind Dukakis. Graham says that Dukakis must accommodate Jackson's platform to win his delegates. George's report includes footage of Dukakis and Sen. Lloyd Bentsen at a press conference and footage of Dukakis campaigning. George's report also features footage of Jackson and footage of Sen. Dianne Feinstein at the 1984 Democratic National Convention. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: An African American family moves into the McCormack housing project
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Raymond Jordan (Dukakis delegate) being interviewed by Christy George. Jordan says that he is working to unite all Democrats behind the nomination of Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate). Footage of Saundra Graham (Jackson delegate) saying that Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) has broken the barrier which had kept people of color from running for elected offices. George reports that the Jackson campaign and the Dukakis campaign have different agendas for the Democratic Convention in Atlanta next week. V: C-Span footage from the 1984 Democratic National Convention. Dianne Feinstein (US Senator) urges the members of the Democratic Party to put aside their differences in order to work for their goals. Shot of Democratic leaders including Jackson shaking hands at the the Convention. Shots of construction workers preparing the set and stage for the 1988 Democratic National Convention. George reports that Jackson may not support Dukakis's choice of running mate; that Jackson wants to be Dukakis's running mate. V: Shot of Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen (US Senator) at a press conference. Footage of Jordan saying that Dukakis supporters are going to the convention to support Dukakis. Footage of Graham saying that Dukakis needs to accomodate Jackson supporters. George reports that Jackson is threatening floor fights on all 13 platform issues that he does not win. V: Shot of Jackson speaking from a podium. Footage of Jordan saying that Dukakis has done everything he can to accomodate Jackson on the platform issues. Footage of Graham saying that she is going to the convention to fight for the issues which are important to her and her constituents. George reports that Jackson is threatening to give his speech outside of the convention hall if he feels mistreated by the Democratic Party leadership. V: C-Span footage of Jackson addressing the 1984 Democratic Convention. Shot of the audience. Footage of Jordan saying that Jackson's attitude is "political posturing." Jordan says that no one knows what Jackson's real motives are. Footage of Graham saying that Dukakis is acting unreasonably; that Dukakis is trying to control the convention rules and the party platform. George speculates as to whether Jackson supporters and Dukakis supporters will unite at the convention. V: Shots of Dukakis standing at the shore of a lake; of Jackson addressing a small crowd; of the convention set being constructed in the Atlanta convention center. Footage of Graham saying that Jackson needs to urge his supporters to support Dukakis as the Democratic nominee. Footage of Jordan saying that Jackson supporters and Dukakis supporters both want the Democratic nominee to win the presidency. George notes that the convention could be boring if both sides unite immediately behind one candidate and one platform.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/11/1988
Description: Story on two fundraisers happening on the same night. The Massachusetts Democrats hold fundraiser at a Chinese restaurant. Gay rights activist hold a black-tie fundraiser. Interview with a gay rights activist on the increase in attention they are receiving from politicians. Gay politicians Marjorie Clapprood, Barney Frank, and Gerry Studds are in attendance. Story cuts to footage of gay rights activists at the State House advocating the gay rights bill. Interview with Robert Farmer, who, along with Evelyn Murphy, decided to come to the gay rights fundraiser over the Democratic fundraiser. Two labor unions are boycotting the Democratic fundraiser. Interview with Chester Atkins on what the Democratic Party can do to win the union leaders over again.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/20/1989
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Michael Dukakis is the frontrunner among the Democratic presidential candidates after faring well in the Super Tuesday primary elections. Dukakis did well in the Southern states because he had money to travel and to buy advertising time. Jesse Jackson won the African American vote and some votes from southern whites. Vaillancourt discusses the performances of Democratic candidates Al Gore, Dick Gephardt, and Paul Simon. She notes that Gore did better than analysts had predicted. Vaillancourt analyzes the candidates' chances in the upcoming Illinois primary election. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Dukakis campaigning, footage of Dukakis speaking to the media and footage from a Dukakis campaign advertisement. Vaillancourt's report is also accompanied by footage of Jackson campaigning, by footage of Gore campaigning and by footage of Gephardt and Simon. Vaillancourt's report features footage from a Gephardt campaign advertisement and footage of Dukakis with Walter Mondale.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage of Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) speaking to reporters. Kitty Dukakis (wife of Michael Dukakis) stands next to him. Dukakis says, "It's a fight for delegates." Shot of Dukakis exiting a voting booth and posing for reporters with Kitty Dukakis. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis is the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination after the Super Tuesday primaries; that Dukakis did better in the South than political analysts had predicted. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis targeted districts in which he thought he could do well; that Dukakis focused on states in which he could pick up bonus delegates. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis's political organization allowed him to compete in the twenty states holding primaries on Super Tuesday; that Dukakis has raised a lot of money to buy advertising time and to travel. V: Footage from a 1988 campaign advertisement for Dukakis. Shots of Dukakis campaigning during the 1988 primary season. Footage of Dukakis speaking to reporters. Dukakis says that he will focus on the Illinois primary next. Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) won the African American vote as well as votes from southern whites. V: Shot of Jackson surrounded by media and supporters. Jackson picks up a young girl. He gives a thumbs-up sign to the crowd. Shots of Jackson speaking to supporters. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson's success may be worrisome for the Democratic Party. V: Footage of Dukakis saying that Jackson is a "formidable competitor." Vaillancourt reports that Al Gore (Democratic US Presidential candidate) did better in the South than political analysts has predicted. V: Shots of Gore and Tipper Gore (wife of Gore) visiting a factory. Gore shakes hands with workers. Vaillancourt reports that Gore sees Dukakis as his main competitor for the Democratic nomination. Vaillancourt notes that Gore has been comparing Dukakis' candidacy with that of Walter Mondale (1984 Democratic US Presidential candidate). V: Shot of Dukakis shaking hands with Mondale at a campaign rally in 1984. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson and Paul Simon (Democratic US Presidential candidate) are well known in Illinois; that Gore is not. V: Shots of Gore; of Jackson; of Simon; of Dukakis. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis has been organizing his campaign in Illinois since October. Vaillancourt notes that Gore is telegenic. Vaillancourt adds that Gore hopes to have success in the North, like Gary Hart (1984 Democratic US Presidential candidate) did in 1984. V: Shots of Gore and Tipper Gore exiting a building; of Hart campaigning in 1984; of Gore speaking at a podium. Vaillancourt reports that Dick Gephardt (Democratic US Presidential candidate) did not do well in the South. V: Shot of Gephardt at a campaign rally. Footage from 1988 Gephardt political advertisement. The political advertisement attacks Dukakis. Vaillancourt notes that Gephardt was hurt by his own political advertisements attacking Dukakis; that Gephardt has had difficulty raising funds. V: Shot of Gephardt with supporters. Vaillancourt notes that there is speculation that Gephardt will skip the Illinois primary. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis is already in Illinois. V: Footage of Dukakis saying that he has a good chance of winning some delegates in Illinois. Shot of Dukakis getting into a car. Supporters and the media surround the car.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/08/1988
Description: Marcus Jones compares the differing opinions on law enforcement of Deputy Superintendent of Boston Police William Celester and Reverend Graylan Hagler of the Church of the United Community. Interview with Celester, who says that the police are at war with drug addicts and gang members in the neighborhood, and that some of these individuals need to be scared of police. Celester says that police officers are not well equipped to serve as mentors. Jones reports that Hagler and others believe that a new approach is necessary. Hagler recommends that police academy graduates serve as mentors to community youth. Jones' report includes footage of Hagler talking about his plan from December 15, 1989. Hagler and his supporters see prevention as an effective weapon against drugs and violence. Following the edited story is b-roll of Celester and police officers at police headquarters.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) talking to a group of Roxbury residents at Boston Police Department Area B Headquarters on August 21, 1989. Marcus Jones reports that Celester believes that the police officers in his division are at war with drug addicts and gang members in Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan. V: Shot of two plain-clothes police officers arresting an African American man on the street. The man struggles with the police officers. Footage of Celester being interviewed by Jones. Celester says that there is a war over who will run the community. Celester says that either the "thugs" or the residents can run the community. Shot of a white police officer putting handcuffs on an African American man. The man stands beside a red sports car. Shots of police officers standing near a police cruiser with flashing lights. Shots of police officers at police headquarters; of a police officer sitting on a police motorcycle; of two white police officers searching a young African American man. Jones reports that Celester and the officers in his division were criticized last year; that some critics did not think the officers did enough to fight crime. Jones notes that others criticized the officers for going too far; that many opposed the police department's stop-and-search policy. V: Footage of Celester being interviewed by Jones. Celester says that some people need to be scared; that some people only understand fear. Footage of Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) from December 15, 1989. Hagler says that police need to find some new tactics because the old tactics do not work. Shots of Ellis-Hagler walking with two African American men toward the Church of the United Community building. Shots of a sign for the Church of the United Community. Shots of Ellis-Hagler talking with a group of African American men at the Church of the United Community. Shots of the individual men in the group. Jones reports that Ellis-Hagler and other community activists are urging the police department to consider ways to prevent young people from getting involved with drugs and gangs. Jones notes that Ellis-Hagler recommends that rookie police officers serve as mentors for the community youth. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler from December 15, 1989. Hagler says that most police officers are concerned about the community. Hagler says that many police officers are frustrated because they realize that an more innovative approach is necessary. Jones reports that Celester does not think that police officers should serve as social workers. V: Footage of Celester being interviewed by Jones. Celester says that police officers are not well equipped to serve as mentors. Celester says that the police must care about the community; that the police cannot do everything. Shot of an African American man and an African American woman walking past a fire truck in Los Angeles; of police officers arresting a suspect. Jones reports that police officers in Los Angeles and Washington are taking the call for prevention seriously. V: Shot of English High School students walking on a street. Jones notes that the effectiveness of prevention measures cannot be easily measured; that many see prevention as an effective weapon in the war against drugs and violence. V: Shots of a white police officer guiding a group of African Americans away from a crime scene; of medics putting a wounded person on a stretcher into an ambulance.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/02/1990
Description: Hope Kelly reports that more than a dozen students at Harvard Law School have filed a lawsuit which charges the school with discriminatory hiring practices. Kelly notes that Derrick Bell (Professor, Harvard Law School) supports the lawsuit, but thinks it will be difficult to win. Kelly reports that Bell has taken an unpaid leave of absence from the school to protest the lack of diversity among the faculty. Kelly interviews Bell. Bell talks about the culture at Harvard Law School and about the need for a diverse faculty. Bell says that he has taken a leave of absence because it is important to make sacrifices in order to advance one's beliefs. Kelly reports that Bell is teaching a seminar called "Civil Rights at the Crossroads." She notes that Bell is not paid for the course and that the students receive no credit. Kelly's report includes footage of Bell and his students in class. The students discuss the importance of diversity at the school. Kelly notes that there are three African Americans and five females among the sixty-six tenured professors at Harvard Law School. Kelly reports that the school has failed to provide a set of role models reflecting the diversity of the student body.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Derrick Bell (Professor, Harvard Law School) teaching a class. Hope Kelly reports that Derrick Bell is one of sixty-six tenured professors at Harvard Law School; that only two of Bell's colleagues are also African American. Kelly notes that there are no Asian, Latino or Native American professors at the school; that there are no African American female professors at the school. V: Footage of Bell's class. A white female student says that the school needs a woman of color on the faculty in order to provide a wider perspective on issues of women in international development and on issues of human rights. Shots of students in the class. Kelly reports that more than a dozen Harvard Law School students have signed on to a lawsuit which charges the school with discriminatory hiring practices. Kelly reports that many experts think the lawsuit will be difficult to win. V: Footage of Bell being interviewed by Kelly. Bell says that US courts only understand race discrimination if it is obvious. Bell says that Harvard Law School has not prohibited African American women and other minorities from being hired onto the faculty. Bell says that Harvard Law School will not hire a professor who does not share the Harvard culture. Kelly reports that the culture at Harvard Law School is overwhelmingly white and male.. Kelly notes that only five of the sixty-six tenured professors are women. V: Shots of students in Bell's class; of Bell's hands as he makes gestures while speaking. Footage of Bell being interviewed by Kelly. Bell says that all professors teach a perspective; that all professors have a worldview. Kelly reports that students in Bell's class think that their perspectives are being "whitewashed." V: Shots of students in the class. Footage of an African American male student saying that diversity and quality do not have to be mutually exclusive. Shots of Bell at the front of the class. Kelly reports that Bell's seminar is called "Civil Rights at the Crossroads." Kelly reports that students have flocked to the class. Kelly notes that the students receive no credit for the course; that Bell receives no salary for teaching the course. Kelly reports that Bell is on unpaid leave. Kelly reports that Bell says that he will stay on leave until a woman of color is hired onto the faculty. V: Shots of Bell and the students in class. Footage of Bell being interviewed by Kelly. Bell says that he is a teacher; that teachers teach best by example. Bell says that he has always tried to teach law students about the importance of taking risks and making sacrifices. Bell says that real success stems from standing up for one's beliefs. Bell says that he must practice what he teaches. Kelly reports that Bell is passing up a salary of more than $100,000 per year. Kelly notes that Harvard Law School has continued to provide him with his office, a secretary and a classroom in which to teach. Kelly reports that Harvard Law School has failed to provide a set of role models which reflect the diversity of the student body. V: Shots of students walking on the campus of Harvard Law School. Shots of Bell in the classroom; of an African American female student in Bell's class.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/03/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Derrick Bell (Professor, Harvard Law School) has announced that he will take a voluntary leave of absence from Harvard Law School until an African American female is granted tenure. Vaillancourt notes that Harvard Law School has only five tenured female professors and three tenured African American male professors on staff. She adds that the student body is 25% minority and 40% female. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Bell speaking at a student demonstration. Bell makes his announcement. Bell adds that it is necessary to make sacrifices to advance one's beliefs. Students applaud Bell. Many students hold protest signs. Three students address the demonstrators. They talk about the lack of minority faculty. Vaillancourt's report also includes footage of Louis Kaplow (Associate Dean, Harvard Law School) speaking at a press conference. Kaplow defends the school's record of minority hiring. Vaillancourt notes that Bell does not know if his act of conscience will have any effect on the school administration. Vaillancourt's report includes footage from May 1988, of Harvard Law School students occupying the dean's office to protest the lack of minority faculty. Following the edited story is additional footage of the demonstration, including law student Barack Obama introducing Derrick Bell.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of Harvard Law School students at a demonstration outside of Harvard Law School. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Harvard Law School counts fifteen Supreme Court Justices among its alumni; that tenure is granted only to the academic elite. Vaillancourt reports that Derrick Bell (Professor, Harvard Law School) is a tenured professor who has announced his departure. V: Shot of a student at the demonstration. Footage of Bell at the demonstration. Bell says that he will remove himself from the Harvard payroll as a "sacrificial financial fast." Bell says that he is not trying to coerce his colleagues; that he is trying to honor a commitment to those responsible for his presence at Harvard. The students applaud. Shots of the media and students at the demonstration. Vaillancourt reports that Bell was the first African American to be granted tenure at Harvard; that he was granted tenure in 1969. Vaillancourt reports that Bell has decided to take a leave of absence until an African American female is granted tenure. V: Footage of Bell saying that students have already enrolled in his classes; that he can ill afford to live for a year without his salary. Bell says that he he has urged students to take risks to further their beliefs; that he must do the same. Shots of students holding a sign reading, "Where are our tenured black women professors?" Shots of students applauding for Bell; of female students holding signs reading, "Come out of the ivory tower" and "No education without representation." Vaillancourt reports that approximately 500 students are supporting Bell's decision; that student are urging alumni to boycott Harvard's current fundraising drive. V: Footage of an African American female student addressing the crowd of demonstrators. She says that Robert Clark (Dean of Harvard Law School) has plans to improve the school by building a new library; that he should instead improve the school by making the faculty more diverse. The students applaud. A white male student holds a sign reading, "reflect reality." Footage of a Latina female student saying that Bell has set an example for all of the students. The student says that she has not role model at the school; that there are no Latino or Latina professors on the faculty. Footage of an African American female student addressing the demonstrators. The student says that people must make sacrifices to advance their cause. Shot of Bell outside of a Harvard Law School building, with chanting demonstrators. Vaillancourt reports that Bell is giving up a salary of more than $100,000 per year. Vaillancourt notes that students have staged sit-ins to protest the lack of minority faculty; that the issue has been contested for nearly twenty years. V: Footage from May, 1988 of a student sit-in at the dean's office in the administration building of Harvard Law School. Students study textbooks as they occupy the office. Vaillancourt stands on the campus of Harvard Law School. Vaillancourt reports that there are 1600 students at Harvard Law School; that nearly 25% are minority students; that nearly 40% are women. Vaillancourt notes that the Harvard Law School faculty has 5 tenured female professors and three tenured African American male professors. V: Footage of Louis Kaplow (Associate Dean, Harvard Law School) speaking at a press conference. Kaplow says that Harvard Law School only hires a few people each year; that some years they do not hire anyone. Kaplow says that positions at Harvard Law School are often permanent; that hiring decisions are made carefully and cautiously. Vaillancourt reports that Kaplow spoke at a press conference after Bell's announcement. Vaillancourt notes that Kaplow does not believe that Harvard Law School will make any significant changes to its hiring practices. V: Shots of student demonstrators in the audience of the press conference. The demonstrators stand together, raising linked arms. Some demonstrators hold protest signs. Footage of Kaplow saying that Harvard's hiring has been fully 50% minority and women over the past eight to ten years; that Harvard's job offers have been fully 50% minority and women over the past eight to ten years. Kaplow says that Harvard is making an effort; that Harvard has kept some positions empty in an effort to locate minority and women candidates. Shots of the students at the press conference. Shots of student demonstrators marching outside a Harvard Law School building. Vaillancourt reports that Bell does not know if his act of conscience will have any effect on the school's hiring record; that Harvard will have only two tenured African American professors if Bell leaves. V: Shots of student demonstrators with linked arms upraised. Footage of Bell addressing the demonstrators. Bell says that he hopes that student persistence will prevail for those minority candidates who deserve to be on the faculty. Bell says that hopes to be able to remain on staff if the students succeed.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/24/1990
Description: David Boeri reports that the US Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Boston Public School System is desegregated. Boeri reports that the Marshall Elementary School is less racially integrated now than it was before court-ordered desegregation began in 1974. He notes that the school population was 50% white when the school opened in the 1970s; he adds that the school population is now 8% white. Boeri interviews Jack Wyatt (Teacher, Marshall Elementary School), Elaine Rundle (teacher, Marshall Elementary School) and Lou Tobaski (Principal, Marshall Elementary School) about school desegregation at the Marshall Elementary School. Boeri notes that there are no educational problems at the school. He adds that the school faculty has been successfully integrated. Boeri interviews Jane Bowden (parent). Bowden says that the school is excellent. Boeri notes that the school is not racially balanced but that it is in compliance with the court order. Boeri's report is accompanied by footage of students and teachers in classrooms at the Marshall Elementary School. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on integration at the Lee Elementary School Lee School is a successful integrated school
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of a white teacher singing a song with elementary school students in a classroom at the John Marshall Elementary School. Most of the students in the class are African American. Shot of a white male student in the classroom. David Boeri reports that the Marshall Elementary School opened 17 years ago as a neighborhood school; that 50% of the students were African American and 50% of the students were white when the school opened. Boeri notes that 8% of the school population is white in 1987. Boeri adds that the US Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Marshall School is desegregated. V: Footage of Jack Wyatt (teacher, Marshall Elementary School) saying that the school is not racially balanced; that the school was racially balanced when it opened. Shot of a white male student standing at the front of the classroom. Footage of Elaine Rundle (teacher, Marshall Elementary School) saying that many of the bright African American students are bused to the suburbs through METCO (Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity). Shots of an African American teacher teaching to a classroom of African American students. Boeri reports that two buses transport children to and from the school; that one of the buses brings African American students to the school; that African Americans comprise 61% of the school's enrollment. V: Footage of Rundle saying that she does not know why African American students are bused to the school. Shot of African American students walking away from the school. Boeri says that there do not seem to be educational problems at the school. V: Footage of Boeri interviewing Jane Bowden (Marshall School parent). Bowden says that she did opposed busing at first; that she refused the opportunity to put her children in a different school. Bowden notes that the Marshall School is "excellent." Shot of Bowden's children getting into her car. Footage of Boeri interviewing Lou Tobaski (Principal, Marshall Elementary School). Tobaski says that the school has been able to convince the white parents to keep their children in the school; that the children are receiving a good education. Tobaski says that the school is mostly African American because the surrounding neighborhood has mostly African American residents. Boeri notes that African American and Hispanic residents have moved into the neighborhood surrounding the school. V: Footage of an African American teacher in a classroom with mostly African American students. Shots of individual students. Boeri notes that the school has received more money from the School Department because of desegregation; that the staff at the Marshall School is integrated. Boeri adds that the school is not racially balanced; that the school is in compliance with the court order. V: Footage of Tobaski saying that the Boston School Committee has done its best to integrate the public schools; that not much more can be done.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/29/1987
Description: Hope Kelly reports on school desegregation in Lowell. Kelly notes that the minority student population in the Lowell Public Schools has doubled over the past ten years. She adds that Lowell has become a magnet for immigrants from Southeast Asia. Kelly interviews students in the Lowell public schools about school desegregation. Kelly interviews Jane Mullen (guidance counselor) about the diversity of the school population. Kelly notes that students are currently bused in order to achieve racial balance in the schools. She reports that opponents of school desegregation are fighting for neighborhood schools. Kelly reviews the racial breakdown of the student population at the Bartlett School in Lowell. Kelly's report is accompanied by footage of ethnically diverse students in a classroom and school cafeteria. Kelly's report also includes footage of a bilingual class and footage of the Merrimac River. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on school desegregation in Lynn, Massachusetts
1:00:07: Visual: Shots of industrial machinery in operation; of children playing at a playground; of industrial buildings; of two women sitting on a park bench; of historic buildings in Lowell; of a child looking out from a window of an apartment building; of the Merrimac River running through Lowell. Hope Kelly reports that tension in the city of Lowell stems from school desegregation. V: Shots of a bird on the shore of the Merrimac River; of an old brick building; of the water of the Merrimac River. Footage of a white female student saying that adults want students to be able to choose which schools to attend. Footage of a white male student sitting with an Asian American female student. The white male student says that adults are arguing about politics and where kids of different races should go to school. Shots of a students getting lunch in a school cafeteria. Footage of a Latino male student saying that it is good for students to meet different people from different backgrounds. Shots of students boarding a school bus. Kelly reports that opponents of school desegregation in Lowell are arguing for neighborhood schools. V: Shots of an African American female student in the cafeteria; of Asian American students in the school cafeteria. Footage of students in a classroom in the Bartlett School in Lowell. Shots of individual students. Most of the students are Asian American. Kelly reports that the student population of the Bartlett School in Lowell is 20% Latino and 25% Asian American. Kelly notes that the minority population in Lowell Public Schools has doubled in the past ten years; that the schools enroll 450 new bilingual students each year; that 100 new Southeast Asian immigrants come to Lowell every week. V: Shot of an Asian teacher in a third- and fourth-grade Cambodian bilingual classroom. The teacher teaches a lesson to the students. Footage of Mary Jane Mullen (guidance counselor) giving Kelly a tour of the school. Mullen says that there was a large Latino population in the school ten years ago; that there is still a significant Latino population; that there were many Greek-speaking students at the school ten years ago; that there are no longer many Greek-speaking students at the school. Footage of an Asian male student named Paul, who says that he is not very good at reading books; that homework is hard. Kelly reports that Paul is one of 160 Southeast Asian students at the Bartlett School. Footage of Kelly interviewing a group of students sitting at a table. A white male student talks about how people used to come to Lowell to work in the mills. Shots of a mill building with broken windows; of a renovated mill building. Kelly reports that Lowell has always had a significant immigrant population; that buses bring children to schools across the city in order to achieve a racial balance. Shots of students standing outside of a school building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/23/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports on school desegregation in Lynn, Massachusetts. Jones notes that an influx of immigrants and a change in housing patterns have tipped the racial balance in the public schools. Jones adds that Lynn made an attempt at school desegregation in the early 1980s by designating certain schools as magnet schools. Jones reviews that racial breakdown of the student population in Lynn Public Schools and in specific schools in the city. Jones interviews Clarence Jones (President, Lynn chapter of the NAACP), Albert DiVirgilio (Mayor of Lynn), Alexander Tennant (candidate for mayor of Lynn), James Leonard (Principal, Washington Community School), Robert Gerardi (Superintendent, Lynn Public Schools), and Michael Alves (Massachusetts Board of Education) about school desegregation in Lynn. Jones notes that there is some opposition from parents who want their children to attend neighborhood schools. Jones interviews parents Kathleen Sherkanowski and Rose McCusker. Jones reports that the State Board of Education has ordered the Lynn School Committee to implement a plan without delay. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Hope Kelly reports on school desegregation in Lowell
1:00:03: Visual: Shots of downtown Lynn; of shoppers in downtown Lynn; of traffic in downtown Lynn. Marcus Jones reports that Lynn has a population of 78,000; that housing patterns and an influx of immigrants have tipped the racial balance in public schools; that school desegregation has become an issue in the city. V: Shots of Boston Harbor; of Harvard Square; of students in Lowell; of a condominium building; of children boarding a school bus. Footage of Kathleen Sherkanowski (Lynn parent) saying that she wants her son to attend his neighborhood school. Footage of Clarence Jones (President, Lynn chapter of the NAACP) saying that the courts will need to take over the school system if the city of Lynn does not desegregate its schools. Footage of Alexander Tennant (candidate for mayor of Lynn) saying that Lynn is "one step away from receivership." Footage of Jones interviewing Albert DiVirgilio (Mayor of Lynn). DiVirgilio says that he will not let the desegregation issue tear apart the community; that he will work closely with all members of the community. Jones reports that DiVirgilio serves as Mayor of Lynn and as Chairman of the Lynn School Committee; that DiVirgilio taught in the Lynn School System for fourteen years. Jones notes that DiVirgilio was his student government advisor during Jones' own high school years. V: Shots of African American students exiting a bus in front of South Boston High School. Jones stands among a group of schoolchildren in the schoolyard of the Washington Community School. Jones notes that he was a student at the Washington Community School; that there were more white students than African American students when he attended the school. Jones adds that the student population at the Washington Community School in 1987 is 51% non-white; that the school has been classified as "racially isolated." V: Shots of students in a classroom at the Washington Community School. Jones reports that the Washington Community School has been racially imbalanced for almost ten years. Jones notes that James Leonard (Principal, Washington Community School) helped to coordinate Lynn's first attempt at school desegregation in the early 1980s. Jones adds that the Washington Community School was made into a magnet school in the early 1980s; that white students were to be bused voluntarily to the school. V: Shots of Tony Marino (former Mayor of Lynn) addressing a crowd; of the exterior of the Washington Community School. Footage of Jones interviewing Leonard. Leonard says that it is important to improve the quality of education in Lynn Public Schools. Footage of Marcus Jones interviewing Clarence Jones. Clarence Jones says that many minority parents are sending their children to private schools. Clarence Jones says that the Washington Community School is underfunded; that the school is a "disaster." Marcus Jones notes that Clarence Jones is his father. V: Shot of children playing outside of a school in Lynn. Jones notes that minority enrollment in Lynn Public Schools has doubled since 1981; that the population of Lynn Public Schools is currently 26% non-white. Jones notes that white enrollment has declined by 3,000 students. V: Shots of minority students in a classroom; of the exterior of the Washington Community School; of the exterior of the Ingalls Elementary School; of the exterior of the Connery Elementary School; of the exterior of the Harrington Elementary School. Jones notes that minority enrollment is over 50% in four elementary schools; that minority enrollment is 57% at the Harrington Elementary School. V: Shots of the exterior of Cobbet Elementary School; of the exterior of Eastern Junior High School; of students outside of Lynn Classical High School. Jones notes that Cobbet Elementary School, Eastern Junior High School and Lynn Classical High School have student populations which nearly qualify as racially imbalanced. Jones notes that a minority population above 36% classifies a school as racially imbalanced. Jones reports that eight of the city's schools are "majority isolated"; that the Sisson Elementary School had a 3% minority population last year; that the school has a minority population of 8% this year. V: Shots of mostly white students in a classroom at the Sisson Elementary School; of the students listening to a record on a turntable. Footage of Robert Gerardi (Superintendent, Lynn Public Schools) saying that most Lynn parents do not have a problem with school desegregation; that the parents want to maintain neighborhood schools. Footage of Rose McCusker (Lynn parent) saying that she does not want her children bused from their neighborhood. Shots of a racially integrated classroom in Lynn. Jones reports that the Lynn School Committee has issued its second desegregation plan in two years; that the State Board of Education has ordered the city of Lynn to implement its plan without delay. V: Shots of a white teacher in a Lynn classroom; of students in a school hallway; of students exiting a schoolbus. Footage of Michael Alves (Massachusetts Board of Education) saying that school desegregation should be resolved on the local level; that Boston spent fifteen years dealing with federal court orders on school desegregation. Footage of Clarence Jones saying that quality education is more important than racial confrontation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/23/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Boston School Department has called the Lee Elementary School a model of a successfully integrated elementary school. Jones notes that test scores are improving at the school. He adds that there is a good relationship between school faculty and parents. Jones reviews the racial breakdown of the student population. Jones interviews Arthur Foster (Acting Principal, Lee School) and Jack Flynn (Lee School official) about the success at the school. Jones' report includes footage of students in racially integrated classrooms at the school. Jones interviews students and teachers at the school about school desegregation. Jones reports that the US Circuit Court of Appeals has declared that school integration is complete in Boston. He adds that the Lee School is an exception and that some schools have not been successfully integrated. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: David Boeri reports on integration at the Marshall Elementary School Marshall Elementary School is still segregated
1:00:06: Visual: Footage of a white teacher doing a lesson with a racially integrated class at the Joseph Lee School in Dorchester. Shots of individual students in the classroom. Marcus Jones reports that the Boston School Department calls the Lee School a "model" of how school desegregation should work. Jones notes that the US Circuit Court of Appeals has declared yesterday that school integration is complete in Boston. Jones notes that the population of the Lee School is 60% African American, 28% white and 12% other minorities. V: Shots of an African American female student; of a white male student; of an African American male student; of a white teacher at the chalkboard. Footage of Jones asking a white male student if he knows what desegregation is. The student says no. Footage of an African American female student saying she does not really know why some students are bused in from other parts of the city. Footage of Arthur Foster (Acting Principal, Joseph Lee School) saying that the students are learning and that the students get along well. Footage of a white teacher teaching to a racially integrated class. Jones reports that test scores are improving at the school; that there is a good relationship between the faculty and parents; that white parents are eager to send their children to the Lee School. V: Footage of a white male student saying that he likes the school; that there are students of all races in the school. Footage of Jack Flynn (Lee School official) saying that white parents are willing to have their children bused to the Lee School. Jones notes that school officials hope that yesterday's court decision will not bring changes for the school. V: Footage of a white female teacher saying that she hopes the city has matured; that she hopes the city can move beyond the court order. Footage of Flynn saying that the Lee School is an exception; that the School Department needs to make desegregation work better across the city. Jones notes that the court decided that the Boston Public Schools were as desegrated as possible; that some schools are more segregated now than they were before the court order. V: Shots of a classroom at the Lee School.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/29/1987
Description: Upon his release, Carmen Fields interviews South African exiles Themba Vilakazi and Janet Levine about the life and political development of Nelson Mandela. Vilakazi and Levine discuss Mandela's beginnings as a lawyer, his arrest and imprisonment, and his refusal to renounce armed struggle as a means to end apartheid. They talk about the importance of Mandela as a symbol. Levine talks about Winnie Mandela and her role in the struggle against apartheid. Vilakazi says that apartheid laws are still in place and that black South Africans are still struggling against the white regime. Fields notes that the figure of Nelson Mandela embodies the struggle of a nation. Fields's report includes footage and photographs of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela from the 1950s to the present and footage of events in South Africa from the 1950s to the present.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Nelson Mandela (black South African leader) in South Africa after his release from prison. Mandela waves to supporters. Shots of a large demonstration in a South African stadium on February 13, 1990; of Mandela arriving at the demonstration. Footage of Themba Vilakazi (South African exile) being interviewed by Carmen Fields. Vilakazi says that he would not have predicted the recent turn of events in South Africa. Fields reports that Vilakazi left South African twenty-five years ago; that Vilakazi remembers when Mandela was imprisoned in June of 1964. Fields reports that Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of high treason and sabotage. V: Black and white footage of a prison truck leaving a South African government building. A crowd stands outside of the building. Shot of a black and white photograph of Mandela surrounded by government officials. Fields reports that Janet Levine (South African exile) has been in the US for six years. V: Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that Mandela disappeared and the African National Congress (ANC) was banned by the South African government. Levine says that she feared that Mandela would die in prison; that she was thrilled when he was released. Shots of Mandela at the demonstration in the South African stadium; of an upraised fist. Fields reports that Mandela is a living legend who embodies the struggle of a nation; that Mandela carries great moral authority. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela before he went to prison. Shot of traffic passing by police in South Africa the late 1950s or early 1960s. Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela among a large group of people; of a black and white portrait of Mandela. Fields reports that Mandela was 25 when he joined the ANC; that Mandela became the ANC's national president six years after he joined the organization. Fields reports that Mandela was banned; that Mandela was arrested by South African police at a protest in Sharpeville in 1960. Fields notes that Sharpeville was the scene of a police attack which left 67 people dead. V: Black and white footage of a black demonstrators at Sharpeville; of two men holding protest signs. Shots of a body lying on the ground; of police dragging a body along the ground. Shots of black men running along a street; of black men waving from a departing bus. Shots of white police officers checking the identity papers of a black man; of a black man lying on the ground with his hands over his eyes; of the body of a black man lying on a street; of another body lying on the ground. Fields reports that Mandela fled to Algiers after his arrest; that Mandela received training in guerilla warfare in Algiers. Fields reports that Mandela no longer believed in 1960 that the fight against apartheid could be non-violent. V: Black and white footage of Mandela delivering a speech in 1961. Mandela says that it is useless to preach peace and non-violence against a government which engages in savage attacks on its defenseless citizens. Fields reports that Mandela was captured a year later; that Mandela's diary was used as evidence in his nine-month trial for treason. Fields reports that Mandela's diary contained notes on guerilla warfare tactics. V: Black and white shot of men handcuffed together. One man flips through a small notebook. Black and white shots of South African Security Forces outside of a government building; of a crowd in a street; of a prison truck moving along a street. Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that it was a crime to have a photograph of Mandela; that it was a crime to have read Mandela's writings. Levine says that Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) was also an important figure; that Winnie Mandela was constantly protesting and defying the South African police. Black and white shot of Winnie Mandela in the 1960s. Color footage of Winnie Mandela arguing with white officials in the street. Winnie Mandela is led away. Fields notes that Winnie Mandela maintained her defiance while Nelson Mandela was in prison. V: Audio of Levine saying that Winnie Mandela kept Nelson Mandela's name alive while he was in prison. Shot of a black and white photo of Mandela in prison. Black and white shots of South African Security Forces; of a demonstration in South Africa; of demonstrators. Black and white shot of a park bench bearing a "whites only" sign. Fields reports that the South African government made conditional offers to set Mandela free; that Mandela refused to accept their conditions. V: Footage of Vilakazi being interviewed by Fields. Vilakazi says that Mandela has great appeal; that many would like to associate themselves with Mandela. Footage of Mandela at the demonstration in a South African stadium on February 13, 1990. Mandela addresses the crowd. Mandela raises his fist as he speaks. Fields reports that Mandela is uncompromising; that Mandela has never renounced armed struggle as a means to end apartheid. Fields notes that Mandela advocates peace. V: Footage of Mandela addressing the crowd at the demonstration. Mandlela says that the movement will move forward to achieve freedom and justice. Footage of Levine being interviewed by Fields. Levine says that Mandela is no longer a politician; that Mandela has been ennobled. Footage of Vilakazi being interviewed by Fields. Vilakazi says that South Africa has not changed a lot since Mandela was put in jail. Vilakazi says that there are more repressive laws now than in 1964.Vilakazi says that there is still reason to fight. Shots of a large group of people filling up a road in South Africa; of demonstrators at the stadium; of Mandela walking with an upraised fist; of a small black child with his hand held up.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/20/1990
Description: Marcus Jones reports that a poll by The Boston Globe found that African American residents do not think that African American politicians are providing strong leadership for the community. Interviews with African American residents David Reddick, Evangeline Josey, and Joe King about African American leadership. Jones reports that Donald Polk (Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts) does not believe that the Boston Globe poll is a good measure of the effectiveness of the African American leadership. Interview with Polk who says it is easy to criticize the leadership. He adds that residents need to get more involved in the activities of the community. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) on the Phil Donahue show in October of 1986.
1:00:20: Visual: Footage of David Reddick (South End resident) being interviewed by Marcus Jones. Reddick says that he is no longer happy with the leaders of the African American community. Shots of African American residents walking on street. Jones reports that The Boston Globe released results of a poll about leadership in the African American community. V: Shots of a Boston Globe newspaper article with a headline reading, "Black leaders criticize Globe poll on their effectiveness." Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) on the Phil Donahue Show from October, 1986. Bolling says that his efforts and the efforts of Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) have produced significant changes in the city of Boston. Jones reports that the Globe poll found that African American residents do not think that African American politicians are providing strong leadership. V: Footage of Evangeline Josey (Roxbury resident) saying that the politicians need to provide leadership on issues like crime and drugs; that the politicians need to organize the community. Footage of Donald Polk (Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts) saying that the community cannot expect a few people to solve the community's problems. Polk says that Martin Luther King (civil rights leader) could never have emerged as a leader without the efforts of Rosa Parks (civil rights activist). Shots of Polk and Jones walking together on a street. Jones says that Polk does not believe that the Globe poll is a good measure of the effectiveness of African American leaders. V: Footage of Polk saying that people will shoot at a target if given the opportunity; that the Globe poll holds up leaders as targets. Footage of Joe King (Mattapan resident) saying that African American leaders have not provided good leadership. Shots of Jones interviewing Polk; of African American residents on a city street. Jones reports that Polk says that good leaders need good followers. V: Footage of Polk saying that people become leaders when contribute their efforts to an activity or movement. Shot of an African American man exiting the Boston Bank of Commerce.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/15/1988
Description: Hope Kelly reports on a legislative hearing in Boston on alleged redlining practices by Boston banks. Kelly reports that the Federal Reserve Bank released a study finding evidence of redlining practices. Kelly notes that the banking industry reacted strongly to the accusations. Kelly's report includes footage from the legislative hearings. Barney Frank (US Congressman) and Benjamin Hooks (Executive Director, NAACP) condemn redlining practices. Richard Pollard (Chairman, Massachusetts Banking Association) and Richard Syron (President, Federal Reserve Bank) say that they do not believe that the banks are engaged in redlining. Kelly reviews the findings of the study. She adds that the study does not conclude if the findings reflect redlining or discrimination on the part of lenders. Kelly quotes Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston), Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), and Joseph Kennedy (US Congressman) as saying the redlining practices cannot be tolerated. Kelly interviews Pollard. Pollard says that banks are not engaged in redlining. He adds that banks need to better serve the needs of minority communities. Kelly notes that the legislative hearing addressed solutions to the problem of redlining, but did not talk about the problem of racism. This tape includes additional footage of the legislative hearing, with various speakers both in agreement and disagreement with the study.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of Barney Frank (US Congressman) at a congressional hearing in Boston. Franks says that people of color are being denied their rights because of their skin color. Hope Kelly reports that Frank and other officials said that there is irrefutable evidence showing that Boston banks are engaged in discriminatory lending practices. V: Footage of Benjamin Hooks (Executive Director, NAACP) saying that banks across the nation are engaged in discriminatory lending practices. Kelly reports that the banking industry reacted strongly to the comments. V: Footage of Richard Pollard (Chairman, Massachusetts Banking Association) saying that he does not think that Hooks read the study. Kelly reports that the Federal Reserve Bank issued a study on August 31, 1988. Kelly quotes the study as finding that "the number of mortgage loans. . .is 24% lower in black neighborhoods than in white, even after taking into account economic and other non-racial neighborhood characteristics that might contribute to such disparities." V: Shot of Hooks, Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), Richard Syron (President, Federal Reserve Bank), and Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) at the congressional hearing. Shot of Syron speaking. On-screen text and visuals detail the study findings. Kelly notes that the study does not conclude whether the findings reflect redlining or discrimination on the part of lenders. V: Footage of Syron speaking at the hearing. Syron says that he does not believe that Boston banks are engaged in redlining or discriminatory practices. Footage of Hooks saying that the African American community often knows through experience what the white community must find out through studies. Kelly reports that city and state officials were sympathetic to Hooks's viewpoint. Kelly quotes Flynn as saying that the findings are disturbing; that discriminatory practices cannot be tolerated. Kelly quotes Joseph Kennedy (US Congressman) as saying that "there is a serious problem of racially discriminatory lending in this city." Kelly quotes Dukakis as saying that "racial bias in any form is contrary to the very principles upon which this nation and Commonwealth were founded." V: Shot of Flynn, Syron, and Dukakis at the hearing. Quotes by Flynn, Kennedy and Dukakis appear written in text on-screen. Kelly reports that the bankers disagreed with the officials. V: Footage of Pollard being interviewed by Kelly. Pollard says that the study contains no evidence showing that banks are involved in the practice of redlining. Pollard admits that people in disadvantaged neighborhoods are ill-served by the financial community. Pollard says that bankers are part of the larger financial community; that bankers will be part of the solution to the problem. Shots of the congressional hearing; of Kennedy at the congressional hearing. Shots of Kweisi Mfume (State Representative) at the hearing; of attendees at the hearing; of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) at the hearing. Kelly reports that speakers at the hearing focused on solutions to the problem; that few talked about the larger issue of racism at the heart of the problem. V: Shots of Flynn; of attendees at the hearing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/29/1989
Description: Christy George reports that a lawsuit has been filed against the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) to protest its discriminatory housing policies. It charges that the BHA has discouraged minorities from moving into all-white housing projects. The city is planning to voluntarily integrate its housing projects by next year. Interview with Tanya Boman and Annie Hailey, who are among the plaintiffs in the lawsuit. Boman and Hailey talk about their experience with the BHA. Both women were told that their families would be unsafe in white housing projects and that the BHA would not provide them with protection. Interview with Doris Bunte of the BHA, who denies any discriminatory practices on the part of BHA employees. Interview with City Councilor James Kelly, who defends the BHA and denounces public housing integration. Kelly has proposed an alternative public housing integration plan that eliminates preferences for minority families applying for apartments in white housing projects. Interview with Dianne Wilkerson of the NAACP. Wilkerson criticizes the city's record on public housing integration and the slow pace of change. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: David Boeri reports that midwives at Boston City Hospital have been locked out by the hospital administration in a dispute over hospital policy
1:00:19: Visual: Footage of Tanya Boman (plaintiff) sitting with her children. Boman says that people should have the right to live wherever they want to live. Christy George reports that Boman applied for public housing in 1985; that she was told to apply for an apartment in Charlestown or South Boston because the city would give preference to minorities requesting apartments in white housing projects. V: Shots of parochial school students walking toward a public housing project; of white residents in front of a housing project in South Boston. Footage of Boman saying that she asked the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) if they would provide protection for her family if they moved to a white housing project. Boman says that she was told that she would need to call the Boston Police Department if she ran into any problems. Boman says that she was told that she would be moved to the bottom of the waiting list if she moved out of the apartment for a "racial reason." George reports that a discrimination suit has been filed against the BHA on behalf of Boman, Annie Hailey (plaintiff), and unnamed parties. V: Footage of Hailey saying that she applied for an apartment in the McCormack Housing Development in 1987. Hailey says that the BHA told her that she would need to see the Civil Rights Board before she could move into the project. Hailey says that the BHA told her that the project would be unsafe for her teenage son. Footage of Doris Bunte (BHA) saying that the situation needs to be examined. Bunte says that she will not tolerate employees of the BHA who discourage minorities from living in white housing developments. George reports that the city is planning to voluntarily integrate its public housing projects. V: Shots of a broken-down wall near a housing project in South Boston; of parochial school students walking toward the housing project. George reports that African Americans may be the victims of harassment and violence when they move into white housing projects. V: Footage of Bunte saying that BHA employees can tell the truth; that BHA employees cannot use tactics designed to discourage African American families from moving to white housing projects. Footage of James Kelly (Boston City Council) in his office. Kelly says that people in private housing call the police for protection; that the BHA did not discriminate by telling an African American family to call the police for protection. George reports that Kelly has proposed a plan to integrate public housing in Boston very slowly; that Kelly's proposal eliminates minority preference. George says that Kelly believes that reverse discrimination causes racial hostility. V: Shots of a white woman looking out of a window of a project apartment; of a white woman and children in front of a project building in South Boston. Footage of Kelly being interviewed by George. Kelly says that there are South Boston residents who have been on the waiting list for years; that those residents are not being treated fairly. George reports that the suit suggests that many of Boston's housing projects are still segregated. George notes that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has been praised for his efforts to integrate the public housing projects in Charlestown. V: Footage of Dianne Wilkerson (NAACP) saying that there were 200 vacancies open in Charlestown; that over 600 African American families had requested apartments in Charlestown; that the BHA actively recruited white families to fill the vacancies in the Charlestown projects. Shot of housing project buildings in Charlestown. George reports that there are only six African American families in Charlestown; that Flynn has announced plans to integrate the housing projects in South Boston. V: Shots of signs for the Old Colony Housing Project and the Mary Ellen McCormack Housing Development. Shots of a white female resident standing at the entrance to a housing project in South Boston. Footage of Bunte saying that the mayor and the BHA want to move forward with integration. Bunte says that she hopes that the lawsuit does not hold back plans for integration.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/17/1988
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that a small band of Harvard Alumni have announced the candidacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu (black South African leader) for the Harvard University Board of Overseers. Von Mehren notes that the Board of Overseers is elected by university alumni to make policy recommendations. She adds that Tutu is on a slate of candidates nominated by the Harvard/Radcliffe Alumni Against Apartheid organization. Von Mehren's report includes footage of Alumni Against Apartheid members Robert Wolff, Robert Zevin, and Linda Davidoff addressing a small crowd on the Harvard Campus. Wolff says that the Board of Overseers will have a hard time explaining to Tutu why they have not divested completely from South Africa. Von Mehren notes that Harvard has divested some its holdings in South Africa. She adds that university officials have no comment on Tutu's candidacy or on their divestment policy. Von Mehren's report also features footage of apartheid protesters at Harvard and footage of Tutu in South Africa. This tape includes additional footage of the Alumni Against Apartheid gathering on the Harvard campus.This tape also includes footage of Archbishop Desmond Tutu speaking. Students walking through Harvard Yard.
1:00:16: Visual: Footage of Robert Wolff (Alumni Against Apartheid) standing in front of the office of Derek Bok (President, Harvard University) in Massachusetts Hall on Harvard campus. Robert Zevin (Alumni Against Apartheid) and Linda Davidoff (Alumni Against Apartheid) stand on either side of Wolff. Jan von Mehren reports that a small band of Harvard Alumni gathered outside of Bok's office in Harvard Yard today. Von Mehren reports that the Alumni announced the candidacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu (black South African leader) for the Harvard University Board of Overseers. V: Footage of Wolff saying that he looks forward to the first meeting of the Board of Overseers with Tutu present. Wolff says that he would like to see Bok explain to the Overseers and Tutu why divestment is not in the best interests of black South Africans. Von Mehren reports that the thirty-member Board of Overseers is elected by the university alumni; that the Board of Overseers makes policy recomendations. V: Shots of Harvard students walking in Harvard Yard. Shot of Tutu at a religious service. Von Mehren reports that Tutu is one of five candidates on a slate nominated by the Harvard/Radcliffe Alumni Against Apartheid organization. Von Mehren reports that Zevin and Davidoff are also running for the Board. V: Footage of Zevin and Davidoff standing in front of Bok's office. Davidoff says that she expected Harvard to be a leader on issues like divestment; that Harvard needs to make its alumni proud again. Shots of apartheid protestors at Harvard University on September 5, 1986. Von Mehren reports that has decreased its investments in South Africa since the 1970s; that $250 million remains invested in companies doing business in South Africa. V: Footage of Davidoff saying that Harvard's divestment policy is "part-way there." Footage of Wolff saying that Archibishop Tutu will win a debate with Bok on divestment. Von Mehren stands in Harvard Yard. Von Mehren reports that university officials have no comment on Harvard's divestment policy or on Tutu's candidacy for the Board of Overseers. V: Footage of Wolff saying that Harvard officials never admit to caving in to outside pressure. Wolff says that Harvard has already divested part of its holdings in response to pressure from alumni, faculty, and students. Von Mehren reports that Tutu and the pro-divestment slate will be running against Elizabeth Dole (US Secretary of Labor), Paul Kirk (former Chairman of the Democratic Party), and others. V: Shots of Tutu; of Dole; of Kirk. Von Mehren reports that the winners will be announced at Harvard's graduation in June. Von Mehren notes that Tutu's election to the Board of Overseers will force Harvard to reevaluate its divestment policy. V: Shots of Harvard students walking in Harvard Yard.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/09/1989
Description: David Boeri reports on a legislative hearing about urban issues in the Roxbury neighborhood, where city and state officials addressed the panel. Mayor Ray Flynn, District Attorney Newman Flanagan, and Judge Julian Houston of the Roxbury District Court address the panel. Boeri reports that the congressmen were interested in the Dorchester Youth Collaborative (DYC) program. Emmit Folgert of the DYC, along with Dorchester teens Lawrence McKinley and Andrew Young address the panel. They talk about gang activity in the neighborhood. Boeri reports that many teen counselors believe that drug education and prevention should focus on the after-school hours. DYC offers entertainment, music, sports, and a safe place for teenagers. Interview with Al McClain of DYC, and Dorchester teens William Woods, Abigail Santana, and Mickey McBride about the DYC. The teens dance and hang out at DYC. Boeri reports that the congressmen are being urged to fund community centers like the DYC. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Carmen Fields interviews Shirley Caesar
1:00:13: Visual: Footage of speakers addressing a congressional hearing in Roxbury. The congressional panel includes Congressman Joseph Moakley and Charles Rangel. Shots of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) addressing the panel; of Newman Flanagan (District Attorney) addressing the panel; of Julian Houston (judge, Roxbury District Court). Shots of the panel. Shot of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department). David Boeri reports that legislators on the panel at the congressional hearing wanted to hear from residents of Roxbury and Dorchester; that the panel first heard from Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), Flynn and other officials. V: Shots of African American attendees at the meeting. Shot of Georgette Watson (Roxbury resident) at the hearing. Audio of Emmet Folgert (Dorchester Youth Collaborative). Folgert says that the US has given up on poor urban teens; that poor urban teens have given up on America. Shots of audience members. Footage of Lawrence McKinney (Dorchester teen) describing the gang culture in his neighborhood. Footage of Andrew Young (Dorchester teen) talking about dangerous gang members in his neighborhood. Shots of the exterior of the Dorchester Youth Collaborative (DYC); of a sign for the DYC. Shots of teenagers entering the DYC. Boeri reports that the DYC is a safe haven for many teens; that Congressman are interested in the DYC program. V: Shots of a white girl and an African American girl dancing to music in a room at the DYC; of other teens in the room with the girls. Boeri reports that drug activity takes place after school. Boeri notes that counselors think that drug education and prevention should be focused on after-school hours. V: Footage of Al McClain (DYC) being interviewed by Boeri at the DYC. Boeri asks McClain what the teens would be doing if they were not at the DYC. McClain says that the teens would probably be out on the streets; that they might get into drugs. Footage of William Woods (Dorchester teen) saying that he does not want to get into trouble. Boeri reports that the DYC offers entertainment, music, and sports; that some kids go to the DYC to do their homework. V: Shots of teens at the DYC; of a two boys dancing to music in a room at the DYC. Footage of Abigail Santana (Dorchester teen) and Mickey McBride (Dorchester teen) being interviewed by Boeri at the DYC. Boeri asks about the activity on the streets. Santana says that people are drinking alcohol on the streets. McBride says that people are selling drugs and shooting each other. McBride says that she likes being at the DYC. Boeri stands outside of the entrance to the DYC. Boeri reports that DYC counselors complain that President George Bush's drug program directs funding to jails, schools, and treatment centers; that the drug program does not fund community centers like the DYC. V: Footage of McClain saying that the teens at the DYC are like a big family; that the teens try to reach out to others who are on the streets. Shots of two boys dancing to music at the DYC. The boys are wearing WGBH T-shirts. Boeri reports that Congressmen are being urged to take a closer look at DYC. V: Footage of Emmet Folgert (DYC) speaking at the congressional hearing. Folgert says that community centers should be funded; that community centers provide positive adult role models. Shot of the two boys dancing at the DYC.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/06/1989
Description: Hope Kelly reports on the removal of Judge Paul King, who was a former Chief Justice in the Dorchester District Court, from his position at Dorchester District Court. The State Supreme Court demoted King for misconduct in and out of court, including sexist remarks, racist standards for setting bail, and for public drunkenness. Kelly reviews the incidents leading to King's demotion. King was transferred to Stoughton District Court, where he is only allowed to sit on civil cases. Kelly's report includes shots of newspaper articles covering the story and footage of lawyers, clerks, and defendants in a courtroom.
0:59:53: Visual: Shot of the exterior of Dorchester District Court. Hope Kelly reports that Paul King (judge) was a judge for nearly twenty years at Dorchester District Court. Kelly notes that the Dorchester District Court is the busiest court in the system; that King was chief justice at the court for eleven years. Kelly reports that the State Supreme Court removed King in 1987; that King was transferred to Stoughton District Court. Kelly notes that King is only allowed to sit on civil cases at Stoughton District Court. V: Shots of a newspaper article with a photo of King. The headline reads, "Dorchester court has a history of trouble." Shot of another newspaper article with a photo of King. The headline reads, "Judge banned from Hub court." The article lists incidents of objectionable behavior by King. Kelly stands in front of the Dorchester District Court. Kelly notes that King made objectionable comments to battered women and Vietnam veterans in the courtroom. Kelly reports that King engaged in offensive behavior outside of the courtroom. V: Shots of a sign for Nanina's restaurant; of the exterior of Nanina's restaurant; of the parking lot of the restaurant. Kelly reports that King often went to Nanina's restaurant in Dorchester in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Kelly reports that the Judicial Conduct Commission found that King became visibly intoxicated regularly at Nanina's restaurant. Kelly notes that witnesses told the Commission that King frequently and openly urinated in the parking lot of the restaurant. Kelly reports that a court clerk testified that King set an unusually high bail amount for four African American defendants in 1982; that the clerk testified to King saying that African Americans deserve high bails for voting against his brother. Kelly notes that Michael Dukakis (former governor of Massachusetts) beat Ed King (brother of Paul King and former governor of Massachusetts) in the 1982 gubernatorial election. V: Shots of a clerk looking through court paperwork; of an audience in a courtroom; of lawyers, clerks, and defendants in a courtroom. Shot of a police officer and a clerk going through paperwork. Kelly reports that the media has covered the story intensely; that some judges say that King is a victim of the system. Kelly reports that some judges says that King's behavior is a sad reflection of the stresses under which the judges work.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/01/1991
Description: Carmen Fields interviews Dr. Kenneth Clark (psychologist). Fields reports that Clark and his Mamie Phipps Clark (psychologist) performed studies using dolls to gauge ego and self-esteem in young African American children. Fields notes that the Clarks' research influenced the Supreme Court's 1953 landmark decision on school desegregation. Clark talks about his research, saying that African American children rejected the brown dolls because they had internalized society's negative stereotypes of African Americans. Clark discusses the use of the study by NAACP lawyers in the 1953 school desegregation case. Clark talks about the importance of school desegregation and the need for white and African American children to grow up with self-respect and respect for others. He says that children must be taught to act humanely toward others. Fields' report includes footage from the 1959 film Imitation of Life and footage from Eyes on the Prize. Fields' report also includes footage of school desegregation in South Boston and shots of dolls. Sound cuts out at the very end of the video.
1:00:10: Visual: Shot of a display of dolls and toys. Carmen Fields reports that Dr. Kenneth Clark (psychologist) and the late Mamie Phipps Clark (psychologist) used dolls in a 1939 psychological experiment; that the Clarks used dolls to gauge ego and self esteem in young African American children. Fields notes that the results of the experiments shocked the nation. V: Shots of Kenneth Clark being interviewed by Fields. Shots of a white doll; of an African American doll. Footage of Clark talking about how African American children internalize society's negative stereotypes of African Americans. Clark says that two out of three African American children rejected the brown dolls. Footage from the 1959 film, Imitation of Life. Footage of Clark saying that the children were forced to identify with the brown dolls they had rejected. Fields reports that the Supreme Court's 1953 decision on school desegregation was influenced by the Clarks' research. V: Shot of the exterior of the Supreme Court Building in Washington D.C. Footage of Clark saying that NAACP lawyers were interested in the study; that NAACP found parallels between the results of the study and the effects of segregated schools on African American chiildren. Fields reports that school desegregation has been accomplished in both southern and northern cities. V: Black and white footage from Eyes On the Prize. Shots of an African American girl being accompanied into a school; of the National Guard running in formation; of African American students entering a school; of an African American female student in a classroom; of an African American man walking with two white men. Shots of school buses pulling up to the front of South Boston High School in 1974; of South Boston residents jeering at the buses. Shots of police officers lined up on a streeet outside of a Charlestown Housing Project. Fields notes that Clark blames low self-esteem for many of today's educational problems including high drop-out rates and violence. V: Footage of Clark being interviewed by Fields. Clark says that society's problems cannot be solved by laws and court cases; that churches have not influenced people to act more humanely toward others. Clark says that children must be educated to act in a humane manner. Fields asks Clark how he responds to people who believe that desegregation did not work. Clark says that desegregation has never really been tried; that schools are still organized along racial lines. Clark says that schools are not set up to teach children to respect others. Fields asks if the doll study is still relevant today. Clark says that both white African American children need help in developing positive self-images in today's society. Shots of students in an integrated classroom; of white students in the classroom. Footage of Clark saying that racism is indicative of a lack of self-respect. Clark says that dolls can be used to communicate a sense of humanity and decency. Shots of white and African American dolls. Footage of Clark saying that some African American children in his doll study had good role models; that those children did not reject the brown dolls. Clark says that children can be taught to respect themselves and others.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/18/1988
Description: Story on the Drop-a-Dime Program started by Roxbury residents Georgette Watson and Rev. Bruce Wall. Pedestrians on the streets of Roxbury and Roxbury neighborhood in the evening. Watson points out a drug dealer and a building out of which the drug trade operates. Interview with Watson about the drug problem in the city and the effectiveness of the Drop-a-Dime Program. She talks about the role of neighborhood youth in the drug trade. Representatives from the Drop-a-Dime Program were not included in the mayor's newly formed council on drug abuse. Mayor Ray Flynn holds press conference announcing the formation of the council. Ben Thompson, Chairman of the council, says that the council intends to work with anti-crime and drug prevention groups across the city. William Weld, US Attorney for Massachusetts, and Derek Sanderson, former player for the Boston Bruins, stand with the other members of the council at the press conference. Interview with Bruce Wall about how community groups have not been included on the council. He adds that members of community groups understand how the drug trade functions in their neighborhoods. Flynn will go to the Boston City Council to obtain funding to combat drug abuse in the city.
1:00:05: Visual: Shots through the windshield of a traveling car of Boston streets; of Washington Street; of youth gathered in front of a building. Audio of Georgette Watson (Roxbury community leader) talking about drug trafficking in her neighborhood. Watson points out a well-known drug dealer as he walks across the street. Watson talks about the role of neighborhood youth in the drug trade. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Watson is familiar with the drug trade in her neighborhood; that Watson and Reverend Bruce Wall (Roxbury community leader) started the Drop-a-Dime program. Vaillancourt reports that the Drop-a-Dime program encourages residents to phone in tips and information about the drug trade to police; that South Boston and Roxbury police have found the tips to be mostly accurate. V: Shots of Watson and Wall; of a tape recorder. Footage of a hand pressing the play button on the tape recorder. Audiocassette is heard playing in the background of the report. Shots from a traveling car of Washington Street in the evening. Vaillancourt reports that Watson wants to expand Drop-a-Dime program into a city-wide service; that representatives from the program were not included in the mayor's council on drug abuse. V: Footage of Watson saying that Drop-a-Dime deserves more support from the mayor and the city. Vaillancourt reports that the Ray Flynn (Mayor of the City of Boston) held a press conference today to announce his new drug abuse council; that Flynn did not answer questions regarding the absence of Drop-a-Dime representatives from the council. V: Shots of Flynn and his council at a press conference. Footage of Ben Thompson (Chairman of the Council), saying that the council intends to be "inclusive"; that the council intends to work with other anti-crime and drug prevention groups across the city. Footage of Wall saying that community groups need to be included on the mayor's council; that community groups understand how the drug trade functions on the streets of the city. Shots of members of the drug abuse council, including William Weld (US Attorney for Massachusetts) and Derek Sanderson (former player for the Boston Bruins). Footage of Flynn explaining that Sanderson will be paid by the city of Boston; that the rest of the committee is made up of volunteers. Shots of the council preparing to leave the press conference. Vaillancourt notes that the council is made up of local and state officials. Vaillancourt notes that the council will prepare a report on how the city can combat drug abuse; that Flynn will take the report to the Boston City Council in order to obtain funding; that it will be difficult for Flynn to obtain extra funds because of the economic crisis faced by the city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/07/1984
Description: David Boeri reports on drug traffic in the Franklin Development Project. William Sommers, the Boston Inspectional Services Commissioner tours a condemned building on Homestead Street. Interviews with Sommers and Pat Farreta about the problems in the building. Ferrata talks about drug dealers who sell drugs from their apartments. Boeri talks to a tenant, who refuses to comment on the drug traffic in the building. Boeri reports on a plan for increased police presence in the community to combat drug and footage of police making a drug arrest. Interview with Roxbury community leader Don Muhammad about how to solve the drug problem in the community. Following the edited story is b-roll of the Roxbury neighborhood around the Franklin Development Project. Also, additional footage from the tour of condemned buildings with Commissioner Sommers and Pat Ferrata. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Ray Flynn proposes to increase the number of Boston residents working in Boston jobs
1:00:08: Visual: Footage William Sommers (Inspectional Services Commissioner, Boston) touring a condemned building on 157 Homestead Street in Roxbury. Shots of a rotted stairway; of a the structural beams showing through a wall. Footage of Sommers pointing to a rotted ceiling in an apartment. Shots of Sommers standing in the stairwell of the building. David Boeri reports that Sommers condemned the building at 157 Homestead Street on the previous day; that the tenants will be relocated while the building is repaired. V: Footage of Sommers saying that he has written up thousands of housing violations for the Franklin Development Project. Footage of African American tenants moving furniture from the decrepit building. Boeri reports that Sommers blames the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for neglecting this building and others. V: Shot of a cockroach crawling along a dirty wall. Shots of African American tenants in the lobby of the building. The lobby walls are covered with graffiti. Footage of Sommers saying that there needs to be continuous support for urban housing; that he does not want to repair this building only to see it fall apart again. Boeri stands in front of the building on Homestead Street. Boeri reports that the city will have to fight the drug pushers in the building. V: Footage of Pat Farreta (Housing Inspector) saying that drug buyers will smash down the front doors of buildings in order to reach the apartment of a drug dealer. Shot of a door covered in graffiti. Shots of an African American man removing cabinet doors from the building on Homestead Street. Boeri reports that tenants of these buildings are terrorized by drug dealers. V: Footage of Ferreta saying that tenants report that drugs are being dealt through a hole in the door of one of the apartments. Shot of Boeri, Sommers and Ferreta standing together. Ferreta says that drugs will be dealt in the building that evening if he does have the building secured. Boeri reports that Mrs. Walker (tenant) will be moved to a hotel or shelter while her apartment is fixed. V: Footage of Mrs. Walker looking away from the camera. She says that she does not want to talk about it. Boeri stands in front of the building on Homestead Street. Boeri reports that tenants are afraid of reprisals if they talk about the drug problem; that tenants have told him off-camera that drug dealing occurs day and night in the building. V: Footage of a handcuffed woman getting into a police cruiser. A white police officer closes the cruiser door. Shots of police officers standing on the sidewalks in Roxbury. Boeri reports that the court-appointed trustee for the Franklin Development Project used $300,000 of federal money to hire Boston Police officers to remove drug dealers. Boeri notes that Boston Police officers will be continually present on the streets of Roxbury for 30 days. V: Shot from a moving vehicle of police officers standing on a sidewalk. Boeri reports that community activists disagree about whether the police presence is a good thing. V: Shot of Boeri walking on a street with Don Muhammad (Roxbury community leader}. Footage of Muhammad saying that the community needs leadership more than it needs police; that absentee landlords and irresponsible tenants are part of the problem. Muhammad says that residents would drive out the drug pushers if they owned the buildings. Muhammad urges the courts to punish drug dealers to the full extent of the law. Muhammad compares a drug pusher to "someone who is driving an automobile at 150 mph in a 30 mph zone when children are crossing the street."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/24/1986
Description: Christy George reports that a Los Angeles Times poll shows Michael Dukakis leading the field of candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination. Jesse Jackson is also a strong contender in the wake of candidate Gary Hart's withdrawal from the race. Speaking to the media, Dukakis dismisses the importance of polls. Interview with Bruce Bolling, the co-chair of Jackson's Massachusetts campaign, who says that the Jackson campaign will challenge the notion that a person of color cannot be president. George's report is accompanied by footage of Jackson campaigning, by footage of Dukakis campaigning and by footage of the Dukakis campaign staff at work.
1:00:02: Visual: Shots of Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) campaigning on a street corner. Shots of Dukakis shaking hands with voters at a political gathering. Christy George reports that Dukakis was named as the leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in a poll by The Los Angeles Times newspaper. George reports that Dukakis does not want to become the "new Gary Hart." George notes that the extra visibility is good for Dukakis' campaign nationwide. V: Footage of Robert Farmer (fundraiser for Dukakis' presidential campaign) in Dukakis's State House offices. George reports that a good showing in the polls can help a candidate's fundraising operation. V: Footage of a smiling Dukakis saying that there are no frontrunners in the race for the Democratic nomination. Shots of Dukakis campaign workers making telephone calls; of campaign signs reading, "Dukakis for president." Shots of campaign workers organizing paperwork and typing; of two men standing in the offices of the Dukakis campaign. George reports that Dukakis takes nothing for granted after losing the 1978 gubernatorial race to Ed King (former governor of Massachusetts) in an upset. V: Shots of campaign workers assembling folders with Dukakis campaign information; of Dukakis walking up the stairs inside the State House. George reports that Dukakis is fourth in a Time magazine poll; that Dukakis is second to Jesse Jackson (candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination) in a Newsweek poll; that Dukakis leads in the poll by the LA Times. V: Footage of Dukakis in his offices, saying that "undecided is number one in the LA Times poll." George notes that Jackson is a strong contender for the nomination. V: Shot of Jackson at a campaign rally. Footage of Bruce Bolling (Co-chair of Jackson's Massachusetts campaign) saying that Dukakis appeals to voters who liked Gary Hart (US Senator); that Jackson could also appeal to those voters. George notes that Bolling is upset that Jackson has not been named as Hart's successor. V: Shot of Jackson campaigning. Footage of Bolling saying that race will be a significant issue for the Jackson campaign; that some voters will not consider voting for a woman or a person of color to be president. Bolling says that the Jackson campaign needs to challenge the notion that a person of color cannot be president; that the media can help change those perceptions. Footage of Dukakis saying that he will not speculate on Jackson's chances of winning the nomination; that there is no frontrunner in the race; that polls are "absurd." George stands in front of the State House. George reports that the news media gave more attention last week to the Hart scandal than to the Iran-contra testimony. George notes that Dukakis probably hopes that this week's testimony will be given more attention than his standing in the polls.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/11/1987
Description: Meg Vaillancourt analyzes the results of the Wisconsin primary elections. She compares the election results for Democratic presidential candidates Michael Dukakis and Jesse Jackson. Vaillancourt reports that Wisconsin represents Dukakis' first victory in a mid-western state; she adds that Jackson is attracting more white voters than he did four years ago. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson is appealing to the hearts of voters while Dukakis appeals to their heads. Vaillancourt also analyzes the election results for Democratic candidates Al Gore and Paul Simon. Vaillancourt talks about the candidates chances in the upcoming New York primaries. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Jackson campaigning and marching with striking workers, Dukakis campaigning.
1:00:12: Visual: Footage of Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) at a campaign rally in Wisconsin. Dukakis says that it is time for some competence in the White House, after seven years of charisma. The crowd applauds for Dukakis. Shot of Dukakis speaking; of Dukakis talking to supporters seated at a table. Meg Vaillancourt reports that early returns show Dukakis leading in the Wisconsin primary; that the Wisconsin victory is the first for Dukakis in a mid-western state. V: Footage of Dukakis at a campaign rally. Dukakis says that he wants to be known as "the great builder," not as "the great communicator." Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis was the first choice of Catholic, Italian and Jewish voters in Wisconsin. Vaillancourt notes that the Dukakis campaign argues that Dukakis is the only Democratic candidate who is able to beat George Bush (Republican US Presidential candidate). V: Footage from a 1988 Dukakis campaign advertisement. Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) attracted huge crowds at campaign rallies in Wisconsin; that many of those voters ended up voting for Dukakis. V: Footage of Jackson at a campaign rally in Wisconsin. Jackson dons a blue T-shirt over his shirt and tie. Jackson shakes hands with audience members. Footage of Jackson talking about employment at a campaign rally. The audience applauds. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson walked with striking workers and talked with laid-off workers. V: Shots of Jackson marching with striking workers; of the marching workers. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson and Dukakis split the labor vote in Wisconsin; that labor leaders in Massachusetts campaigned for Dukakis in Wisconsin; that the Massachusetts labor leaders talked about the "Massachusetts Miracle." V: Footage of Dukakis speaking at a campaign rally; of Jackson talking about employment at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt reports that early returns show that Jackson will receive 90% of the African American vote and 25% of the white vote. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson is doing better with white voters than he did four years ago; that 15% of Jackson voters in Wisconsin are registered as Republicans. V: Shot of Jackson with supporters. Footage of Dukakis at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson's campaign appeals to the hearts of voters; that Dukakis' campaign appeals to the heads of voters; that Dukakis's campaign strategy has been vindicated. Vaillancourt reports that Al Gore (Democratic US Presidential candidate) spent $300,000 on campaign ads in Wisconsin; that Gore pulled 15% of the vote. Vaillancourt notes that Gore has begun to place himself as the champion of Israel; that Gore is hoping that this position will play well with voters in the New York primary. Vaillancourt reports that Paul Simon (Democratic US Presidential candidate) did not do well in Wisconsin; that he is expected to put his campaign on hold tomorrow. V: Shots of Gore speaking; of Simon. Vaillancourt reports that the New York primaries are next; that Dukakis's win in Wisconsin will probably put a stop to efforts to draft Mario Cuomo (Governor of New York) as a potential Democratic candidate in the New York primary elections.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/05/1988
Description: Former Boston Redevelopment Authority director Ed Logue tours and comments on development downtown and in Charlestown and Cambridge. He talks about housing prices, the vitality of different neighborhoods, and urban design. He decries prominent glass towers as insensitive to surrounding historical buildings. International Place, Exchange Place, Rowes Wharf, waterfront, Athenaeum. Audio goes out at the very end.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/26/1986
Description: Edward Kennedy Fundraiser at Park Plaza. Exteriors of Park Plaza lit up at night. Interiors of Park Plaza ballroom. Cocktail party to raise money for Kennedy's campaign. Kennedy enters the room, and addresses the crowd about the Iran Hostage Crisis. Joan Kennedy stands on stage with him.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/12/1979
Description: President George Bush gives press conference to discuss difference between Vietnam War and Operation Desert Shield. Military Analyst Daniel Ellsberg draws parallels between the Operation and Vietnam War. Ellsberg states that end of Cold War holds the possibility of a new world order and alternatives to war for the future. Following edited story is silent clip of Ellsberg speaking at interview.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/30/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt interviews Elma Lewis (Roxbury community leader) about the Roxbury neighborhood. Lewis says that Roxbury is portrayed as "unworthy" by the news media. Lewis criticizes media coverage, housing policy, and police performance in Roxbury. Lewis talks about the need for a community to set its own standards, saying that she complains about certain types of behavior on her block. Lewis says that she will not be driven from her home by the problems in the neighborhood. She talks about her obligation to work for improvements in the community. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of residents and police in the Roxbury area and a shot of a photograph of Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident). This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Teachers and parents are frustrated over new starting times for the Boston Public Schools for the coming school year Boston parents frustrated with Wilson and School Committee Charles Laquidara organizes a boycott against Shell Oil Company
1:00:21: Visual: Footage of Elma Lewis (Roxbury community leader) being interviewed by Meg Vaillancourt. Lewis says that the media portray Roxbury as "unworthy." Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper article with a photo of eleven -year-old Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident). Vaillancourt reports that Lewis lives on the same block as Moore; that Moore was killed by a stray bullet in Roxbury last weekend. Vaillancourt reports that Lewis says that Roxbury is a better community than is portrayed in the media. V: Shots of stately houses on Homestead Street in Roxbury; of a camera man filming a man in a business suit on a street. Vaillancourt reports that drug dealers are not common in Roxbury. V: Shot of an African American woman pulling weeds from a crack in a sidewalk. A boy on a bicycle is with her. Shots of two white police officers patrolling a residential street in Roxbury. Shot of multi-family houses on a residential street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Lewis says that federal housing requirements create crowded and hostile conditions in Roxbury residences. V: Shots of houses in a new development in Roxbury. Footage of Lewis saying that section eight of the federal housing policy was designed to disseminate people over a large area; that the result of section eight has been new housing projects. Vaillancourt notes that Lewis has criticized the performance of the Boston Police Department in Roxbury. V: Shots of a police cruiser traveling down a Roxbury street; of a small group of African American kids on a street corner. Footage of Lewis saying that every child in Roxbury knows where the drugs are; that the police need to be reminded constantly of where the drugs are. Vaillancourt reports that Lewis is tough on her own community. V: Footage of Lewis saying that residents need to refuse to allow certain kinds of activity on their block. Lewis says that she will harass city authorities and those responsible for the activity until the behavior stops. Shots of African American women and children crossing a Roxbury street; of a police cruiser traveling down a residential street. Shots of people doing yard work outside of a new development of houses in Roxbury. Footage of Lewis saying that a community needs to set its own standards; that residents need to stop bad behavior before it gets out of control. Vaillancourt says that Lewis is optimistic about the people who live in Roxbury. V: Shot of African American children playing in front of a building in Roxbury. Footage of Lewis saying that she will not be driven from her home; that she will not get up and move every twenty years while others relax comfortably in the suburbs. Lewis says that she has an obligation to stay in the community and work for improvements.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/23/1988
Description: Hope Kelly reports that Barbara Harris (Bishop-elect) has been elected as the first female African American Bishop in the Episcopal Church. She notes that Harris' election to Bishop has divided the members of the Church. Harris held a press conference today. Kelly reports that Harris downplayed issues of race and gender, but that questioners were focused on those topics. David Johnson (Episcopal Church official) is also present. Harris talks about changes in the Episcopal Church and notes that many members are celebrating her election. Harris says that her election is not a "symbol or token." She also answers questions about racism in Boston and in the US. Kelly interviews Reverend Mary Glasspool (Boston rector), Charles Poindexter (Philadelphia rector), and Byron Rushing (State Representative) about the election of Harris to Bishop. All three praise Harris and her qualifications to be Bishop. Following the edited story is additional footage of Harris and Johnson at the press conference.
1:00:18: Visual: Footage of Reverend Barbara C. Harris (Bishop-elect) at a press conference. Harris talks about the changes in the Episcopalian Church. Shots of clergy, press, and others among the audience. Hope Kelly reports that the election of Harris as Bishop has divided the Episcopal Church; that the Episcopal Church has 70 million members across the world. V: Footage of Harris saying that many members of the church are celebrating her election. Kelly reports that the Episcopal Church has ordained women as priests since 1976; that Harris is the first female bishop. V: Shots of Harris at the press conference, sitting next to David Johnson (Episcopal Church official). Shots of the audience. Footage of Harris saying that she was "incredulous" about her election at first. Footage of Harris saying that she has been elected bishop; that she is not "a symbol or a token." Shots of the audience. Kelly reports that Harris downplayed her gender and skin color; that questions kept returning to those topics. V: Footage of Harris saying that race has always played a role in all areas in the US. Harris says that her race will not make her job more difficult. Shots of the media at the press conference. Kelly reports that Harris answered quesions patiently; that she did not reveal many of her personal feelings. V: Footage of Reverend Mary Glasspool (Boston rector) saying that Harris is a loving person with a great sense of humor. Footage of Charles Poindexter (Philadelphia rector) saying that Harris is outgoing and vivacious. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) being interviewed by Kelly. Rushing says that Harris is brilliant; that Harris is concerned about the needy. Kelly notes that Rushing has known Harris since the 1960s; that both were active in the civil rights movement and the Episcopal Church. V: Footage of Rushing telling a joke about African American Episcopalians. Rushing says that African American Episcopalians have a long history in the US. Kelly reports that Harris is fifty-eight years old; that Harris is divorced with no children. Kelly notes that Harris has been a priest for eight years; that she was in public relations for thirty years before becoming a priest. V: Footage of Harris saying that she does not know if Boston is any more racist than other cities; that she has dealt with racism for her whole life. Footage of Glasspool saying that Harris's election gives her great hope for the future of the Episcopal Church.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/27/1988
Description: Profile of changes in Lawrence following an influx of Puerto Rican and other Hispanic immigrants. Interviews with recent arrivals and "old-time" white residents, as well as a representative of Kaps clothing store on the decision to move from its Essex Street location. Mayor Kevin Sullivan attributes the city's difficulties to welfare and a declining middle-class tax base, and warns that the city of Lawrence will "make it very rough" for new arrivals who are unwilling to "contribute."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/28/1991
Description: Evelyn Murphy, as acting governor, takes testimony from Worcester citizens on budget needs. Interview with Murphy on her role in advising governor Dukakis. Interview with Dukakis, who declines to give up his seat as governor while he campaigns for the presidency. Dukakis press conference.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/05/1988
Description: Excerpt from edited story. Michael Dukakis extols virtues of Evelyn Murphy as Lt. Governor. She presents him with "second banana" telephone.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/06/1986
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the civil rights documentary series, Eyes on the Prize. Jones notes that Eyes on the Prize is a six-part series documenting the first decade of the civil rights movement, using historical footage and first-hand accounts to tell the story. Jones interviews Henry Hampton (documentary filmmaker). Jones notes that Hampton's production company, Blackside Incorporated, produced the series. Hampton says that the civil rights movement is often overshadowed by the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr. Hampton says that Eyes on the Prize attempts to tell the stories of lesser-known civil rights activists. Hampton adds that the series is a testament to the power of ordinary people to effect great changes. Jones's report is accompanied by footage from Eyes on the Prize.
1:00:12: Visual: Black and white footage of A. Philip Randolph (civil rights leader) introducing Martin Luther King (civil rights leader) at the March on Washington in 1963. Shots of the crowd on the National Mall; of King standing before the crowd. Black and white footage of King being arrested by police; of King in prison with another African American civil rights protester. Shot of white people standing in the bed of a pickup truck. The Confederate flag is draped over the side of the truck; of two white boys making racist comments while waving a small Confederate flag. Marcus Jones talks about the legacy of King. Jones notes that King was a martyr for civil rights; that he was taunted by white racists. V: Black and white footage of John Patterson (Governor of Alabama) saying that King should leave Alabama because he is a "menace." Shot of King marching peacefully with other protesters. Jones reports that King was mocked by Black Power advocates; that student leaders second guessed his plans. V: Footage of H. Rap Brown (Black Power advocate) saying that the civil rights movement is dead. Footage of Stokely Carmichael (black student leader) saying that white leaders do not know what is good for black America. Footage of King preaching against violence. Audio of a gunshot. Jones reports that King embodies the civil rights movement for many; that King's memory sometimes overshadows the civil rights movement. V: Shot of King lying in his casket. Footage of King and civil rights supporters in January, 1956. King talks about the right of African Americans to protest. Footage of Henry Hampton (documentary filmmaker) saying that King would want to be seen as a small part of the civil rights movement; that Martin Luther King Day should be a testament to King as well as the accomplishments of the civil rights movement. Jones says that Hampton wants to set the record straight about the civil rights movement; that the civil rights movement was America's "second revolution;" that the civil rights movement is most often recounted through the life of King. V: Footage of civil rights demonstrators marching. One of the black demonstrators is being interviewed by a white journalist. Shots of the feet of the marching demonstrators. Jones notes that the experiences of the lesser-known demonstrators are important. V: Footage of the animated opening to the Eyes on the Prize series. Footage of Hampton saying that the series is a testament to the power of ordinary people to effect great changes. Excerpt from Eyes on the Prize, showing civil rights supporters picketing lunch counters in the South. Jones reports that Eyes on the Prize was produced by Hampton's company, Blackside Incorporated; that Eyes on the Prize recalls the first decade of the civil rights movement. Jones notes that the series is comprised of six parts; that the series will air on PBS. V: Shots of signs for "colored lunch counters" and "colored waiting rooms." Shots of King; of Lyndon B. Johnson (US President) signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Footage from Eyes on the Prize of African American students entering Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Melba Pattillo Beals (Central High School Junior) talks about her experiences as an African American student integrating the school. Jones says that the series uses first-hand accounts and historical footage to tell the story of the civil rights movement. V: Footage of a group of white men pushing an African American man down a street; of King reciting the "I have a dream" speech. Audio of Hampton saying that King was only a small part of a very large civil rights movement. Footage of Reverend C.T. Vivian (civil rights leader) confronting Sheriff Jim Clark in Selma, Alabama. Footage of Hampton saying that the stories of lesser-known civil rights activists have not been told. Hampton talks about the efforts of Diane Nash (civil rights acitivist) in Nashville. Shots of civil rights demonstrators in Nashville. Footage of Nash saying that she asked the Ben West (Mayor of Nashville) if segregation was wrong. Footage of West saying that Nash made him realize that segregation was morally wrong. Shots of Nash; of King. Jones says that many Americans remember the civil rights movements through the memory of King; that the civil rights movement was made up of many dreamers like King. V: Footage of King at the March on Washington. Shots of marchers at the March on Washington; of civil rights demonstrators being arrested by police; of civil rights demonstrators chanting and clapping.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/19/1987
Description: Parents of abused children speak out about the damage done to their children and families by Gerald Amirault, as part of the Fells Acres sexual abuse trial. Lawyers also make pleas for a life sentence. Amirault, his nephew and his wife makes passionate pleas for his innocence. The defense lawyer asks for a lesser sentence. Judge Dolan gives her sentence.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/21/1986
Description: Update on the Fells Acres sexual assault trial. Testimony of Gerald Amirault, who insists upon his innocence. Protected testimony of the nine children who testified against him. Court room scenes, and explanation of the unusual procedure required for the children's privacy.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/26/1986
Description: Closing argument presented by defense and the state in the Fells Acres sexual abuse trial. Gerald Amirault awaits the jury's verdict. Examples of the children's testimony and arguments over whether it can be trusted.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/07/1986
Description: Arthur Fiedler obituary. History of the Boston Pops bringing symphony music to all people. Clips from interview with Fielder on starting the Pops and the original Shell performance space. Footage from Pop Fourth of July performance.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/10/1979
Description: Marcus Jones reports on efforts by the Roxbury community to fight drugs. Jones' reports includes footage of a community meeting with William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) and Roxbury residents. Celester and Georgette Watson (Roxbury residents) talk about the need for residents to fight the drug trade. Watson and Lola Jenkins (Roxbury resident) talk about the need for more funding to help communities fight drugs. Jones notes that Watson runs the Drop-A-Dime Program in Boston. Jones' reports also includes footage of Watson walking through Dudley Square in Roxbury with Callie Crossley (WGBH reporter). Following the edited story is b-roll of the community meeting and of Dudley Square. Church's Chicken sign, liquor store front, church steeple, food stamp center, Ugi's Subs sign.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) talking to a group of Roxbury residents. The residents are mostly African American. Shots of meeting attendees. Marcus Jones reports that Celester talked to residents about street patrols at an afternoon meeting at Boston Police Department Area B Headquarters. Jones reports that drugs have become a major problem in the Roxbury community. V: Footage of Georgette Watson (Roxbury resident) saying that residents have become soldiers in the war on drugs. Watson says that the community needs more resources to fight drugs. Jones reports that Watson runs the Drop-A-Dime program; that Drop-A-Dime is a drug crime hotline; that Drop-A-Dime receives some federal funding. V: Shots of Callie Crossley (WGBH reporter) walking with an African American woman and an African American man near Dudley Square in Roxbury; of plain-clothes police officers making a drug arrest. Footage of Watson saying that police officers and inner-city residents are fighting drugs; that federal lawmakers should give more funds to these efforts. Footage of Lola Jenkins (Roxbury resident) saying that money should be given to grassroots anti-drug efforts. Footage of Celester saying that people need to come down from their soapboxes; that people need to take action against drugs. Shots of Celester addressing the meeting. Jones reports that Celester believes that attention must be focused on local anti-drug efforts. V: Footage of Celester saying that drugs are not a "police problem"; that drugs are a "human service problem." Celester says that more money is needed to build jails and hospitals and to fund drug education. Shot of an African American police officer sitting in a police cruiser. The cruiser's lights are flashing.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/21/1989
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Mayor Ray Flynn has promised to integrate public housing projects in South Boston and to put a stop to discriminatory practices by the Boston Housing Authority (BHA). African American families have been passed over on the waiting list for apartments in South Boston housing projects. Flynn's plans to integrate public housing have angered his constituents in South Boston, who refer to housing integration as "forced housing." Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of white residents of a South Boston housing project and by footage of South Boston residents during the busing crisis in 1974. Vaillancourt reports that Flynn and Doris Bunte of the BHA attended a community meeting in South Boston to talk about housing integration with South Boston residents. Flynn defends himself against the hostile comments of South Boston residents. City Councilor James Kelly addresses the meeting, denouncing housing integration. Interview with Neil Sullivan, policy advisor to Flynn who talks about public housing integration and Flynn's relationship with South Boston residents.
1:00:02: Visual: Shot of a white woman standing at the entrance to a housing project building in South Boston. Audio of Neil Sullivan (Policy Advisor to Mayor Ray Flynn) saying that the people of South Boston understand discrimination. Meg Vaillancourt reports that residents of South Boston may understand discrimination; that some residents of South Boston also practice discrimination. Vaillancourt reports that the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) discriminates against African American families; that no African American families live in any of the three public housing projects in South Boston. V: Shots of a white woman looking out of a window of an apartment in a housing project; of the Old Colony Housing Project in South Boston; of a sign reading, "Old Colony Public Housing Development." Shots of white project residents outside of a project building. Vaillancourt reports that African American families were passed over on the waiting list for project apartments in South Boston; that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has promised to integrate the public housing projects in South Boston. Vaillancourt notes that Flynn met with angry South Boston residents at a community meeting yesterday evening. V: Footage of Flynn addressing the crowd at the community meeting. South Boston residents are crowded into the room, seated at long tables. Doris Bunte (BHA) is on stage with Flynn. Flynn says that the issue is fair and equal access to public housing. Shot of a bumper sticker reading, "Stop 'forced' housing." Vaillancourt reports that the slogan, "Stop forced housing" evokes memories of the anti-busing protests in South Boston in the 1970s. V: Footage of school buses pulling up to South Boston High School in September of 1973. Angry South Boston residents yell and jeer at the buses. Vaillancourt reports that South Boston residents are angry about the integration of the area's three public housing projects. V: Shot of a white woman in the audience making an angry remark. Footage of James Kelly (Boston City Council) addressing the crowd. Kelly says that South Boston residents are going to be denied the right to live in public housing in their own neighborhood. Members of the crowd stand and cheer. Meg Vaillancourt reports that the controversy surrounding the integration of public housing projects creates an identity crisis for Flynn; that Flynn is in disagreement with his South Boston neighbors. V: Shot of Flynn walking to the stage at the community meeting. The crowd yells and boos Flynn. Vaillancourt notes that an audience member asked Flynn when he was moving to Roxbury. V: Shots of white female audience member standing to address Flynn; of another audience member raising her hand. Footage of Flynn saying that he and his family were born and raised in South Boston. The audience jeers. Footage of Sullivan saying that Flynn was probably hurt by the attitude of South Boston residents last night; that Flynn has never ducked this sort of confrontation. Sullivan says that Flynn could have refused to go to the meeting. Vaillancourt reports that Sullivan said that the public housing projects in South Boston could begin to be integrated by April. Vaillancourt notes that no whites will be forced to move out of the projects in order to achieve integration. V: Shot of an African American man raking leaves outside of a project building; of a white female project resident speaking to a reporter. Shots of a public housing project in South Boston; of Flynn at the community meeting; of Bunte addressing the community meeting. Footage of Flynn saying that no person will be displaced to serve the purposes of integration. Footage of Sullivan being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Sullivan says that the average Boston housing development has a turnover rate of 10% each year; that 10% is a higher turnover rate than most neighborhoods. Sullivan says that the goal of the Flynn administration is to sustain a good quality of life in the public housing projects. Shots of a white woman and white children in front of a project building; of a young white boy running around outside of a project building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/13/1988
Description: Mayor Ray Flynn holds a press conference in Roxbury to unveil plans for a new housing and commercial development to be built on a vacant lot in Douglass Square. The Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) cleared the land in the 1960s and never rebuilt on the lot. The owners and developers of the new project are African American. Flynn and City Councilor Bruce Bolling talk about the new development. Flynn says that all neighborhoods and all residents must share in the growth of the city. Bolling says that the proposal for the creation of Mandela, Massachusetts is a no longer an issue. Bolling and other Mandela opponents believe that the new development signifies a renewed commitment to the Roxbury neighborhood by the city of Boston.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) at an outdoor gathering in Roxbury. Flynn stands under a tent, addressing a crowd. Flynn talks about the vote against the proposal for the creation of Mandela, Massachusetts. Flynn says that the vote shows that the racial polarization of the city is in the past. Shot of the gathering from the back of the tent; of an architectural model. David Boeri reports that Flynn is advocating affordable housing and economic opportunity in every neighborhood. Boeri notes that Flynn unveiled a plan for a project in Douglass Square; that the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) cleared a two-acre plot of land in Douglass Square in the 1960s; that the lot has been abandoned since then. V: Shot of a mural on the wall of a building in Douglass Square in Roxbury; of buildings in Douglass Square; of a vacant lot in Douglass Square; of architectural plans and an architectural model. Boeri reports that a housing and commercial complex is slated to be built on the vacant lot; that one-quarter of the units will be set aside for low-income housing. V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) saying that the project addresses the need for economic re-investment in Roxbury. Boeri reports that the developers and owners of the project will be African American; that Bolling noted that Roxbury is becoming a full and equal partner in the city of Boston. V: Shots of African American crowd members; of an African American man standing beside an architectural drawing of the project. Footage of Bolling saying that the incorporation of minority neighborhoods into a new city is a dead issue. Boeri reports that Flynn had a unity breakfast with Roxbury leaders this morning; that Flynn pledged to make the city of opportunity for all. V: Shots of the crowd at the gathering. Footage of Flynn saying that all residents need to share in the city's growth and prosperity; that development of the downtown must be accompanied by development of the neighborhoods. Boeri stands in the vacant lot in Douglass Square. Boeri says that the lot has represented an empty promise by the city of Boston to the people of Roxbury. Boeri says that Bolling and other leaders fought the idea of secession from the city. Boeri adds that these leaders say that the plans for the new project are a signal that "their time has come."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/05/1986
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on controversy over a new student assignment plan for the Boston Public Schools, which minority members of the Boston School Committee spoke out against at a breakfast commemorating the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.. School Committee members John O'Bryant, Juanita Wade, Jean McGuire, and Gerald Anderson speak to the media. They do not believe that the plan will provide equitable education for all. The plan was proposed by mayor Ray Flynn. It will allow parents to choose which schools their children will attend. Interview with Flynn, who defends the proposal, saying that it's supported by parents. He adds that School Committee members have been asked for input on the plan. Vaillancourt also reports that Flynn has proposed the decentralization of the Boston School Department and selling off the headquarters of the Boston School Department. Vaillancourt reports that minority members of the School Committee may rescind their support for superintendent Laval Wilson if he supports Flynn's school choice proposal. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Elma Lewis in Marsh Chapel at Boston University on Martin Luther King Day and Carmen Fields interviews Robert Nemiroff about the playwright Lorraine Hansberry
1:00:26: Visual: Footage of city and state leaders including Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church), Bernard Cardinal Law (Archidiocese of Boston), and Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) singing together at celebration in honor of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Meg Vaillancourt reports that local leaders gathered over breakfast today to celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday. Vaillancourt notes that there was controversy at the breakfast over a new assignment plan for students in Boston Public Schools. V: Footage of Juanita Wade (Boston School Committee) speaking to the media. School Committee members John O'Bryant and Jean McGuire sit beside Wade. Wade calls the new plan "segregation redux." Wade says that the Boston Public Schools need to provide choice, equity, and a quality education right now. Footage of Flynn speaking to the media. Flynn says that the plan has the support of the citizens of Boston; that parents are looking for this kind of reform. Vaillancourt reports that the new plan would allow parents to choose which schools their children will attend; that parents have not been able to choose schools since school desegregation began in 1974. V: Shots of buses pulling up to the front of South Boston High School in 1974; of South Boston residents jeering at the buses. Shots of buses parked in front of South Boston High School; of African American students walking among the buses. Vaillancourt notes that the population of white students in Boston Public Schools has declined since 1974; that non-white students make up 70% of the student population in Boston Public Schools. Vaillancourt adds that the School System has been criticized for not providing students with a quality education. V: Shots of non-white students in a classroom; of an African American male student sitting in a classroom. Shot of Flynn. Vaillancourt reports that Flynn and two consultants have proposed a plan to improve the schools and to increase parental choice. V: Footage of School Committee members O'Bryant, Wade, McGuire, and Gerald Anderson sitting on a couch. African American community leaders, including Charles Yancey (Boston City Council), Eugene Rivers (African Peoples Pentecostal Church) and Louis Elisa (Boston chapter of the NAACP), stand behind them. Anderson addresses the media. Anderson says that the Boston School System needs to provide a quality education to all before it can claim to be equitable. Anderson says that the mayor needs to provide more funding to the schools. Shots of O'Bryant and other community leaders. Footage of Flynn being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Vaillancourt asks Flynn if he is surprised by the attitude of the African American community leaders. Flynn says that he has been working on the proposal for several months; that community leaders have had many opportunities to review and give input on the proposal. Footage of Anderson saying that he is offended by Flynn's attitude. Anderson notes that Flynn has said that the statements of the African American leaders are "bogus." Anderson says that the community leaders are standing up for their constituents; that Flynn's statements are "bogus." Footage of Flynn saying that the members of the School Committee have had input on the proposal; that the members of the School Committee voted twelve-to-one in favor of the plan. Flynn says that the School Committee members were told that they would have further opportunities to give input on the proposal. Footage of McGuire saying that Flynn's proposal will cost more money. McGuire says that the School Committee has not been given additional money to fund Flynn's proposal. Vaillancourt reports that the Boston Public School System spends more money per student than any other public school system in the nation. V: Shot of an African American teacher and student at the front of a classroom; of a white male student seated in a classroom; of an African American female student seated in a classroom. Vaillancourt notes that Flynn has come up with another controversial proposal to fund neighborhood schools; that Flynn has suggested the decentralization of the Boston School Department. Vaillancourt adds that the proposal would sell off the downtown headquarters of the Boston School Department on Court Street. V: Shots of the exterior of the Boston School Department headquarters. Footage of Flynn saying that the downtown headquarters of the School Department should be sold; that the money should be put into neighborhood schools. Footage of O'Bryant saying that the School System is going to end up back in court if it does not receive support from the city. Vaillancourt reports that Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) has supported Flynn's school choice plan; that Wilson's contract ends in June. V: Shots of a meeting in the chambers of the Boston School Committee; of Wilson speaking at a School Committee meeting. Vaillancourt reports that the African American members have voted to extend Wilson's contract in the past. Vaillancourt notes that Wilson's future support among the Committee's African American members may depend on his position on Flynn's school choice plan.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/16/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the Franklin Park Zoo's programs in celebration of Black History Month. The zoo's Black Arts Festival celebrates the roots of contemporary African American culture. There are various performances, including rapping, dancing, and storytelling. Interview with spokesperson Barbara Levitoff, who talks about the important link between the zoo and the community. Following the edited story is b-roll of animals at the zoo, including antelope, wildebeests, and zebras.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of a young African American man rapping into a microphone. Another young African American man breakdances behind him. Footage of a breakdancer performing for an audience of schoolchildren. Footage of an African American woman telling a story to a class of elementary school students. Most of the students are African American or minority. Marcus Jones reports that the Franklin Park Zoo celebrates Black History Month with programs including singing, dancing, and storytelling. V: Footage of Barbara Levitoff (Franklin Park Zoo spokesperson) saying that the Franklin Park Zoo is a "community zoo"; that the Franklin Park Zoo is using its community resource room for Black History Month programs. Jones reports that the Black Arts Festival at the Franklin Park Zoo celebrates the roots of contemporary African American culture; that the program focuses on the African wildlife at the zoo. V: Shots of the storyteller; a breakdancer spinning on his head; of a zebra. Footage of white woman telling a story to a room of schoolchildren; of white and African American rappers and breakdancers performing for an audience of schoolchildren. Jones reports that the program features folklore, poetry, and rap music; that the rap music has a "pro-achievement and anti-drug" message. Jones says that the programs provide a positive boost for a public resource which is struggling to improve its image and facilities. V: Shots of gnus at the zoo. Footage of Levitoff saying that cities need zoos; that the public likes zoos. Marcus Jones stands on the snowy grounds of the Franklin Park Zoo. Jones reports that renovations at the zoo are scheduled to be completed in 1989; that the zoo will have an African theme. Jones notes that the Black History Month programs are a way for the zoo to strengthen its links with the community; that the zoo is a resource for people of all cultures and backgrounds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/18/1987
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on the tight race between candidates Michael Dukakis and Jesse Jackson for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson is still campaigning for the nomination; she adds that Dukakis needs to win 70% of the remaining delegates to win the nomination outright. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has done well in the primary elections and has registered voters to vote in the Democratic primaries. Vaillancourt reports that some Democrats would like to see Jackson as Dukakis's running mate. Vaillancourt's report includes footage from an interview with Dukakis. Dukakis says that he must win the nomination before deciding on a running mate. Vaillancourt interviews Jack Beatty (Atlantic Monthly), Paul Tsongas (former US Senator), Byron Rushing (State Representative) and Robert Kuttner (author, "The Life of the Party) about Jackson's role in the Democratic Party and his role in a Dukakis administration. They discuss Jackson as a potential running mate or cabinet member. Kuttner suggests that Jackson could recruit Mario Cuomo (Governor of New York) as a candidate by offering to be his running mate. Vaillancourt reports that both candidates are focused on campaigning. She notes that the Democratic convention is three months away. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of Jackson campaigning and by footage of Dukakis campaigning.
1:00:16: Visual: Footage of Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) saying that the "whole situation is getting kind of serious." Shot of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) at a campaign rally. Shot of Al Gore (Democratic US Presidential candidate). Meg Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis is ahead of Jackson by 50 delegates; that Gore might spoil Dukakis's chances of winning the New York primary. Vaillancourt notes that Gore will probably pull out of the race if Dukakis wins New York. V: Footage of Dukakis saying that his campaign will work hard to win like they did in Wisconsin. Footage of Jackson shaking hands with supporters. His supporters chant, "Win, Jesse, Win." Shot of Dukakis in a hard hat, shaking hands with workers. Shot of Jackson at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has won almost as many raw votes as Dukakis. Vaillancourt speculates as to whether Dukakis should ask Jackson to be his running mate. V: Footage of Dukakis saying that he has to win the nomination before he can decide on a running mate. Shot of Dukakis shaking hands with a supporter seated at a table. Vaillancourt reports that one poll shows that a Dukakis/Jackson ticket could beat George Bush (Republican US Presidential candidate). V: Footage of Jack Beatty (The Atlantic Monthly) saying that some studies have shown that more than half of the electorate have a negative image of Jackson. Footage of Paul Tsongas (former US Senator) chuckling at the prospect of a Dukakis/Jackson ticket. Tsongas says that Dukakis and Jackson would enjoy "fascinating plane rides" as they campaigned together. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) saying that Dukakis would probably treat a vice president in the same way he has treated lieutenant governors; that Jackson would not want to be in that position. Footage of Beatty saying that Jackson has a "peculiar burden." Beatty says that the Democratic Party needs to do well with white ethnic voters and white southern voters; that the Democratic Party already does well with African American voters. Footage of Jackson at a campaign rally. Jackson raises linked arms with supporters. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has done well in the primary elections; that Jackson has registered voters to vote; that Jackson has raised the profile of the race for the Democratic nomination. Vaillancourt says that the Democratic Party does not know what to do about Jackson. V: Footage of Rushing saying that Jackson should be able to suggest candidates for cabinet positions. Footage of Beatty being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Beatty says that Jackson would make an excellent cabinet member if appointed to the right position; that a good performance by Jackson in the cabinet would strengthen his next campaign for the presidency. Beatty says that it would not be condescending to appoint Jackson as the drug czar. Footage of Robert Kuttner (author of The Life of the Party) saying that the position of drug czar is the most difficult position in the cabinet; that the Democratic Party would be setting up Jackson for a defeat if he were appointed drug czar. Footage of Tsongas saying that Jackson needs to move to the center in order to attract voters and delegates. Shot of Jackson campaigning. Footage of Dukakis saying that the Democratic nominee needs to unite the party. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is still campaigning for the nomination; that Dukakis needs to win 70% of the remaining delegates in order to win the nomination outright. V: Shot of Jackson giving a thumbs-up sign to the press. Footage of Kuttner saying that Dukakis must beat Jackson decisively in the remaining primary elections. Kuttner suggests that Jackson could try to recruit Mario Cuomo (Governor of New York) as a potential nominee by offering to be his running mate. Shot of Cuomo speaking. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis has not yet received Cuomo's endorsement. V: Footage of Dukakis telling a reporter that he spoke to Jackson on Wednesday morning. Vaillancourt reports that the Democratic convention is three months away; that neither Jackson or Dukakis will make any private deals yet. Vaillancourt reports that the Dukakis campaign is concentrating on winning the primary elections.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/07/1988
Description: Christy George reports that F.W. de Klerk, the President of South Africa, announced that the ban on the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa will be lifted, and Nelson Mandela will be freed. George's report includes footage of de Klerk making the announcement and footage of Desmond Tutu reacting to the announcement. George's report also features footage of black and white South Africans reacting to the news and footage of black South Africans celebrating. George interviews Gabu Tugwana, the editor of The New Nation over the telephone. Tugwana discusses de Klerk's announcement and describes reaction to the announcement in South Africa. Tugwana says that apartheid laws are still in force. George's story includes footage of black South Africans and South African security forces; it also includes footage of Koos van der Merwe and Dr. Andries Treunicht, both of the Conservative Party, reacting to the news. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Aggrey Mbere talks about South Africa and his exile in the US
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of F.W. de Klerk (President of South Africa) speaking in government chambers. De Klerk announces the lifting of the ban on the African National Congress (ANC) and other black political parties. De Klerk announces that Nelson Mandela (jailed ANC leader) will be freed. Shot of Archbishop Desmond Tutu (black South African leader) clapping and cheering. Shots of black and white South Africans as they listen to and watch de Klerk's speech. Christy George reports that de Klerk's announcement signaled dramatic changes for South Africa. V: Shots of a white South African taking a newspaper from a vendor; of white officers in the South African Security Forces as they flip through a newspaper. Shots of black South Africans marching in a street. Footage of black South Africans singing and dancing as they celebrate the lifting of the ANC ban. Shots of black South African school boys running in a road; of black South Africans running and cheering in a street. Shot of black South Africans marching in the street. Shots of officers in the South African Security Forces; of officers with german shephard dogs on leashes. Shot of black men running away from officers in the Security Force. Shot of a black man unfurling a flag in front of a building. Shots of a group of black South Africans chanting and waving signs; of black South Africans running from officers in the Security Force. Audio of Gabu Tugwana (editor, The New Nation) saying that there was much excitement and emotional celebration in South Africa today. Tugwana says that black South Africans were excited to be able to raise their flag; that the flag had been illegal. George reports that she spoke to Tugwana by telephone today. George notes that Tugwana described scenes of jubilation in South Africa today. V: Shot of a sign for the New Nation newspaper, hanging in the window of the newspaper's offices. Shot of George taking notes as she speaks on the telephone. Shot of a sign with a photo of Mandela on it. Footage of Tutu addressing a crowd. Tutu says that "the walls of apartheid are falling." Audio of Tugwana speaking to George. Tugwana says that Africa will join democracy movements across the world. Tugwana says that governments will not change unless threatened. Shots of de Klerk entering governmental changes. Government officials stand as he enters. Shots of de Klerk addressing the government officials; of the seated government officials. Shots of white South Africans standing outside of a government building. George reports that conservative white South Africans say that they will fight against de Klerk's changes. V: Footage of Koos van der Merwe (Conservative Party) saying that white South Africans will fight to retain their right of self-determination. Van Der Merwe says that white South Africans will fight any domination of blacks over whites. Footage of Dr. Andries Treunicht (Conservative Party) speaking to the media. Treunicht says that de Klerk has taken a "revolutionary" position; that the revolution has overtaken the national party. Shot of George taking notes as she speaks on the telephone. Audio of Tugwana saying that de Klerk has taken a revolutionary position; that progressive critics see de Klerk's reforms as "half-hearted." Shots of two white South African women reading a newspaper; of black South Africans marching and dancing in the street. Footage of George on the telephone. George asks Tugwana how his life will change because of these reforms. Tugwana says that his life will not change a lot. Tugwana says that the Population Registration Act will still be enforced; that he will still be confined to the Soweto Township. Tugwana says that he will still be prosecuted if he tries to live outside of Soweto. Shots of black South Africans singing together at a march. Shot of a man holding a newspaper. The headline reads, "ANC Unbanned."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/02/1990
Description: Director and curator of Gardner Museum and art historian speculate on identity and motives of thief of major works from museum at a press conference and in an interview. Comments on the museum's security system. Photos of stolen pieces.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/19/1990
Description: Massachusetts State Representatives speak pro and con on gay rights anti-discrimination bill. Reps. Salvatore Dimasi, Roger Goyette, Susan Schur, Philip Travis, Eleanor Myerson, James Miceli, Francis Woodward, Thomas Vallely, Willian Robinson. The debate focuses mainly on discrimination against gay people in the workplace, but also touches on AIDS and gay foster care rights.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/23/1985
Description: Gay rights supporters shout, clap, chant outside Senate chambers of President of the Senate William Bulger, urging a vote on gay rights bill. Footage of police with sitting protester whom has handcuffed himself to the Senate balcony. Courtroom officer stomps on stomach of demonstrator laying on floor. Protestors give opinions on protest and gay rights bill. Footage of demonstrators holding hands, chanting. Reporter mentions Governor Michael Dukakis as a long-time proponent of the bill. Interview with Sen. Royal Bolling Sr., who gives input on bill. Police officers wearing gloves to protect from AIDS. Clips of Senate sign above door to chamber in which bill is being discussed. Story is followed by b-roll of protesters chanting; obstructing door to chambers. Police and Senate officials interact with protesters.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/04/1988
Description: Story on the lack of openly gay republican, focusing on Michael Duffy, a gay Republican running for state representative. Duffy at his house talking to his partner. Interview with Duffy on his position on gay political issues. Duffy holds a candidates night. Interviews with Republicans Steven Pierce, Paul Cronin, and William Weld on their views on gay rights legislation. Weld and Duffy shake hands.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/01/1990
Description: Gays endorse Evelyn Murphy for governor because she is the liberal candidate. Comments on Murphy's progressive liberalism, especially her support of gay rights. "Outing" activist claims Murphy is gay. Interviews with Murphy, and Murphy supporters. Discussion of political and voting strategy in 3-way race between Silber, Bellotti, and Murphy. Story followed by footage of June 9th, 1990 Gay Pride March.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/11/1990
Description: Hope Kelly reports that city and state officials held a ceremony at the Massachusetts State House to honor Robert Gould Shaw and the soldiers of the 54th regiment. Kelly reviews the history of Shaw and the African American soldiers of the 54th regiment in the Civil War. Kelly reports that the 1989 film Glory tells the story of the 54th regiment. Kelly's report includes clips from the film. Bill Owens addresses the ceremony. Part of the ceremony takes place in front of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial. Michael Dukakis and Ray Flynn are part of the ceremony proclaiming Glory Day in Massachusetts. Marilyn Richardson, the curator of the Museum of Afro-American History, addresses at audience at the African Meeting House.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of a re-enactment of civil war soldiers marching in front of the Massachusetts State House. Footage from the 1989 film Glory. Hope Kelly reports that Glory took four years to make. Kelly notes that the film is about African American soldiers in the Civil War. V: Footage of Bill Owens (State Senator) reading a proclamation. The proclamation makes reference to John Andrews (former Governor of Massachusetts) who issued a call to arms for African Americans and to Robert Gould Shaw (US Army colonel) who commanded the Massachusetts 54th Regiment. V: Footage from the film Glory. Kelly reports that the Massachusetts 54th Regiment became the first African American fighting unit in the nation's history; that the Regiment was led by Gould; that Gould was a an upper-class white man from Boston. Kelly reports that army officials at the time did not think that African Americans could be competent soldiers. Kelly notes that the Regiment proved army officials wrong. V: Footage from the film, Glory. Kelly reports that city and state officials held a ceremony outside of the Massachusetts State House; that Thursday has been proclaimed Glory day in Massachusetts. V: Shot of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston), Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), and other leaders at the ceremony. The leaders stand quietly in front of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial as a trumpeter plays "Taps." Shot of the media at the ceremony. Shot of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial. Kelly reports that the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial has stood on Boston Common for ninety-three years. V: Shot of the face of a soldier carved into the Shaw Memorial. Shot of a group of female singers singing a gospel song. Men in military uniform stand behind them holding flags. Kelly reports that the Shaw Memorial shows Shaw on horseback and the soldiers on foot. Kelly notes that Shaw was on horseback and the soldiers on foot when they charged Fort Wagner in South Carolina in July of 1863. Kelly reports that Shaw and 32 African American and white soldiers were killed in the attack; that Shaw and the soldiers were all buried together. V: Shot of the Shaw Memorial. Footage from the film, Glory. Shot of the re-enactment march in Boston. Kelly reports that today's ceremony started at the Memorial; that the ceremony moved to the African Meeting House on Beacon Hill. Kelly notes that the African Meeting House served as a recruitment center for local African Americans during the Civil War. V: Shot of an African American man in military dress holding an American flag; of a group of African Americans in military dress at the ceremony. Footage from the film Glory. Footage of Marilyn Richardson (Curator, Museum of Afro-American History) addressing an audience in the African Meeting House. Richardson says that society must honor the principles for which the soldiers fought. Footage from the ceremony at the State House. An African American man sings "Glory Hallelujah." A crowd of media and attendees is gathered. V: Footage from the film Glory.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/08/1990
Description: Prostitute Steve Gobie appears on "Geraldo" show on Washington sex scandals to talk about his involvement with Rep. Barney Frank. Most of the story is excerpts from the show with reporter voice over. Also featured is a Newsweek cover on Frank and an Boston Herald column. Interview with Boston Herald columnist Margery Eagan on the public's focus on Frank's personal life over the policy issues that affect the country.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/19/1989
Description: Mayor Kevin White honors seven distinguished Bostonians at a gala reception at the Parkman House. Women's rights advocate Florence Luscombe, community activist Melnea Cass, former senator and governor Leverett Saltonstall, former senator and ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, theater critic Elliot Norton, historian Walter Muir Whitehill, entrepreneur Sidney Rabb (of Stop & Shop). Personal narratives of the honorees with archival stills of their lives.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/06/1977
Description: Marcus Jones reports that state and local officials have come through with funding for a multi-million dollar program to revitalize Grove Hall, which is Roxbury's business district. The area has experienced hard times since the late 1960s. Press conference to announce the revitalization program. City Councilor Charles Yancey and Mayor Ray Flynn talk about the program to revitalize the district. Jones walks through district while conducting an interview with Walter Little, the Executive Director of the Neighborhood Development Association of Grove Hall. Little talks about the revitalization program and the development of the area. Little notes that there is a high concentration of subsidized housing in the area. Little talks about the history of the area, noting that the district once had a large Jewish population. Jones notes that the revitalization program will benefit current and future residents of the area. Following the edited is additional footage from the press conference and Jones' interview with Little while walking through the Grove Hall District.
1:00:23: Visual: Footage of Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) at a ceremony to mark the revitalization of Grove Hall. Yancey says that the revitalized Grove Hall will develop into the best community in the city of Boston. Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) at the ceremony. Flynn says that the concerns of the Grove Hall community will no longer be ignored. Shots of the neighborhood; of signs for the Grove Hall Cafe and the Boston Legal Assistance Project. Marcus Jones reports that state and local officials have finally come through with a multi-million dollar program aimed at revitalizing Roxbury's business district. Jones notes that the area has experienced hard times ever since the riots which followed the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader) in 1968. V: Shot of Jones in the Grove Hall district with Walter Little (Executive Director, Neighborhood Development Association of Grove Hall). Jones asks about a boarded up building on the street. Shot of a woman crossing the Street. Footage of Little standing with Jones. Little says that three tenants of one building have now become owners of the properties on the block. Little says that local residents must have the opportunity to participate in the ownership and development of a property. Shot of the streets in the area. Jones remarks that Little has lived in this area for forty years. V: Shot of a "No Trespassing" sign on a boarded-up building; of another boarded-up building. Footage of Little saying that the area has the largest concentration of subsidized housing of any area in the city; that there are 2800 subsidized units within the Grove Hall boundaries. Little says that economic balance is important to the survival of a commercial district. Little says that the small shops currently in the Grove Hall area are not enough to support a thriving commercial district. Little notes that many of the current businesses are fairly new to the area. Jones reports that Little remembers when there was a large Jewish population in the area; that Siegel's cafeteria was a popular restaurant in those days. V: Shot of Jones and Little walking on in the Grove Hall District, near a liquor store which once was Siegel's Cafeteria. Footage of Little saying that Siegel's Cafeteria closed in the early 1970s; that they were one of the last businesses to leave the area. Shot of the front of the liquor store; of two women walking on the street. Shot of a boarded-up apartment building. Jones reports that the revitalization plan aims to benefit the current and future residents of the Grove Hall area. V: Footage of Little saying that the money is available for the project; that buildings in the area will no longer be boarded up after the revitalization. Shot of Jones and Little on the street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/20/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the competion of renovations at the Renaissance Building in the Grove Hall district of Roxbury. The project was funded with money from the city's only minority-owned bank and was overseen by minority architects and contractors. Jones adds that the building is a cornerstone of the Grove Hall revitalization effort. People hold a celebration for the completion of the restorations. A crowd stands outside of the building. Virginia Morrison (Neighborhood Development Corporation of Grove Hall) and Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque) address the crowd. Muhammad says that gang activity will decline as more renovation takes place in the neighborhood. Interview with Trevor Blake (TTB Construction Inc.) and Ernest Scott, a businessman, about the renovations. Blake talks about the challenges faced by minority businesses and contractors. Scott says that renovations and increased foot traffic will force the drug trade out of the area. Jones reports that the city of Boston has committed an additional $50,000 to the Grove Hall revitalization effort.
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of a gathering to celebrate the restoration of the Renaissance Building in the Grove Hall district of Roxbury. Virginia Morrison (Neighborhood Development Corporation of Grove Hall) addresses the gathering. Morrison says that the building makes a statement on behalf of Muhammad's Mosque, of the Grove Hall Board of Trade, of the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge, of the residents of the area. Morrison says that the building represents the way that the residents of the area intend to live. Shot of a man tearing off paper above the door to reveal the street number. Marcus Jones reports the newly renovated Renaissance Building is located at 483 - 487 Blue Hill Avenue. Jones says that the building was "an eyesore" for more than a decade; that the building is now the cornerstone of the Grove Hall revitalization effort. V: Footage of Morrison addressing the gathered crowd. Supporters stand behind her, including Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque). Morrison says that the building cost $1,276,000 to renovate; that the building was renovated by qualified African American workers from the community. Shot from an upper window of the Renaissance building, of the intersection of Blue Hill Avenue and Cheney Street. Shots of people looking at the interior of the newly-renovated building. Shot of the newly renovated kitchen. Jones reports that the project was funded with money from the city's only minority-owned bank; that the project was overseen by minority architects and contractors. Jones reports that the building includes twelve apartments on the upper floors of the building; that there is retail space on the bottom level. V: Shot of a man exiting the Ernest Scott Insurance Agency. Footage of Trevor Blake (TTB Construction Inc.) standing in one of the apartments. Blake talks about the challenges faced by African American businesses and contractors. Footage of Ernest Scott (businessman) saying that the whole neighborhood is improving. Jones reports that Scott's Insurance Agency has operated on Blue Hill Avenue for over thirty years. Jones notes that Scott's business is one of the new tenants in the Renaissance Building; that Scott believes that businesses and residents need to fight the gangs and drug dealers in the neighborhood. V: Shot of the exterior of the Ernest Scott Insurance Agency. Shot of a man fixing lettering to the interior of a window of the Insurance Agency; of an employee and customer at the Insurance Agency. Footage of Scott saying that foot traffic and business activity puts a damper on the drug trade. Scott says that participants in the drug trade will be forced out of the area. Shots of traffic on the street in the Grove Hall area; of the crowd gathered in front of the Renaissance Area. Jones reports that community organizers hope to refurbish the entire Grove Hall district within five years; that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has committed an addtional $50,000 to the effort. V: Footage of Muhammad addressing the crowd outside of the Renaissance Building. Muhammad says that the Grove Hall community deserves the same respect and resources as any other neighborhood. Muhammad says that gang activity will dwindle as more renovation takes place in the neighborhood. The crowd claps for Muhammad. Morrison approaches the microphone.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/12/1990
Description: Hope Kelly reports that Reverend Graylan Hagler of the Church of the United Community has announced his candidacy for mayor of Boston. He says that it is time for a change in the city of Boston. His supporters cheer. Kelly reviews Hagler's credentials and career. She notes that Hagler has a confrontational style and is experienced in the art of political theater. Kelly reviews Hagler's recent political activities. Kelly's report includes footage of Hagler addressing striking hotel and restaurant workers in November of 1988 and footage of Hagler with unemployed construction workers at a press conference at a Roxbury construction site in December of 1990. Kelly's report also includes footage of Hagler denouncing racism on the part of city officials at a press conference in the wake of the Carol Stuart murder case. Kelly's report includes footage from an interview with Hagler in March of 1991. He says that he is seeking justice and equity in the city.
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of the Reverend Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) announcing his candidacy for mayor of Boston. Ellis-Hagler says that it is time for change. The audience applauds. Shots of Ellis-Hagler supporters cheering. Hope Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler's announcement was a rousing reminder that many residents of the city are ready for a change. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler speaking to supporters. Ellis-Hagler says, "no more business as usual" and "no more disrespect." Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler is a minister; that Ellis-Hagler was born in Baltimore and graduated from Oberlin College. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler listed many reasons why Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) should not be re-elected. V: Shots of Ellis-Hagler as he addresses the crowd. Shots of the audience. Footage of Ellis-Hagler addressing supporters. Ellis-Hagler says that streets in some neighborhoods have more trash-filled lots than houses. Ellis-Hagler says that the city is ready for a change. The audience applauds. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler says that his constituents are the ones who live on streets with vacant lots. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler believes that the city needs to hire more of its own residents instead of bringing in workers from outside. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler addressing supporters. Ellis-Hagler says that many workers in the city come from towns outside of the city. Ellis-Hagler says that the city is ready for change. The audience applauds. Shot of Chuck Turner (teacher) holding up Ellis-Hagler's arm as he sits down after his speech. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler is experienced in the art of political theater; that Ellis-Hagler does not give in or give up quickly. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler speaking to striking hotel and restaurant workers in November of 1988. Ellis-Hagler embraces Domenic Bozzotto (union leader). Footage of Ellis-Hagler at a press conference at a construction site in Dudley Square in December of 1990. Unemployed African-American construction workers stand behind him. Ellis-Hagler says that the workers will not "go away with crumbs." Shots of the construction site. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler was arrested twice last winter at the construction site of a new Post Office facility in Dudley Square. Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler was supporting the cause of unemployed construction workers in his community. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler being interviewed on March 13, 1991. Ellis-Hagler says that people must buck the system in order to stand up for their dignity and rights. Footage of Ellis-Hagler at a press conference about the Carol Stuart murder case in January of 1990. Ellis-Hagler compares the actions of city officials and the media to the actions of the Ku Klux Klan. Ellis-Hagler says that the African American and Latino communities have been "raped" by the police and the media. Shot of an audience member at the press conference holding a sign reading, "What do Boston and South Africa have in common? Stopping and detaining men because of the color of their skin." Kelly reports that Ellis-Hagler excoriated the police, the media, and the mayor after the murder of Carol Stuart (Reading resident). Kelly notes that Ellis-Hagler's style is confrontational. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler being interviewed on March 13, 1991. Ellis-Hagler says that he has a desire to seek justice and equity in the city. Ellis-Hagler says that he wants the voices of all of the people to be heard. Kelly stands outside of a church. Kelly reports that Flynn' s campaign is following the actions of Ellis-Hagler; that Ellis-Hagler is short on money, but long on mission. V: Footage of Ellis-Hagler addressing his supporters. Ellis-Hagler says that he and his supporters will win. The audience applauds. Ellis-Hagler steps back from the microphone and greets Elizabeth Ellis-Hagler (wife of Graylan Ellis-Hagler). Another man speaks into the microphone.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/01/1991
Description: Christy George reports on the funeral of Charles Hardison, who was a good student and star tennis player at Milton High School. Hardison was shot in his home. The funeral is held at Ebenezer Baptist Church and many people attend. George reports that many people consider the suburbs of Boston to be safe from the problems of urban violence. Interviews with mourners Wilson Henderson, Theresa Jenkins, and Roosevelt Stokes outside of the church. Jenkins says that Hardison's death has brought people of both races together. Henderson talks about the problem of violence. George talks about Hardison's accomplishments at Milton High School. George's report includes footage from WCVB of Hardison with his tennis team. George notes that Hardison's death challenges stereotypes about urban violence and race relations.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of mourners at Ebenezer Baptist Church for the funeral of Charles Hardison (Milton resident). African American and white teenagers console one another. Christy George reports that African American and white mourners consoled one another at Hardison's funeral. V: African American and white teenage boys lean against a car. Two white girls hug an African American boy. George reports that Hardison belonged to both the African American and white communities. V: Shots of mourners entering the church. Audio of Reverend Kirk Jones (Ebenezer Baptist Church) saying that no one will ever completely understand why Hardison died. Shots of two African American women comforting one another. George reports that Hardison was shot to death in his home on Wednesday. George reports that the media has reported that police visited the home to speak to his mother's boyfriend; that the media has reported that Hardison may have argued with a member of a Boston gang. V: Shots of white and African American mourners on the steps of the church; of African American and white mourners standing on the street outside of the church. Shots of flower arrangements being removed from the church. Shots of an African American man comforting an African American boy. Shots of African American and white teenagers leaving the church, holding tennis rackets. Audio of Jones talking about Hardison's good qualities. Footage of Wilson Henderson (mourner) that Hardison's death was completely unexpected; that violence threatens people in their homes. Footage from WCVB of officials carrying a stretcher from Hardison's home. George reports that Hardison lived in suburban Milton; that many see Milton as a safe haven from urban violence. V: Shot of a street sign for Adanac Road; of the exterior of Hardison's home on Adanac Road. George reports that Hardison was sixteen when he died; that Hardison was the co-founder of a chapter of Students of African Descent at Milton High School; that Hardison was captain of his tennis team. George reports that Hardison visited the Soviet Union last summer; that Hardison won all of his tennis matches against Soviet players. V: Footage of Hardison playing a tennis match. Footage from Cityline/WCVB of Hardison boarding a bus. Hardison is seated on the bus. Hardison says that he encourages other players to try their best. Footage of the casket being carried from Ebenezer Baptist Church. Audio of Jones leading the mourners in prayer during the funeral service. Footage of Theresa Jenkins (mourner) saying that Hardison's life was cut short; that Hardison's death brought people of both races together. Footage of Reverend Roosevelt Stokes (Ebenezer Baptist Church) saying that Hardison touched many people by the time he reached the age of sixteen. Stokes says that Hardison will be missed. Shot of a hearse pulling away from the church. George stands on a street in Milton. The funeral procession passes behind her. George reports that Hardison's death challenges stereotypes about urban violence and safe neighborhoods. Goerge notes that Hardison's death also challenges stereotypes about teenagers and race relations.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/16/1990
Description: Marcus Jones reports that fifty students at Harvard Law School have occupied the dean's office to demand an increase in minority faculty at the school. The students have presented the school with a list of demands, including the promotion of professor Derrick Bell to the position of dean of the school. Interview with Robert Wilkins of the Harvard Black Law Students Association about the lack of diversity among faculty members and about the students' demands. Interview with Derrick Bell. Students at universities across the nation are protesting racism and a lack of diversity on college campuses. Jones' report includes footage of Harvard Law students in the Dean's office and footage from Frontline of a campus protest against racism.
1:00:17: Visual: Shots of Harvard Law students studying their textbooks as they occupy the Dean's office in the administration building of Harvard Law School. Most of the students are African American. Marcus Jones reports that 50 Harvard Law School students marched into the administration building in the afternoon; that most of the students are African American; that many of the students wore black as a show of solidarity. V: Footage of Robert Wilkins (Harvard Black Law Students Association) saying that the students want the administration to deal with the problem of minority faculty at the school; that the school has no specific goals, programs, or ideas to increase the numbers of minority faculty. Shots of the students studying as they sit in the dean's office. Jones reports that the students presented James Vorenberg (Dean, Harvard Law School) with twelve demands; that one of the demands is for the school to hire at least twenty tenured or tenure-track minority professors over the next four years. Jones notes that other demands include the hiring of an African American female faculty member by fall and the promotion of Derek Bell (Professor, Harvard Law School) to Dean next year. Jones notes that Vorenberg will leave the post of Dean next year. V: Shots of protest signs hanging in the administration building. Some of the signs read, "Why no tenured Asian American?" and "More black faculty now." Shots of signs reading, "Stop racism at HLS now" and "Black female faculty now." Footage of Bell saying that a cross-section of the population should be represented in the student body and the faculty; that diversity enhances quality instead of harming quality. Shots of students studying texts as they occupy the Dean's office. Jones reports that the protests of students twenty years ago forced Harvard to hire minority professors like Bell. Jones adds that today's students are hoping that their protest will force the university to take action. V: Footage of Wilkins saying that there have been demonstrations at universities across the country; that a lack of minority faculty is a common problem. Wilkins says that Harvard should take the lead in dealing with this problem. Footage from Frontline of a campus protest against racism. Jones reports that racism on college campuses is a growing problem; that students are protesting to draw attention to the issue. Jones stands in the administration building with the Harvard students. Jones reports that the tenured faculty of Harvard Law School will meet tomorrow; that no one is sure if the faculty will take a stand on the students' demands. Jones notes that the students say that the occupation will continue in shifts to accomodate those who are taking final exams.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/10/1988
Description: David Boeri reports that a group of Harvard Law students occupied the Dean's office overnight to protest the lack of minority faculty at the school. The students held a rally for their cause this morning. Charles Ogletree, a visiting Ppofessor at Harvard Law School, addresses a rally of students outside of the school. The sit-in is over for now and that student leaders met with James Vorenberg, the Dean of Harvard Law School) to discuss their demands for an increase in minority faculty members. Interview with Robert Wilkins, of the Harvard Black Law Students Association, about the meeting with the Dean. Boeri reads a quote from Vorenberg about the meeting. The students and the administration disagree about some of the students demands. The school faculty will need to vote on the students demands in the fall.
1:00:04: Visual: Shots of Harvard Law students studying their textbooks as they occupy the administration building of Harvard Law School. Most of the students are African American. David Boeri reports that a group of Harvard Law School students occupied the office of the Dean overnight; that the students are demanding that twenty minority professors be hired over the next four years; that an African American female professor be hired by fall. Boeri reports that the students held a rally today outside of Harvard Law School. Boeri notes that the faculty of the school has only two tenured African Americans and five tenured white women. V: Shots of the student rally outside of Harvard Law School; of a protest sign reading, "Black female on Harvard Law School faculty now." Footage of Charles Ogletree (Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School) addressing the students at the rally. Ogletree says that he is proud of the students; that the students have picked up where the civil rights movement left off twenty years ago. Ogletree leads the students in chanting, "Enough is enough." The students applaud for Ogletree. Boeri reports that student leaders met this morning with the Dean of Harvard Law School. V: Footage of Robert Wilkins (Harvard Black Law Students Association) saying that the sit-in is over for now. Wilkins says that the dean has agreed to seven of the student's twelve demands. Shot of a protest sign reading, "Stop H.L.S. Racism now." Shots of the students at the rally. Boeri reports that the students say that the Dean agreed to a fellowship program to train minority students to become law professors; that the students says that the Dean agreed to student participation in a minority search committee. Boeri quotes James Vorenberg (Dean, Harvard Law School) as saying this evening, "I just wouldn't put it that way. . . I don't know where you draw the line between agreeing to look into something and agreeing to do it." V: Vorenberg's quote appears written on-screen. Shot of a student at the rally holding a sign reading, "The fire this time." Shots of the students at the rally. Boeri reports that there is major disagreement between the Dean and the students on five of the students' demands. Boeri quotes a statement from the school administration as saying that the school will give priority to minority hiring but will not guarantee that specific numbers of minorities will be hired in a given time period. V: The quote from the administration's statement is written out in text on-screen. Boeri stands outside of Harvard Law School. Boeri reports that the students' demands will require faculty approval; that student leaders predict that a vote will take place in the fall. Boeri notes that the students are threatening to take action against faculty members who vote against them.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/11/1988
Description: David Boeri reports that five Harvard alumni and other protesters were arrested for an apartheid protest outside the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University in November of 1986. Boeri notes that the protesters are acting as their own lawyers in court this week. Boeri reports that the defendants claim to have committed the lesser crime of civil disobedience in order to prevent the greater crime of economic support to the apartheid regime. Boeri reports that the judge has ruled that the defendants cannot use this line of defense and has refused to hear testimony about apartheid. Boeri notes that the defendants are testing the limits of the judges' ruling by continuing to introduce testimony about apartheid. Footage of the proceedings in the courtroom. Don Carney (Cambridge Police Department) testifies against the defendants. Peter Bellotti (Assistant District Attorney, Middlesex County) objects to testimony by Sarah Browning (defendant) and Joel Reisman (defendant). Wendy Gershengorn (judge, Middlesex County) issues instructions from the bench. Interviews with defendants Peggy Schirmer and Robert Wolff. Boeri notes that the trial will be slow and tedious. Footage from an apartheid protest at the Fogg Art Museum.
1:00:00: Visual: Footage of court proceedings in the Middlesex County Courthouse. Shots of the judge, bailiff and co-defendants in the trial of Harvard alumni and alumnae. David Boeri reports that five Harvard alumni and other protesters were arrested outside of the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University last November; that the protesters were demonstrating against apartheid outside of a fundraising dinner at the museum. Boeri notes that the fundraising dinner had originally been scheduled for September; that apartheid protests forced the dinner to be postponed until November; that arrests were made at the demonstration in November. V: Footage of apartheid protesters sitting in the museum. The protesters are clapping and chanting. Footage of Don Carney (lieutenant, Cambridge Police Department) in court. He testifies that the protesters were told to leave the area; that the protesters were arrested when they failed to comply with the order. Footage of Peter Bellotti (Assistant District Attorney, Middlesex County) saying that no one was arrested for protesting. Shots of the audience in the courtroom; of a man standing before a blackboard in the courtroom. He indicates locations on a map drawn on the blackboard. Boeri reports that the defendants did not contest the testimony of police officers who arrested them; that the defendants want to use their trial to put Harvard on trial. V: Footage of Peggy Schirmer (defendant, Radcliffe Class of 1938) saying that Harvard has almost $300 million invested in companies doing business in South Africa; that Harvard has no plans to divest those stocks. Shots of the defendants conferring in the courtroom. Boeri reports that the defendants claim to have committed lesser crimes to prevent the greater crime of economic support of apartheid; that Judge Wendy Gershengorn (Middlesex County) has ruled that the defendants cannot use the necessity defense. Boeri adds that the defendants are acting as their own lawyers; that the defendants are testing the limits of the judge's ruling. V: Shots of Gershengorn conferring with the defendants who stand in front of her bench. Footage of Bellotti objecting to testimony by Sarah Browning (defendant, Harvard Class of 1984); of the Bellotti objecting to testimony by Schirmer. Gershengorn sustains the Bellotti's objections. Footage of the Bellotti objecting twice to testimony by Joel Reisman (defendant, Harvard Class of 1975). Shots of Gershengorn issuing instructions from the bench. Boeri reports that the defendants were frustrated by Gershengorn's refusal to hear testimony relevant to apartheid. V: Footage of Robert Wolff (defendant, Harvard Class of 1954) saying that they were at the museum to protest apartheid; that the reason for the protest is relevant evidence; that the jury should be allowed to hear that evidence. Boeri reports that the trial will be slow and tedious. Boeri notes that the defendants are trying to use the necessity defense; that the prosecution objects to much of their testimony.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/28/1987
Description: Hope Kelly reports on the incidence of hate crimes in Boston. Kelly explains that hate crimes are defined as incidents of racial violence; she cites statistics that illustrate how hate crimes have affected various racial and ethnic groups. Kelly's report includes footage of Jack McDevitt (Center for Applied Research, Northeastern University) giving a seminar on hate crimes in Boston. The small audience includes uniformed police officers. McDevitt says that most hate crimes are not initially categorized as such by police officers. McDevitt talks about the seriousness of hate crimes. He notes that all racial and ethnic groups are affected. Kelly's report includes shots of Boston residents on the streets and shots from a moving car of downtown Boston in the evening.
1:00:13: Visual: Shots from a moving car of downtown Boston at night. Hope Kelly reports that hate crimes are defined as incidents of racial violence; that Boston has had 452 hate crimes over the past four years. Kelly notes that hate crimes are rarely recognized for what they are. V: Footage of Jack McDevitt (Center for Applied Research, Northeastern University) addressing a small audience. McDevitt says that his research looks at how Boston's 452 hate crimes were initially categorized by the responding officer. McDevitt says that 19 of the 452 incidents were initially categorized as racially motivated. Shots of the audience listening to McDevitt. Shots of police officers in uniform as they listen to McDevitt. Kelly reports that one of the goals of the study is to teach police officers and citizens to recognize these crimes for what they are. V: Footage of McDevitt saying that Boston's hate crimes were more serious than statistics show them to be. Kelly reports that half of Boston's 452 hate crimes involved assaults; that thirty percent of the assaults were serious enough to require hospitalization. Kelly reports that national statistics show only 7% of assaults as serious enough to require hospitalization. V: Shots from a moving car of residents on the streets of Boston at night. Audio of McDevitt saying that many of Boston's hate crimes involve multiple offenders attacking a single victim. Shots of Washington Street in Roxbury during the day. Elevated train tracks are visible. Shots of African American men gathered outside of Joe's sub shop on Washington Street. Kelly reports that McDevitt found turf issues to be the motivation of many hate crimes in Boston. V: Footage of McDevitt saying that members of every racial and ethnic group were victims of hate crimes. Kelly reports that the study found that Africans Americans and whites were equally apt to be victims of hate crimes; that the perpetrators were usually of another race than their victim. V: Shots of residents walking on the streets of Boston in the daylight. On-screen text and visuals detail hate crime statistics. Kelly reports that 118 African Americans were victims of hate crimes; that 92% of those victims were attacked by whites. Kelly reports that 111 whites were victims of hate crimes; that 78% of those victims were attacked by African Americans. Kelly reports that whites and African Americans accounted for 2/3 of all victims. Kelly reports that 6% of victims were Latino; that the rest of the victims were Asian. Kelly notes that Vietnamese residents were victimized at a rate far out of proportion to their population. V: Shot of a white business man walking and an African American business man walking in the financial district. Shots of Latino residents walking on a street; of two Asian men conversing on a sidewalk. Kelly reports that the perpetrators were unknown in 25% of Boston's hate crimes. V: Shots of a police car traveling slowly through a parking lot. On-screen text and visuals detail statistics about perpetrators of hate crimes. Kelly reports that 63% of known offenders are white; that 33 % of known offenders are African American; that 4% of known offenders are Latino and Asian. Kelly notes that victims are often reluctant to report hate crimes. V: Shots of McDevitt talking about his study; of police officers and officials in the audience, including Francis "Mickey" Roache (Commissioner, Boston Police Department). Shot from a car of a street in downtown Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/27/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports on debate over a universal health care bill in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Jones reports that lobbyists for the state employees union demanded a collective bargaining amendment to secure the health benefits of state employees. Jones reports that legislators have added the amendment and that the unions are satisfied with the bill. Jones interviews John Flannagan (Massachusetts Teachers' Association) and David Baier (Massachusetts Municipal Association) about the bill and the proposed amendment. Jones also interviews Ray Jordan (State Representative), Catherine Dunham (Dukakis aide) and Richard Volk (Chair, House Ways and Means Committee) about the bill. Jones reports that today's amendment removes one of the roadblocks to the bill's passage. Jones notes that state legislators have been working on the bill for almost a year. He adds that no one is sure if the bill will be approved by the legislature. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of people in the lobby of the Massachusetts State House and by footage of George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) and House leadership in the House chambers.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage from WGBX of Massachusetts State Representatives in the House Chambers. Representatives take turns addressing the House. George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) sits at the front of the House chambers. Marcus Jones reports on the Health Care for All package put forth by Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts). V: Footage of John Flannagan (Massachusetts Teacher's Association) saying that universal health care is important; that the State of Massachusetts was trying to roll back other health benefits to pay for the universal health care plan. Jones reports that lobbyists for the state's public employees demanded that an amendement be added to a conference committee bill. Jones notes that the amendment mandates collective bargaining on health benefits for public employees. V: Shots of people milling about in the lobby of the state house; of a man standing in the entrance of the House chambers; of Keverian and House leadership at the front of the House chambers. Jones reports that state employees were concerned about a plan which replaces their Blue Cross coverage with a more costly plan. V: Footage of Flannagan saying that the state is trying to make employees pay more money for fewer benefits. Flannagan says that the amendment for the bill protects state employees. Footage of David Baier (Massachusetts Municipal Association) saying that he represents municipal governments across the state. Baier says that the bill will increase health insurance costs for local governments across the state. Shot of the interior of the House chambers from the State House lobby. Shot of a man standing in the entrance to the House Chambers. Jones reports that legislators spent a lot of time ironing out an agreement with public employees' unions. Jones notes that the amendment to the health care bill removes one of the roadblocks to the bill's passage. V: Footage of Ray Jordan (State Representative) saying that he is more inclined to vote for the bill now that the unions are satisfied with it. Footage of Catherine Dunham (Dukakis aide) saying that the amendment to the bill limits the management flexibility of the administration. Footage of Richard Volk (Chair, House Ways and Means Committee of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) being interviewed by Jones. Volk says that the bill has required a lot of work on the part of legislators. Jones stands in front of the Massachusetts State House. Jones reports that state legislators have been working on the governor's universal health care bill for almost a year; that no one is sure if the bill will pass.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/12/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that top officials from the Department of Public Health held a press conference to celebrate the positive findings of a study on the state's Healthy Start Program. The program provides prenatal, birth, and post-partum care to poor and uninsured women. Deborah Prothrow-Stith, the Commissioner of the Department of Public Health and Howard Spivak, the Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Public Health speak at the press conference. Spivak says that high-risk women in the program had excellent results. Prothrow-Stith talks about the importance of prenatal care. Jones reviews the findings of the study of the program. Interview with Spivak about continued state funding for the program. The program's preventative medicine saves money in the long-run. Jones' report includes footage of infants, mothers, and health care workers in a hospital nursery. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: The Consortium of Minority Business Enterprises promotes minority set-aside programs.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of Deborah Prothrow-Stith (Commissioner, Department of Public Health) and another public health official handing out an award to a woman at a small press conference. Shots of the audience applauding at the press conference. Marcus Jones reports that a small gathering of people gathered to celebrate the state's Healthy Start program. Jones reports that top officials from the Department of Public Health announced the findings of a study done on the first group of women and infants assisted by the Healthy Start Program. V: Footage of Howard Spivak (Deputy Commissioner, Department of Public Health) speaking at the press conference. Spivak says that minority women, teenage girls, and other high-risk populations were among those aided by the Healthy Start program. Shots of the audience at the press conference. Shot of a poster for the Healthy Start program. Jones reports that the Healthy Start program began in the mid-1980s; that the program is funded by state and federal money. Jones notes that the program provides pre-natal, birth, and post-partum care to poor, uninsured and under-insured women. V: Shot of a pregnant African American woman being examined by a health care worker. Shot of an African American woman with her child, sitting in the waiting area of a health clinic. Shot of an African American woman and child talking about paperwork with a health care worker. Footage of Spivak at the press conference. Spivak says that high-risk women in the Healthy Start program had better birth outcomes than high-risk women in any other sectors. Spivak says that the success of the Healthy Start program proves that a broad-based approach is effective; that the program succeeds because it tries to serve all of the needs of pregnant women. Shots of audience members at the press conference; of Jones at the press conference. Jones reports that teenagers and minorities in the Healthy Start Program gave birth to fewer low-weight babies than any other group in the state from July to December of 1986; that teenagers and minority women in the Healthy Start Program saw medical professionals more frequently; that teenagers and minority women in the Healthy Start program had fewer premature births. V: Shots of a nurse rocking and feeding an infant in the nursery of a hospital; of hospital workers at an administration desk; of an African American infant surrounded by medical equipment in a hospital nursery. Shot of a health care worker examining an African American infant in a hospital nursery. Jones reports that health officials would like the Healthy Start Program to continue to receive state funding. V: Shots of infants sleeping in a hospital nursery; of a woman in a hospital bed with her baby sleeping next to her. Footage of Spivak being interviewed by Jones. Spivak says that the Healthy Start Program is still in the state budget; that officials expect to be able to maintain the program at its present level. Shots of an African American woman holding her child in a hospital nursery. The woman speaks to a white health care worker. Shot of a child in an incubator being wheeled through a hospital corridor. Jones reports that the Healthy Start Program saves on hospital costs related to the birth of unhealthy and low-weight babies. Jones notes that the Healthy Start Program saves four to six dollars on hospital expenses for each dollar it spends. V: Footage of Prothrow-Stith at the press conference. Prothrow-Stith says that the Healthy Start Program saves lives, prevents human tragedy, and saves money. Shots of the audience at the press conference.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/15/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that many residents were present at a public hearing on whether to allow nude dancing at the Highland Tap in Roxbury. The Highland Tap has featured nude dancing for almost ten years. The police and critics believe that the bar is attracting drug traffic and other vices to the area. City Councilor Bruce Bolling and Deputy Superintendent of the Boston Police Department William Celester speak out against nude dancing at the bar. Celester talks about criminal activity and underage dancers at the bar. Local business owners say that the Highland Tap is a good neighbor. Interview with a local business owner who says that the bar creates no problems. Interview with Highland Tap owner Agamemnon Alexopoulos, who denies any problems with drugs or violence at the bar. Interviews with Roxbury residents Norma Alvarado and Dana Holley about their opinions on nude dancing at the bar. Jones reports that the city will soon decide whether to grant a license for adult entertainment at the bar. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jesse Jackson's supporters criticize the Dukakis presidential campaign.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at a hearing on nude dancing at the Highland Tap in Roxbury. Bolling asks why Roxbury is the only neighborhood outside of the Combat Zone to have a nude dancing venue. The crowd applauds Bolling. Shots of the crowd. Members of the crowd hold up signs protesting the nude dancing venue in Roxbury. Marcus Jones reports that most of the audience members at the hearing were there to protest nude dancing at the Highland Tap in Roxbury. V: Shots of city officials at the hearing; of a man speaking at the hearing. Shots of a sign for "live adult entertainment" outside of the Highland Tap; of an African American woman entering a side door of the Highland Tap; of the exterior of the bar. Jones reports that the Highland Tap has featured nude dancing for almost ten years. Jones notes that police and critics say that the bar is attracting drug traffic and other vices. Jones adds that the bar is located near the Orchard Park Housing Development. V: Footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) speaking at the hearing. Celester says that the community already has enough problems without the Highland Tap. Jones reports that local businesses say that the Highland Tap has been a good neighbor. V: Footage of Lloyd (owner of Washington Fruit) seated in front of his business across from the Highland Tap. Lloyd says that his business has been here for eighteen years; that he has never seen any trouble at the Highland Tap. Footage of Celester speaking at the hearing. Celester says that police have pursued several investigations of the sale of cocaine at the Highland Tap. Celester says that police have arrested a girl under sixteen for nude dancing at the Highland Tap; that the owner was aware of the girl's age. The crowd applauds Celester. Footage of Agamemnon Alexopoulos (owner, Highland Tap) being interviewed on the street. Alexopoulos says that the Highland Tap has had no problems with drugs or violence. Alexopoulos talks about other bars in the areas that do have problems with drugs or violence. Footage of Norma Alvarado (local woman) saying that nude dancing does not create a drug problem. Footage of Dana Holley (local man) saying that the Highland Tap does not belong in a newly developed Roxbury. Marcus Jones stands outside of the bar. Jones reports that unlicensed nude dancing has been going on at the Highland Tap since the 1970s; that legal maneuvers by the bar's ownership has prevented a public hearing until now. Jones notes that the city can refuse to grant a license for adult entertainment to the bar; that the courts will ultimately decide on the fate of nude dancing at the club.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/25/1988
Description: Hope Kelly reviews the major events and key issues during the tenure of Boston superintendent of schools Laval Wilson. The Boston School Committee has voted to remove him from his post. Kelly adds that there are racial overtones in the vote to dismiss Wilson. Kelly notes that Wilson's opponents are all white. Kelly reviews Wilson's interview and selection, his record and the school bus drivers' strike. Kelly also discusses the school consolidation controversy and his contract renewal in 1989. The Boston Public Schools experienced a rise in achievement test scores and a decrease in the dropout rate under Wilson. Kelly's report is accompanied by footage illustrating these events during Wilson's tenure. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Controversy surrounds the Boston School Committee's decision to fire Laval Wilson and Meg Vaillancourt interviews Nthabiseng Mabuza about the release of Nelson Mandela
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) being interviewed by Eileen Jones (WGBH reporter) on July 19, 1985. Wilson says that he wants to convince the Boston Public School community that he is the best person for the job of superintendent. Shots of posters prepared by Wilson for his presentation to the Boston School Committee; of Wilson adjusting the position of the charts. Hope Kelly reports that Wilson interviewed for the position of superintendent in July of 1985. Kelly notes that Wilson showed little charisma; that he was well prepared for the interview. V: Footage of Wilson being interviewed by the Boston School Committee in the School Committee chambers on July 19, 1985. Wilson says that his planning skills are excellent. Shots of Wilson and the members of the School Committee. Kelly reports that Wilson stressed his planning skills; that Wilson was self-confident and stubborn. Kelly notes that Wilson did not mention his people skills or his passion. V: Footage of Wilson being interviewed by Jones on July 19, 1985. Wilson repeats that he classified himself "as a school superintendent." Shot of Wilson during his interview with the School Committee. Kelly reports that Wilson never made any reflections on race. V: Footage of Wilson being interviewed by the School Committee on July 19, 1985. Wilson says that he is an educator who happens to be African American. Footage of the members of the School Committee as they cast their votes for the position of superintendent on July 31, 1985. Jean McGuire (Boston School Committee) votes for Dr. Peter Negroni (candidate for superintendent of schools). School Committee members John O'Bryant and Thomas O'Reilly vote for Wilson. Kelly notes that Wilson had held the position of superintendent of schools in Rochester, New York, and Berkeley, California. Kelly reports that the Boston School Committee voted nine-to-four in favor of hiring Wilson. Kelly reports that Wilson became Boston's first African American superintendent of schools. Kelly adds that the Boston Public School System was rife with poverty and patronage in 1985. V: Footage from August 21, 1985. Wilson walks on Devonshire Street with a group of school officials, including John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee), Ellen Guiney (Citywide Education Coalition), John Grady (Boston School Committee), and Julio Henriquez (aide to School Committee member Daniel Burke). Footage of Wilson at a press conference of May 12, 1987. Wilson says that 20% of first-graders did not pass first grade last year. Kelly reports that a bus strike paralyzed the school system in Wilson's fourth month on the job. Kelly notes that students and parents became enraged at Wilson's plan to consolidate schools. V: Shot of buses parked outside of South Boston High School. African American students walk among the buses. Shot of a group of angry protesters. Shots of students and parents protesting outside of the Boston School Committee headquarters on Court Street. The students and parents hold signs. Shot of a jacket being held up in the air. Writing on the jacket reads, "Save our school." Kelly reports that Wilson threatened to resign over the school consolidation issue; that Wilson pursued a job offer from the New York City Public School System in 1987. Kelly notes that Wilson receives a salary of nearly $100,000 per year. Kelly adds that there were questions about his performance. V: Shot of Wilson at a press conference. Footage from a Boston School Committee meeting on October 11, 1988. Shot of Daniel Burke (Boston School Committee). Shot of Wilson saying that progress is being made. Shot of the audience at the meeting. Kelly reports that progress is being made in the school system; that achievement scores are rising. Kelly notes that the drop-out rate has declined to its lowest level in eleven years. V: Shots of Wilson in an elementary school classroom; of Wilson and school officials walking through a high school corridor. Footage from a Boston School Committee on April 11, 1989. Don Muhammad (Muhammad's Mosque) addressing the members of the School Committee. Muhammad says that Wilson's contract should be renewed; that Wilson has begun to turn the school system around. Shots of audience members crowded into the School Committee chambers; of the School Commitee members in the School Committee chambers. Kelly reports that Wilson's contract was renewed in 1989; that Wilson survived by one vote. Kelly reports that Wilson did not receive a ringing endorsement from the Boston School Committee; that Wilson had wanted a four-year contract in 1989; that he did not receive one. Kelly notes that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) suggested abolishing the Boston School Committee during the summer of 1989. V: Footage of Flynn at a press conference in May of 1989. Flynn says that the present system fails the schoolchildren and parents of Boston. Shot of the members of the School Committee seated at the front of the School Committee chambers. Kelly reports that Flynn wanted to replace the elected school committee with an appointed school committee. V: Footage from July of 1985. Wilson sits at a press conference with Flynn, Edward Doherty (President, Boston Teachers Union), Peggy Davis-Mullen (Boston School Committee), Rita Walsh-Tomasini (Boston School Committee) and other school officials. The officials stand up and raise their linked hands. Kelly reports that the debate over the schools has become divisive and political. Kelly reports that Flynn took no questions about Wilson today; that Flynn released a short statement. V: Footage of Wilson being interviewed by the School Committee on July 19, 1985. Wilson says that issues are more important than skin color. Kelly stands outside of the headquarters of the Boston School Committee. Kelly notes that the situation has racial overtones. Kelly reports that an all-white majority on the School Committee has voted to remove an African American superintendent from a school system with a 75% non-white student population.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/14/1990
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that the city of Boston and the NAACP signed a $3 million settlement to end litigation about the city's formerly discriminatory public housing policy. Von Mehren reports that 2,000 minority families will be eligible for payments of $1,000 to $3,000 under the suit. Von Mehren's reports includes footage of a mayor Ray Flynn, Joseph Tauro (federal judge) and Benjamin Hooks (Executive Director, NAACP) at a press conference to announce the settlement. The three men shake hands and make positive statements about the settlement. Von Mehren report that African American families began moving into formerly white housing projects last summer, despite opposition from South Boston residents. Von Mehren's report includes footage of Flynn at a community meeting in South Boston in 1988. The audience jeers at him as he approaches the stage. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports that Michael Jackson (pop singer) has never played a concert at Sullivan Stadium
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of Dr. Benjamin Hooks (Executive Director, NAACP), Judge Joseph Tauro (US District Court), and Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) sitting together at a press conference. The three men shake hands together. Tauro proclaims it to be a "happy and proud occasion." Jan von Mehren reports that Hooks traveled to Boston to join Flynn and Tauro. V: Footage of Hooks saying that it is important to resolve problems through means other than lawsuits. Shot of Doris Bunte (Boston Housing Authority) and other officials from the city and the NAACP. The group enters an elevator. Von Mehren reports that the city of Boston and the NAACP signed a $3 million settlement. Von Mehren notes that some of the money will go to victims of the city's formerly discriminatory public housing policy. V: Footage of Flynn saying that the city has one set of rules; that the rules apply equally to all. Footage of Tauro saying that the settlement sends a message to the community; that the settlement represents the city's commitment to equal access to public housing. Von Mehren reports that approximately 2,000 African American, Asian, and Latino families will be eligible for payments of $1,000 to $3,000 under the settlement. Von Mehren notes that city officials say that it may be difficult to track down some of the families. Von Mehren adds that city officials will use the media in an attempt to reach the families. V: Footage of Flynn at a community meeting in South Boston on January 12, 1988. Flynn walks onto the stage as the audience boos and jeers. Shots of the audience members seated at long tables; of Flynn addressing the audience. Von Mehren reports that housing desegregation was met with great opposition in South Boston last year. V: Footage of Leo Tierney (South Boston resident) saying, "Leave us the hell alone." Members of the audience stand to applaud Tierney. Von Mehren reports that African American families began moving into developments last summer. V: Shots of African American movers moving furniture and boxes into a South Boston housing project; of white children playing with a garden hose outside of a South Boston housing project building. Von Mehren reports there is a low turnover rate in South Boston housing projects; that housing integration is proceeding at a slow pace. Von Mehren notes that the Old Colony Housing Project in South Boston is still 96% white; that it was 98% white last year. V: Shot of a white baby in a wading pool outside of a South Boston project building. Von Mehren reports that today's settlement was a peaceful conclusion to the housing integration controversy. V: Footage of Hooks at the press conference. Hooks says that Boston had once been viewed as a "citadel of liberalism." Hooks adds that Boston did not live up to its reputation during the busing crisis. Flynn interrupts Hooks to shake his hand in front of the media. Hooks, Flynn and Tauro rise from their table.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/04/1989
Description: Marcus Jones interviews Brian Wright O'Connor, the Managing Editor of The Bay State Banner, about the negative media portrayal of the Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan area. Jones notes that O'Connor believes that the media focus only on images of violence, drugs, and murder. O'Connor talks about the effects of the negative media coverage. Footage from an interview with Boston Police Deputy Superintendent William Celester about negative media coverage of the community. Jones notes that gubernatorial candidate John Silber was recently criticized for making negative comments about the Roxbury community. Silber has accused columnist Mike Barnacle of giving a biased representation of life in many neighborhoods. Jones' report is accompanied by footage from a news story with Barnacle, by footage from Justice on Trial (WCVB-TV) and by footage from Street Cop (WGBH/Frontline documentary). Jones notes that politicians and community leaders have spoken out against media bias in the wake of the Carol Stuart murder case. Michael Dukakis talks about media bias at a press conference. Following the edited story is additional footage of Jones's interview with O'Connor. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: John Silber speaks to the media and Roxbury residents
1:00:25: Visual: Footage of news reports from local TV stations. John Henning (WBZ news anchor) reports on the murder of a woman in the city. Natalie Jacobson (WCVB news anchor) reports on a police search for suspects in two Roxbury shootings. Shot of police searching two suspects who are lying face down on a sidewalk. R.D. Sahl (WHDH news anchor) reports on growing outrage in Roxbury. Shot of a woman being taken from a home on a stretcher. Shots of police cruisers on the streets of Roxbury at night. Shot of an injured person in an ambulance; of police at a crime scene cordoned off by yellow tape. Shot of an African American man leaving a police station. Marcus Jones reports that media coverage of the Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan neighborhoods focus on images of violence, drugs, and murder. Jones reports that Brian Wright O'Connor (Managing Editor, The Bay State Banner) believes that the media does not provide an accurate portrayal of life in Roxbury. Jones notes that O'Connor lives in a quiet section of the Roxbury neighborhood. V: Shot of Jones and O'Connor walking through a quiet park. Footage of O'Connor saying that criminal activity should be covered by the media; that the media uses questionable tactics in covering crime. O'Connor says that the media often stretches its definition of the term "news." O'Connor questions if there is balanced news coverage of the greater Roxbury area. O'Connor says that the media come to Roxbury to cover crime; that the media comes to Roxbury to cover reactions of local residents to comments by white politicians. Footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) saying that media coverage creates the wrong perceptions about the community. Celester says that negative perceptions did not begin with the comments of John Silber (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts). Celester says that the negative perceptions need to be changed. Footage from WCVB of Justice on Trial. The footage shows Joe Lally (Boston Police Department) walking toward a city courthouse. The narrator says that Lally is "the only symbol of civilization left on many city streets." Marcus Jones reports that Silber has accused the media of twisting his words; that Silber says that the media has skewed perceptions of reality in Area B neighborhoods. Jones notes that Silber accused Mike Barnacle (columnist) of giving a skewed portrayal of life in many neighborhoods. V: Shot of Mike Barnacle interviewing a white man outside of a building. Footage of Barnacle walking along a sidewalk. Barnacle compares the neighborhood to a "shooting gallery." Jones reports that he interviewed Barnacle by telephone. Jones reports that Barnacle says that he feels no obligation to balance negative coverage of a neighborhood with positive coverage. Jones notes that Barnacle could not recall the number of columns he has written this summer with positive coverage of the neighborhoods in Area B. V: Footage from a WGBH/Frontline documentary called Street Cop. A plain-clothes police officer rides through a housing development. The officer says that the neighborhood is a tough place. The officer says that he would probably end up selling drugs if he were a poor, African American teenager in this neighborhood. Footage from Street Cop of white, plain-clothes police officers breaking down the door of an apartment with sledgehammers. A police officer reaches down the shirt of an old woman to look for drugs. Jones notes that WGBH/Frontline produced a documentary called Street Cop three years ago; that the documentary was accused of using negative stereotypes of crime in Roxbury. Jones reports that politicians and community leaders have spoken out against media bias in the wake of the Carol Stuart murder. V: Shots of newspaper articles with headlines about the suspect in the Stuart case. Footage of Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) speaking at a press conference on April 11, 1990. Dukakis says that there are thousands of good kids in the community; that the media gives all of the news coverage to the 500 bad kids. Bernard Cardinal Law (Archidiocese of Boston) is seated behind Dukakis. Footage of O'Connor being interviewed by Jones. Jones asks if the media focus on crime leads to a reduction in crime. O'Connor says that the community has been stereotyped by the media; that negative stereotypes reduce the political will to address the underlying socio-economic problems. O'Connor says that these negative stereotypes imply that the citizens of the community are morally defective or undeserving of aid. O'Connor says that the biased media coverage is "pernicious." O'Connor says that the negative media coverage allows people with resources to turn away from the community. O'Connor notes that two large companies scrapped their plans to build facilities in Roxbury in the wake of the Stuart murder. O'Connor says that the two companies could have provided jobs for at-risk teenagers in the community.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/12/1990
Description: Deborah Wang reports that 86 African American students attend the Imani Institute, a private school where students learn about their African heritage. Interview with institute director Ozzie Edwards, who says that parental involvement is key to a child's academic success. He adds that the students learn to be proud of their heritage. The school is housed temporarily in the Elliot Street Congregational Church. Many students formerly attended Boston public schools and area Catholic schools. Interview with President of the Parents' Council, Sadiki Kambon, who says that many African American students are not receiving a good education in the public schools. The Imani Institute needs to raise additional funds in order to make it past its first year.
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of four young African American female students stepping out of a car onto a sidewalk. The girls are dressed in school uniforms. Shots of students in uniforms gathered outside of the Elliot Congregational Church in Roxbury. Shot of an African American boy looking out of a window of the building. Deborah Wang reports that the Imani Institute is not a traditional parochial school. V: Footage of African American schoolchildren gathered in an auditorium. The students sing "Lift Every Voice." Shots of individual schoolchildren. Wang reports that a school assembly is held each morning; that each class has a Swahili name. Wang notes that the students recite a pledge about their African past. V: Footage of the schoolchildren at the assembly saying together, "We are the African people." Wang reports that there are 86 African American students at the Imani Institute; that the students learn about their African heritage. V: Shots of Imani students standing in a classroom; of students sitting in an assembly; of individual schoolchildren. Footage of Ozzie Edwards (Director, Imani Institute) saying that the school gives students a sense of pride about their heritage. Shot of a handwritten sign for the fourth grade class known as "Anika." Footage of an African American female teacher working with students in a classroom; of students working at desks. Wang reports that many of the educational concepts behind the Imani Institute date back to the 1960s; that these educational concepts are becoming more popular with parents. Wang notes that many parents believe that public schools are in crisis. V: Footage of Edwards saying that there are problems with the education of African American children. Edwards says that African American children are not achieving the level of education of other groups. Wang reports that many Imani students are former students of the Boston Public Schools; that some are former students of the African American Catholic school St. Francis de Sales. Wang notes that the St. Francis de Sales school closed over the summer. V: Shot of the exterior of the former St. Francis de Sales school building. Shot of an African American female teacher with young students in a classroom. The students sit in a circle on the floor. Shots of the students. Wang reports that parents of students at the Imani Institute have insisted on having input on the education provided by the school. V: Footage of Sadiki Kambon (President, Parents' Council) saying that many parents decided that the Imani Institute was the best place for their children; that the public schools are not providing a good education. Footage of Edwards saying that parental background and involvement are critical to a child's success in school. Edward says that parents need to be interested in their child's education; that parents do not have to be well educated. Shots of older students in a classroom with an African American male teacher. Shots of the teacher and the students. Wang reports that the school has no permanent home; that the school is housed temporarily in the Elliot Congregational Church. Wang notes that the Imani Institute must raise an additional $60,000 in order to make it past the first year. V: Shots of Imani students leaving the morning assembly.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/12/1989
Description: Report on an alarming increase in the infant mortality rate in Boston. Review of the statistics noting that the infant mortality rate among African Americans is 2.5 times the infant mortality rate among whites and that the increase was most pronounced in the Roxbury neighborhood. Interview with Dr. Bailus Walker, the Commissioner of Public Health, who says that the increase in the infant mortality rate is the result of a cutback in social programs from 1982 to 1984. Mayor Ray Flynn talks about the effects of cutbacks in social programs. The state has put $15 million toward reducing the infant mortality rate. Marian Wright Edelman, the Director of the Children's Defense Fund, speaks at a press conference, saying that the US has one of the highest infant mortality rates of any industrialized nation. The video cuts to black for 45 seconds during this story, from 00:01:34 to 00:02:15, presumably for graphics that weren't added to this copy. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of health care workers, parents and children at the Codman Square Health Center.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of a doctor examining a non-white baby with a stethoscope. Hope Kelly reports that the infant mortality rate in Massachusetts is nine out of 1,000 infants; that 22 of every 1,000 African American babies die; that the infant mortality rate for African Americans is 2.5 times higher than the infant mortality rate for whites. V: Footage of three young African American children playing outside of a housing project. Kelly reports that the infant mortality rate is 15 out of 1,000 for babies born in Boston; that the mortality rate for non-white babies born in Boston is 23 out of 1,000. V: Shots of a white child standing near a park bench; of a doctor examining a pregnant African American woman. Kelly reports that infant mortality rates have increased from previous years. V: Shots of an African American infant girl being undressed before a medical examination. Kelly reports that the state-wide infant mortality rate was 8.9 deaths per 1,000 babies in 1984. V: Video cuts out. Black screen is visible. Kelly reports that that the state-wide infant mortality rate was 9.1 per 1,000 babies in 1985. Kelly notes that the African American infant mortality rate was 17 per 1,000 babies in 1984; that the African American mortality rate was 22.1 per 1,000 babies in 1985. Kelly adds that the increase was drastic in the city of Boston. Kelly notes that the African American infant mortality rate in Boston was 11.7 per 1,000 babies in 1984; that the African American infant mortality rate in Boston was 15.4 per 1,000 babies in 1985. Kelly notes that the increase in the infant mortality rate was pronounced in the Roxbury area; that the infant mortality rate in Roxbury rose from 16.5 per 1,000 in 1984 to 23.4 per 1,000 in 1985. Kelly adds that the infant mortality rate in North Dorchester doubled from 1984 to 1985. V: Video cuts back in. Footage of Dr. Bailus Walker (Commissioner of Public Health) saying that he is concerned but not surprised about the rise in the infant mortality rate. Walker says that the infant mortality rate is the result of cutbacks made in social programs from 1982 to 1984. Kelly says that Walker and Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) blame cutbacks by the federal government. V: Footage of Flynn saying that the rise in the infant mortality rate is attributable to dramatic cutbacks in nutrition programs, housing programs, and other social programs. Kelly says that the state put $15 million dollars toward an effort to reverse the increase in the infant mortality rate in 1985. V: Shots of the State House. Footage of Walker saying that it is too soon to see the results of the effort; that the data for 1986-1988 will show the results of the state effort. Shots of a Boston Globe front page article. The headline reads, "Hub infant deaths up 32%. Kelly says that Boston is home to some of the nation's most advanced medical centers. V: Shots of Boston City Hall; of signs for Boston Hospitals, including the New England Medical Center Hospital and Children's Hospital. Kelly reports that the Boston's Mission Hill neighborhood is very close to the Harvard Medical Complex and other hospitals. V: Shots of a child riding a go-cart outside of a housing project in Mission Hill; of a woman standing at the window of her aparment, holding an infant. Shots of African American children playing outside of the housing project. Kelly reports that the infant mortality rate in Mission Hill is 50 deaths per 1,000 births; that the infant mortality rate in Mission Hill is as high as the infant mortality rate in many third-world countries. Kelly reports that there are high infant mortality rates among African American communities across the nation. V: Footage of Marian Wright Edelman (Director, Children's Defense Fund) at a press conference. Wright Edelman says that an African American infant born in Washington D.C. is more likely to die than in infant born in Trinidad and Tobago; that the US and one other nation have the highest infant mortality rates among twenty industrialized nations surveyed. Footage of Walker saying that he will be concerned if this trend continues for three or more years; that a one-year "snapshot" does not yet indicate a trend.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/09/1987
Description: Hope Kelly reports on an increase in the infant mortality rate since last year. Kelly reviews statistics on the infant mortality rate in Massachusetts and in Boston. There is a wide discrepancy between the infant mortality rates in the white and African American communities. Two out of three infant deaths in Boston are African American infants. Interview with Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of Public Health, David Mulligan and Howard Spivak about the rising infant mortality rate. The state of Massachusetts has implemented prenatal care programs for all pregnant women. Interview with Commissioner of Boston Health and Hospitals, Judith Kurland, about the prenatal care programs. Kurland says that the programs do not reach the women who are most in need of them. Kurland says that an increase in poverty has resulted in an increase of the infant mortality rates. Kelly reviews statistics concerning teenage pregnancy in the state, noting that teenage pregnancy is becoming increasingly common. Kelly's report is accompanied by footage of infants in a hospital nursery and footage of a doctor examining a baby.
1:00:01: Visual: Shots of an infant in a neo-natal intensive care unit; of an infant in an incubator being wheeled through the corridors of a hospital. Hope Kelly reports that infant mortality refers to any infant who dies within the first year of life; that the infant mortality rate among the minority population in Massachusetts is high. Kelly reports that the infant mortality rate for white babies is 7.1 per 1,000 births; that the infant mortality rate for African American babies is 17.2 per 1,000 births. Kelly notes that the infant mortality rate for white babies in Boston is 8.1 per 1,000 births; that the infant mortality rate for African American babies in Boston is 24.4 per 1,000 births. Kelly reports that the infant mortality rate has increased since last year. V: On-screen text and visuals detail the statistics of the infant mortality rate in Massachusetts. Footage of David Mulligan (Commissioner of Public Health) saying that there the infant mortality rate signals a wide discrepancy between the white community and the African American community. Kelly reports that two out of every three infant deaths in Boston are African American infants; that African Americans make up less than one-quarter of the city's population. V: Footage of Howard Spivak (Deputy Commissioner of Public Health) saying that infant mortality rates are high across the nation; that Massachusetts has one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the nation. Shot of a woman dressing a baby in an examination room of a health clinic. Kelly reports that Massachusetts has already implemented pre-natal care programs for all pregnant women. V: Footage of Judith Kurland (Commissioner, Boston Health and Hospitals) saying that these programs are good; that the programs do not always reach the women who need the most help. Kurland says that there are women who do not know that help is available. Kelly reports that Kurland runs the health department of the city of Boston. Kelly reports that one out of four newborns at Boston City Hospital will spend time in the intensive care nursery. Kelly notes that the mothers of these children often receive inadequate pre-natal care. V: Shot of an infant in the intensive care nursery. Shot of a health care worker tending to an infant in a hospital nursery. The health care worker takes a measurement and refers to a gauge. Kelly reports that Kurland does not think that the pre-natal care programs in Massachusetts are adequate. V: Footage of Kurland saying that the programs need to reach women in housing projects and on street corners. Shot of health care workers tending to an infant in a hospital nursery. The workers look at an image on a computer monitor. The infant is hooked up to medical equipment. Kelly reports that Kurland is proposing a radical expansion of health care. Kelly notes that outreach is necessary in order to help at-risk women. V: Footage of Kurland saying that there has been an increase in poverty during the past eight years; that increases in poverty are linked to increases in infant mortality. Kelly reports that teenage pregnancy is on the rise in Massachusetts. Kelly reports that 88,047 babies were born to teenage mothers in Massachusetts in 1988; that 84,343 babies were born to teenage mothers in Massachusetts in 1987. Kelly notes that the teenage birthrate has increased 22% since 1980. V: Shot of a young woman and a baby at the window of an apartment building. On-screen text and visuals detail statistics about teen pregnancy in Massachusetts. Shot of Dr. Graunke (pediatrician), a woman, and a baby in an examination room at the Codman Square Health Center. The woman puts the child on the examination table.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/12/1989
Description: Parents and infants in the lobby of a health care center. Rebecca Rollins reports that many Massachusetts state legislators have said that the state's rising infant mortality rate is a priority. State Rep. John McDonough and State Sen. Edward Burke were the only two of seventeen members of the Legislative Health Care Committee attended a recent meeting on the infant mortality rate. Rollins notes that some legislators said that they were not aware of the meeting. Interviews with Burke and Dr. Jean Taylor of the Roxbury Comprehensive Community Health Center. Taylor says that the all of the members of the committee would have attended if the subject were white infant mortality. Rollins notes that the infant mortality rate is three times higher in the African American community than in the white community. Rollins reports that any legislation related to infant mortality will most likely be written by Burke and McDonough.
1:00:02: Visual: Footage of a health care worker speaking to an African American woman in the lobby of a health care center. The man holds an infant on his lap. Shot of the infant. Rebecca Rollins reports that African American infants in the Boston area are three times more likely than white babies to die in their first year. Rollins reports that many Massachusetts state legislators have said that the state's rising infant mortality rate is a priority. Rollins reports that the Legislative Health Care Committee gave its full attention to the issue of insurance; that the infant mortality issue did not get the same attention. V: Shots of legislators at a meeting of the Legislative Health Care Committee. Rollins reports that there are seventeen members of the Legislative Health Care Committee; that only two members were present at recent hearings on the rising infant mortality rate. V: Shots of black and white photos of the members of the Legislative Health Care Committee, including state representatives Athan Catjakis, Marjorie Claprood, Sherwood Guernsey, Robert Howarth, Frank Hynes, Joseph McIntyre, John McNeiil, Chester Suhoski. Shot of a black and white photo of John McDonough (State Representative). Rollins reports that McDonough and Edward Burke (State Senator) were the only two members who attended the hearings. V: Footage of Burke being interviewed in his office. Burke says that he does not know why other members were prevented from attending the hearings. Rollins says that most of the fifteen legislators were unavailable for comment. V: Shots of black and white photos of state senators on the Legislative Health Care Committee, including Senators Louis Bertonazzi, Robert Buell, John Houston and Thomas White. Shot of a black and white photo of Robert Howarth (State Representative). Rollins reports that Howarth said that he was not aware of the meetings. V: Shot of a black and white photo of John Bartley (State Representative). Rollins reports that Bartley said that he thought the meeting had been scheduled for the day after the primary election. Rollins reports that Bartley said that he had no intention of attending the meeting. Rollins notes that Bartley called back later to say that he had never been notified of the meeting. V: Footage of Burke being interviewed in his office. Burke says that the members were probably notified about the hearings. Burke says that notifications were sent out from his office and from the office of the House Chairman of the committee. Rollins reports that Dr. Jean Taylor (Roxbury Comprehensive Community Health Center) testified at both hearings. V: Footage of Taylor being interviewed by Rollins. Taylor says that all of the members of the committee would have attended the hearings if the subject was related to white infant mortality. Rollins stands in front of the Massachusetts State House. Rollins reports that the previous day's hearings were the final hearings on infant mortality for this year. Rollins notes that any legislation related to infant mortality will most likely be written by Burke and McDonough. Rollins notes that the absence of the fifteen legislators may have compromised progress in the state's health care system.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/16/1990
Description: Hope Kelly reports on the health care workers and patients at the Codman Square Health Center. Kelly notes that the health care workers at the Codman Square Health Center are not surprised at the rise in the infant mortality rate in Boston. She adds that many of the patients at the Center are immigrants and have no health insurance. Kelly interviews Bill Walczak (Codman Square Health Center), Dr. Tony Schlaff (head of the Codman Square Health Center), Dr. Graunke (pediatrician, Codman Square Health Center) and Cynthia Smith (head nurse, OBGYN practitioner, Codman Square Health Center). The four health care workers describe the challenges faced by poor women and children. Walczak says that many of the patients are in a perpetual state of crisis due to housing and transportation problems. Schlaff talks about the need for health education and pre-natal care for at-risk populations. Graunke talks about high rate of malnutrition in Codman Square. Smith talks about the rising rate of teen pregnancies. Kelly's report includes footage of health care workers and several patients at the center. Kelly's report also features footage of Dr. Graunke examining patients. Kelly notes that workers at the Center often treat children who have never received medical attention. This tape includes footage of Dr. Kenneth Edelin (Boston City Hospital), Juanita Wade (Boston School Committee), Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) and others at a press conference on Codman Square's high infant mortality rate. It also includes shots of newspaper articles about the rising infant mortality rate.
1:00:06: Visual: Shot of the church in Codman Square. Shot of the sign for the "Codman Square Health Center." Shot of a white female doctor examining an African American infant with a stethoscope. Footage of an African American health care worker asking a mother about her child's symptoms. The mother (Beverly) says that the child has vomiting and diarrhea. Hope Kelly reports that workers at the Codman Square Health Center were not suprised at the increase in the infant mortality rate in Boston. V: Footage of Bill Walczak (Codman Square Health Center) talking about an Hispanic woman who had come in to the health center looking for some emergency food. Walczak says that the woman and her thirteen children had been evicted from their home; that the woman and her children have no place to live because of the housing shortage. Footage of Dr. Tony Schlaff (Head of the Codman Square Health Center) talks about a pregnant woman who was due to give birth. Schlaff says that the woman had only visited the healthcare center twice during her pregnancy; that the woman did not know that smoking was harmful to the health of her fetus. Kelly reports the Codman Square Healthcare Center has 1,100 registered patients and 20,000 medical visits per year. Kelly talks about a woman from Barbados named Beverly, who has an infant daughter named Ashley and two sons ages 8 and 3. V: Shots of Beverly in the waiting room of the healthcare center. Kelly talks about a woman named Carmen and her son Ian. Kelly reports that Carmen receives aid from the AFDC and from a nutrition program. V: Shots of Dr. Graunke (pediatrician, Codman Square Health Center) examining Ian. Carmen looks on. Kelly reports that many women do not come in for their appointments at the healthcare center. V: Footage of Graunke saying that 30 to 40% of the appointments at the healthcare center are not kept. Footage of Walczak saying that the patients are always in a state of crisis due to housing problems and transportation problems; that the patients do not have the access to "the things that are taken for granted by middle-class Americans." Footage of an African American woman working behind the reception desk at the clinic. A mother and her child wait in front of the desk. Kelly reports that 50% of the patients at the Codman Square Health Center do not have medical insurance; that 20% of the patients have no telephone; that 40% of the patients are immigrants. V: Shot of an African American health care worker filling out paperwork; of Graunke examining Ian in an examination room; of vials being put into a metal container in an examination room; of medical equipment in an examination room. Kelly reports that the center frequently treats children who have never received medical care; that some children have never been immunized. Kelly reports that positive tests for tuberculosis and lead poisoning are common. V: Footage of Graunke saying that the malnutrition rate is six times greater in Codman Square than it is in the rest of Massachusetts. Shots of storefronts in Codman Square. Kelly reports that the closest grocery stores is two bus rides away from Codman Square; that smaller stores are expensive and sell a lot of junk food. V: Footage of Cynthia Smith (Head nurse, Codman Square Health Center) saying that she is seeing two or three new teenage pregnancies per week. Footage of Walczak saying that advances in medical technology have not helped eradicate infant mortality from poor neighborhoods. Kelly notes that the waiting room wall has a photo of Codman Square from 1935. V: Shots of an African American man and an African American boy sitting in the waiting room. Kelly notes that progress seems to have stopped in Codman Square. V: Shot of an African American health care worker.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/11/1987
Description: Rep. Kevin Fitzgerald and Sen. Bill Owens support a bill, sponsored by Byron Rushing, creating commission to investigate police misconduct in Stuart murder case. Rep. Michael Flaherty opposes it. Interview with Frank McGee on police investigation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/08/1990
Description: Marcus Jones reports that voter support for Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) appears to be growing with each primary election, despite being labeled as "unelectable" by political analysts and the media. Jones notes that Jackson is gaining support from white voters and other voters outside of his political base. Jones suggests that critics are dismissive of Jackson because of his skin color. Jones' report includes footage from an interview with Bob Beckel (political analyst). Beckel says that Jackson will have to convince white voters and the media to see beyond his skin color. Jones' report features footage of Jackson campaigning, footage of Jackson at a candidates' forum and footage from a Jackson campaign advertisement. Jones' report also includes footage of Jackson saying that his race should not be an issue in the campaign.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US presidential candidate) at a campaign rally in New Hampshire on February 16, 1988. Jackson say that his campaign has defied the odds; that his campaign has been winning "uphill battles." Shots of the crowd. Marcus Jones reports that political analysts and the media have called Jackson the "most unelectable candidate in the race for the White House." Jones notes that support for Jackson seems to be growing. V: Footage of Jackson announcing his candidacy in November of 1983. Footage from a 1988 political advertisement for Jackson. Jones notes that Jackson's candidacy in 1983 made history; that Jackson's victories in 1988 are exceptional. Jones adds that Jackson is gaining support from voters outside of his African American base. V: Footage of a white male saying that Jackson will win in the South; of another white male asking, "Why not?" Shot of Jackson at a campaign rally; of Jackson exiting an airplane. Jones notes that voters in Maine, Vermont, Minnesota, and other states are supporting Jackson. V: Footage of a white male in New Hampshire saying that critics are creating a negative image of Jackson. Footage of Jackson at a televised forum in Dallas. Jackson sits on stage with other Democratic candidates. Jackson says that the US should not be overly dependent on oil from the Persian Gulf; that every youth should have the opportunity to go to college. Jackson criticizes the defense policy of Ronald Reagan (US President). Jones suggests that critics are calling Jackson unelectable because of his skin color. V: Footage of Jackson in New Hampshire on October 12, 1987. Jackson says that the issue of his race should be left to "God"; that the issue of his credentials should be left up to the voters. Footage of Bob Beckel (political analyst) saying that Jackson addresses issues that other candidates are afraid to address. Beckel says that Jackson will have trouble convincing white voters and the media to see beyond his skin color. Beckel says that Jackson has "no shot" at winning. Beckel says that the situation is unfair to Jackson. Footage of Jackson at a campaign rally in New Hampshire. Supporters chant, "Win, Jesse, Win." Jones notes that Jackson's base of support continues to grow.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/04/1988
Description: Three patriots players return to practice because they don't think the strike is winnable. The Patriots will not be able to pay them more than a 100 dollar per diem, and won't let them pay. Eugene Profit, Fred Marion, and Cedric Jones speak at a press conference. The players union calls off the strike and all of the players return. Patrick Sullivan talks to the press about the roster deadline, which was the day before the players returned, and therefore the players were turned away. There is a lot of miscommunication between the union and NFL management.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/15/1987
Description: This tape features Marcus Jones's first report in a three-part series on the life of Jackie Robinson (baseball player) in honor of the fortieth anniversary of Robinson's entry into major league baseball. Jones reviews the history of African Americans in professional baseball. He notes that the Negro League was successful in the 1930s and 1940s. Jones reports that Robinson was one of three African American players to try out for the Boston Red Sox in the 1940s. Jones reports that Robinson was signed to the Brooklyn Dodgers as the first African American in major league baseball. Jones notes that Robinson encountered virulent racism and even received death threats. Jones reports that Robinson went on to become one of the greatest players of all time and was inducted to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962. Jones' report includes footage from interviews with Larry Whiteside (Boston Globe sportswriter), Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger), Rachel Robinson (wife of Jackie Robinson), and Frank Robinson (Baltimore Orioles). Jones' report also features footage and photographs of Robinson and early African American baseball players. Jones' report is accompanied by footage from the films The Jackie Robinson Story and The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars. Tape 1 of 3
1:00:17: Visual: Shots of a Red Sox baseball player signing autographs for fans at Fenway Park. Text on screen reads, "Jackie Robinson's American Dream." Marcus Jones reports that Jack Roosevelt Robinson was the first African American baseball player to play in the major leagues. V: Black and white footage of Robinson playing baseball. Jones talks about the history of African Americans in baseball. V: Black and white photographs of early African American baseball players including John "Bud" Fowler, Moses Fleetwood Walker and Wellday Walker. Jones talks about early African American players including Fowler and the Walker brothers. V: Footage of Larry Whiteside (Boston Globe sportswriter) saying that racial issues in Major League Baseball reflect the racial issues in American life. Footage from the film, The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars. Jones talks about the formation of the Negro Leagues. Jones reports that African American players still wanted to break into the major leagues; that some tried to pass as Latino. V: Footage of Whiteside talking about racism in early baseball. Jones talks about the success of the Negro League in the 1930s and 1940s. V: Black and white footage of Negro League baseball games. Black and white shots of players including Josh Gibson, Satchel Paige, and Jackie Robinson. Black and white photos of teams from the Negro League. Jones reports that three African American players were given a one-day tryout for the major leagues at Fenway Park in Boston. V: Black and white shots of African American fans; of the exterior of Fenway Park. Footage of Whiteside talking about the events leading up to the tryouts. Whiteside says that Marvin Williams, Sam Jethroe, and Robinson were given tryouts. Black and white footage of players at Fenway Park; of Jethroe; of Robinson; of the exterior of Fenway Park. Jones reports that the Red Sox did not give any of the players a spot on the team; that Branch Rickey (Owner, Brooklyn Dodgers) signed Robinson to play for the Brooklyn farm team. V: Black and white footage of Red Sox players at Fenway Park; of Rickey. Black and white footage of Robinson and Rickey signing a contract. Shot of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Dodgers purchase Robinson, first negro in modern major league baseball." Footage of Rickey talking about his efforts to warn Robinson about the abuse that Robinson would receive in the major leagues. Footage from the film, The Jackie Robinson Story. Jones reports that Rickey challenged Robinson to hold his temper in the face of racial slurs and hostility; that Robinson moved into the Dodgers' starting line-up in 1947; that Robinson played great baseball despite the racial hostility. V: Black and white footage of the press and fans at a baseball game; of Robinson playing for the Dodgers. Black and white shots of African American and white fans cheering for Robinson. Footage of Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger) saying that Robinson had no fear; that Labine had never played with a more exciting player than Robinson. Jones talks about the extreme pressure under which Robinson played. V: Shots of a newspaper headline reading, "Robinson reveals written threats;" of a hand-written letter to Robinson reading, "We are going to kill you if you attempt to enter a ballgame at Crosley Field." Footage of Rachel Robinson (Jackie Robinson's wife) talking about the threatening letters received by Robinson. Footage of Labine saying that he received hate mail after a photo of him and Robinson was printed in the paper. Shot of a black and white photo of Labine with his arm around Robinson. Labine says that Robinson received a lot of hate mail. Footage of Frank Robinson (Baltimore Orioles) saying that few people would be able to perform under pressure like Robinson did. Black and white footage of a newscaster speculating on Robinson's performance. Black and white footage of Robinson playing baseball for the Dodgers. Jones reports that Robinson's first year in baseball was outstanding; that Robinson was named Rookie of the Year for the National League. V: Black and white footage of Robinson receiving the Rookie of the Year award; of the Dodgers playing in the World Series in 1947. Jones reports that Robinson's fondest memories were of playing in the World Series; that Robinson was the first African American player to play in a World Series. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Robinson. Audio of Robinson saying that his goal was to break the color barrier; that he wanted to show that African American and white players could play together. Black and white footage of Robinson playing baseball. Shot of a Dodgers' team photo with Robinson. Jones reports that Robinson played for 10 years in the Major League; that Robinson was the MVP in 1949; that he appeared in the World Series six times. V: Black and white shots of fans at a stadium; of Robinson; of the Dodgers World Series victory in 1955; of Robinson being inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Jones reports that Robinson was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962. Jones stands in front of Freedom National Bank in Harlem. Jones reports that Robinson turned his attention to civil rights, business, and politics at the end of his baseball career.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/04/1987
Description: This tape features Marcus Jones' second report in a three-part series on the life of Jackie Robinson (baseball player) in honor of the fortieth anniversary of Robinson's entry into major league baseball. Jones reports on Robinson's career after baseball and his active participation in the civil rights movement. Jones notes that Robinson was the first African American to reach the level of vice-president in a major corporation when he was named to that post at the Chock Full O'Nuts company. Jones reviews Robinson's role in the civil rights movement and his political activity during the 1960 presidential elections. Jones reports that Robinson co-founded the Freedom National Bank in Harlem in 1963, which was the first bank in the US to be run by African Americans. Jones talks about Robinson's disappointment when white teammates from professional baseball refused to join him for the March on Washington in 1963. Jones' report includes footage from interviews with Rachel Robinson (wife of Jackie Robinson), Ambassador Franklin Williams (friend of Jackie Robinson), Mal Goode (journalist), and Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger). Jones' report also features footage of the civil rights movements and footage of Robinson in the 1960s. Jones' report includes footage from the film Jackie Robinson: An American Journey. Tape 2 of 3
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of Jackie Robinson walking off of a baseball field. Text on screen reads, "Jackie Robinson's American Dream." Black and white shot of an older Robinson waving goodbye; of the exterior of Ebbets Field; of a newspaper headline reading, "Giants get Robinson." Shot of a black and white photo of Robinson in a suit. Marcus Jones reports that Jackie Robinson left baseball in 1957; that Robinson chose to retire instead of be traded to the New York Giants. Jones reports that Robinson signed on as vice-president of personnel for Chock full o'Nuts company; that Robinson was the first African American to reach the level of vice-president in a major corporation. V: Black and white footage of Robinson in a baseball uniform; of Robinson in a business suit; of a sign for "Chock full o'Nuts." Black and white footage of Robinson with his employees; of Robinson meeting with a group of people. Jones reports that Robinson played an active role in the civil rights movement. V: Footage of Rachel Robinson (Jackie Robinson's wife) saying that Robinson wanted to be a part of the civil rights movement. Black and white footage of African American students integrating white schools; of African American picketers outside of a Woolworth lunch counter; of an African American man confronting a police officer; of Martin Luther King (civil rights leader); of an African American man being pushed by white men; of fire hoses being used on African American demonstrators; of African American picketers with protest signs. Footage of Ambassador Franklin Williams (friend of Robinson) saying that Robinson identified with the NAACP; that Robinson was an active chairman of the Freedom Fund Campaign. Jones reports that Robinson advocated equal opportunities for African Americans in all areas; that Robinson's stature drew attention to the cause. V: Footage from Jackie Robinson: An American Journey. Footage shows Robinson campaigning for civil rights. Robinson rides in a convertible through an African American neighborhood. Footage of Williams saying that Robinson drew great crowds; that women would pay to have him kiss them on the cheek. Footage of a Nelson Rockefeller presidential campaign rally in 1960. Robinson is visible in the crowd. Jones reports that Robinson supported Nelson Rockefeller (presidential candidate) in 1960; that Robinson campaigned for the Republican nominee Richard Nixon (1960 Republican presidential nominee) after Rockefeller lost the nomination. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Nixon and Robinson. Footage of Williams saying that Robinson believed that African Americans would be strengthened if they were represented by both of the major parties. Footage of a campaign debate in 1960 between Nixon and John F. Kennedy (1960 Democratic presidential nominee). Footage of Williams saying that Robinson had great respect for Nixon at the beginning of the 1960 presidential campaign; that Robinson eventually became disillusioned with the Republican Party. Shot of a black and white photo of Nixon and Robinson. Black and white footage of Kennedy's inaugural speech. Jones reports that Robinson continued to fight for equality for African Americans; that Robinson pushed for Mal Goode (journalist) to be hired as the first African American TV news correspondent. V: Shots of black and white photos of Robinson; of Robinson and Goode. Footage of Goode reflecting on the sacrifices made by the previous generation of African Americans. Jones reports that Robinson co-founded Freedom National Bank in Harlem in 1963; that the bank was the first bank to be run by African Americans. V: Shots of Freedom National Bank in Harlem. Black and white footage of Robinson talking about the importance of Freedom National Bank. Jones stands in front of Freedom National Bank. Jones reports that Robinson worked to free the African American community from the constraints of racism. V: Footage of Williams talking about the idea of a bank run by African Americans, in which whites could participate. Black and white footage of Robinson talking about the importance of registering African Americans to vote. Black and white footage of African Americans marching in the South in 1963; of whites standing behind a Confederate flag; of two white men waving a small Confederate flag. Jones reports that Robinson spent a lot of time in the South in 1963. V: Black and white footage of Robinson and King; of Robinson addressing a crowd about the need for equal rights. Shots of a black and white photo of King. Black and white shot of Robinson picking up a telephone. Black and white aerial shot of the March on Washington in 1963. Jones reports that Robinson was disappointed when his white Dodger teammates refused to join him for the March on Washington in 1963. V: Footage of Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger) saying that he regrets not joining Robinson for the March on Washington. Black and white shot of Robinson addressing a crowd. Jones reports that Robinson started a construction company in 1970; that the company was dedicated to building low-income housing. V: Shots of Robinson at a construction site; of Robinson looking at architectural plans; of Robinson throwing out a baseball at a ballgame. Jones reports that Robinson died in October of 1972. Jones stands outside of Ebbets Field Apartments. Jones says that Robinson's ideals still live on.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/05/1987
Description: Third report in Marcus Jones' three-part series on the life of Jackie Robinson in honor of the fortieth anniversary of Robinson's entry into major league baseball. Jones reports on the lack of African American managers and coaches in major league baseball. Jones notes that Robinson spoke out against discrimination in baseball during the last years of his life. Jones adds that Robinson never received an offer to manage a major league baseball team. Jones' report includes footage of Al Campanis (former Vice-President, Brooklyn Dodgers) and Lee MacPhail (General Manager, New York Yankees) making discriminatory comments about the abilities of African Americans to manage professional sports teams. Jones reports that Frank Robinson (bench coach, Baltimore Orioles) became the first African American manager in professional baseball. Jones adds that many current African American players have expressed interest in management positions. Jones interviews Frank Robinson. Jones also interviews Tommy Harper (former Boston Red Sox coach) about his experiences with the Boston Red Sox. Jones notes that Harper was fired for speaking out against the team's discriminatory practices. Jones notes that affirmative action plans are under review for major league baseball. Jones' report includes footage of Rachel Robinson (wife of Jackie Robinson), Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger), Elrod Hendricks (Baltimore Orioles), Larry Whiteside (Boston Globe sportswriter), Billy Williams (Chicago Cubs), Howard Cosell (sportscaster) and Ambassador Franklin Williams (friend of Jackie Robinson) speaking about Jackie Robinson and African Americans in baseball. Jones' report includes footage of Jackie Robinson as well as footage and photographs of current baseball players and officials. Tape 3 of 3
1:00:03: Visual: Black and white shot of the exterior of Ebbets Field in Brooklyn. Text on screen reads, "Jackie Robinson's American Dream." Black and white shots of fans at the stadium. Footage of Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger) saying that the heart and soul of Brooklyn were destroyed when the Brooklyn Dodgers left town. Black and white shot of Jackie Robinson playing baseball for the Dodgers. Marcus Jones stands in front of Ebbets Field Apartment Complex in Brooklyn. Jones reports that opportunities for minorities are still lacking in one area. V: Footage of Al Campanis (former Dodgers' Vice President) on Nightline. Campanis says that African Americans do not have what it takes to manage a baseball team. Campanis says that there are not many African American quarterbacks or pitchers. Black and white shots of Robinson in a baseball uniform; of a group of Brooklyn Dodgers players. Footage of Campanis speaking to the media. Jones reports that Campanis is a former teammate of Robinson; that Campanis's remarks show that African Americans still face barriers in major league baseball. V: Shots of a major league baseball game. Footage of Robinson addressing a crowd. Footage of Clem Labine (former Brooklyn Dodger) saying that Robinson looked forward to the day when there would be African American managers in major league baseball. Shot of Robinson throwing out a ball at a major league baseball game. Jones reports that Robinson spoke out against discrimination in baseball management during the last year's of his life. Jones notes that Lee MacPhail (General Manager, New York Yankees) claimed in 1969 that African Americans were not prepared to be managers; that Robinson publicly rebutted MacPhail's claims. Jones reports that Robinson never received an offer to manage a major league baseball team. V: Footage of MacPhail at a press conference. Black and white shot of Robinson standing with three white baseball players. Footage of Rachel Robinson (Jackie Robinson's wife) saying that Robinson was disappointed that he never had the opportunity to manage a baseball team. Shots of Robinson's funeral. Shots of Frank Robinson (bench coach, Baltimore Orioles) at a baseball game. Jones notes that Frank Robinson became the first African American manager of a baseball team in 1972. V: Footage of Frank Robinson being interviewed by Jones. Frank Robinson says that he wishes Jackie Robinson could have lived to see him appointed as a manager. Jones reports that Larry Doby and Maury Wills were the only two other African Americans have been field managers in professional baseball. V: Shots of Doby and Wills; of a white Chicago player. Jones notes that Don Baylor (Boston Red Sox), Reggie Jackson (Oakland Athletics) and Elrod Hendricks have expressed interest in becoming managers. V: Shots of Baylor, Jackson and Hendricks; of a white manager arguing with an umpire. Footage of Elrod Hendricks (catching coach for the Baltimore Orioles) saying that he would like to be a manager if the right opportunity presented itself. Footage of Tommy Harper (former Boston Red Sox coach) saying that African Americans want an equal opportunity to compete for jobs. Shots of Harper at a non-professional baseball field. Jones reports that Harper had hopes of moving up in the ranks of the Red Sox organization; that Harper was fired in 1975 for protesting against the team's discriminatory practices. V: Shot of a newspaper headline reading, "Harper still shut out because he spoke out." Footage of Harper saying that minorities have been shut out of management positions all over baseball; that the minority officials in baseball right now have no authority. Footage of Larry Whiteside (Boston Globe sportswriter) talking about the lack of opportunities for African Americans in baseball. Jones reports that there is pressure on team owners to hire more minorities. V: Shots of a ceremony honoring Robinson at a Major League ballpark; of a newspaper headline reading, "No shortage of black candidates." ESPN footage of Billy Williams (Chicago Cubs batting coach) at a Hall of Fame Ceremony. Williams says that team owners must look beyond skin color in hiring management. Shots of an African American man talking to the press; of white team owners; of Peter Ueberroth (Baseball Commissioner). Jones says that affirmative action plans are under review for major league baseball. V: Footage of Frank Robinson saying that he hopes that African Americans will soon have the same opportunities as whites to become managers. Black and white footage of Jackie Robinson playing baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers; of fans cheering for Robinson. Jones notes that Jackie Robinson's courage inspired the nation. V: Footage of Howard Cosell (sportscaster) saying that Jackie Robinson is an important figure in American history, not just sports history. Footage of Rachel Robinson (Jackie Robinson's wife) saying that she had no idea that his legacy would become as important as it is. Black and white shots of Jackie and Rachel Robinson; of Jackie Robinson campaigning for civil rights. Footage of Labine saying that Robinson will be remembered for what he did for the African American race. Black and white shots of Robinson with Chock full o'Nuts company employees; of Robinson receiving an award. Footage of Ambassador Franklin Williams (Robinson's friend) saying that a lesser man would not have succeeded like Robinson did. Black and white shots of Rachel and Jackie Robinson with their child; of Robinson with a friend.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/06/1987
Description: Deborah Wang reports that Boston supporters of Jesse Jackson are undecided about whether to campaign for Michael Dukakis. The supporters recently met to discuss their role in the upcoming campaign. Jackson delegates Mel King, Saundra Graham, Juanita Wade, and Byron Rushing are among the leaders of the meeting. The leaders say that the Dukakis campaign should not take the votes of Jackson supporters for granted. There are some Jackson supporters who will not support Dukakis under any circumstances. Interview with Philip Stanley of the Dukakis campaign about the role of Jackson supporters in the Dukakis campaign. Stanley says that the Dukakis campaign has been meeting with Jackson supporters and that the campaign is taking no votes for granted. Interviews with Jackson supporters Darryl Heller, Trent Pettus and Myra McAdoo. All three supporters criticize the Dukakis campaign. Wang's report includes footage of Dukakis and Jackson at the 1988 Democratic National Convention and footage of Jackson embarking on a voter registration campaign. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Adult entertainment at the Highland Tap
1:00:02: Visual: Footage from July 21, 1988 of the Democratic National Convention. Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential nominee) and Kitty Dukakis (wife of Michael Dukakis) are congratulated by Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) and Jacqueline Jackson (wife of Jesse Jackson). They are surrounded by Democratic Party notables. Deborah Wang reports that Jackson ended his presidential campaign by endorsing the nomination of his rival Dukakis; that Jackson pledged to campaign for Dukakis in the fall. V: Footage of Jackson speaking at the Democratic Convention on July 18, 1988. Jackson is flanked by Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen (Democratic US vice-presidential nominee). Jackson says that he is not seeking a job or a salary; that he wants to serve the nation. Shot of Jackson standing at the entrance to a campaign bus. Jackson waves to supporters. Supporters hang a sign on the side of the bus. The sign reads, "Rainbow voter registration campaign." Wang reports that Jackson supporters are undecided about whether to campaign for Dukakis; that Jackson supporters met last night in Roxbury about their role in the upcoming campaign. V: Shots of the audience at the meeting. Campaign leaders including Mel King (community activist and Jackson delegate), Saundra Graham (Jackson delegate), Byron Rushing (State Representative and Jackson delegate), and Juanita Wade (Jackson delegate) sit at a table at the front of the room. Footage of Wade saying that Jackson supporters will use the Republican threat to convince others to vote for Dukakis. Wang reports that Jackson supporters are unhappy with the Dukakis campaign. V: Footage of King saying that the Dukakis campaign has not been listening to Jackson supporters. King says that the Dukakis campaign should have addressed the role of Jackson supporters before now. Footage of Graham saying that Dukakis should be pursuing the 7 million votes represented by Jackson supporters. Shot of a life-size cut-out of Dukakis in the window of the Dukakis volunteer headquarters. Footage of Philip Stanley (State Director for the 1988 Dukakis campaign) being interviewed by Wang. Stanley says that he has met twice this week with the Jackson leadership; that the discussions are progressing. Stanley says that the Dukakis campaign is not taking anyone's vote for granted. Shots of volunteers working at the Dukakis volunteer headquarters. Wang reports that some Jackson supporters says that they will not work for Dukakis under any circumstances. V: Shot of Rushing addressing the audience at the meeting of Jackson supporters. Footage of Darryl Heller (Jackson supporter) saying that Dukakis made a mistake by choosing Bentsen as his running mate. Heller says that Bentsen does not believe in any of the same things as Jackson; that Bentsen is closer to Ronald Reagan (US President) than he is to Jackson. Heller says that it would be a violation of his conscience to vote for the Dukakis ticket. Footage of Trent Pettus (Jackson supporter) saying that he will not vote for Dukakis. Pettus says that Dukakis does not believe that gays and lesbians are fit to be foster parents. Pettus says that Dukakis advocates a discriminatory policy against gays and lesbians. Pettus adds that he will not vote for Dukakis. Footage of Myra McAdoo (Jackson supporter) saying that Dukakis needs to be ready to deal realistically with minority groups; that Jackson needs to receive a message from minority groups. Wang reports that some Jackson supporters will work to revive the Rainbow Coalition; that the supporters will work to get Rainbow candidates elected to state and local offices. V: Shots of Jackson supporters at the meeting in Roxbury. Footage of Jackson at the Democratic National Convention. Shots of delegates on the floor waving signs reading, "Jesse!" Wang notes that Jackson supporters will try to gain concessions from the Democratic Party. V: Footage of Rushing saying that he wants his constituents to be represented fairly by the chosen leader of the Democratic Party. Rushing says that Jackson supporters must barter their votes for fair representation. Rushing says that Jackson supporters must not be taken for granted by Dukakis. Wang stands in front of the Dukakis volunteer headquarters. Wang reports that Dukakis may not need to make peace with local Jackson supporters; that Dukakis is expected to win Massachusetts easily. Wang reports that Jackson supporters hope that Dukakis includes them in his campaign. Wang adds that Jackson supporters want Dukakis to make it clear that he does not take Jackson voters for granted.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/25/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Jesse Jackson beat George Bush in a phone poll conducted by a local radio station. Interviews with City Councilor Bruce Bolling and State Rep. Gloria Fox about their support for Jesse Jackson's presidential campaign. Fox says that Jackson's campaign staff is working hard for a Jackson victory. Bolling says that diverse constituencies can find common ground in Jackson's candidacy. Jackson at a campaign rally.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) entering a campaign rally. Marcus Jones reports that Jackson beat George Bush (Republican US Presidential candidate) in a phone poll conducted of callers to WEEI (Boston AM radio station). V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) saying that Jackson will be the next president of the US. Jones reports that Bolling is the chairman of Jackson's Massachusetts' campaign. V: Shot of Bolling with Jackson at a campaign rally. Footage of Bolling saying that voters see Jackson as a man of conviction, compassion and vision. Footage of Gloria Fox (State Representative) being interviewed by Jones. Fox says that Jackson's campaign workers are serious about the campaign; that they are working hard for a Jackson victory. Fox says that Jackson has a good campaign organization; that voters are tired of politicians who do not address their needs. Footage of Bolling saying that diverse constituencies can find a common ground in Jackson's message. Bolling adds that voters are not listening to political pundits who say that Jackson is unelectable. Footage of Fox saying that Jackson's campaign is on a roll.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/29/1988
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson has released position papers detailing his stance on domestic issues. Vaillancourt reviews Jackson's positions on the economy, trade, employment, social programs, defense spending, and taxes. Interview with labor union leader Domenic Bozzotto and Harvard professor Roger Porter about Jackson's positions on the issues. Bozzotto defends Jackson's platform while Porter criticizes it. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson would support his social programs through cuts in defense spending and increased taxes on wealthy Americans. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson's position as the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination challenges other candidates to defend their positions on the issues. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: James Farmer speaks at a ceremony in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
1:00:07: Visual: C-Span footage of Jesse Jackson (US Democratic Presidential Candidate) addressing the Democratic Convention in 1984. The audience cheers for Jackson. Footage of Jackson quoting poetry to a reporter. On-screen visuals list details about Jackson's position on the economy. On-screen text reads, "Invest pensions in America." Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has a stack of position papers on economic issues. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson advocates the investment of pension funds in federally-guaranteed securities; that Jackson would use the capital to fund public housing, roads, and other public works projects; that the investment of 10% of US pensions would yield $60 billion for projects. V: Shot of Jackson talking about his positions at a forum; of Jackson addressing supporters at a campaign rally. Footage of Domenic Bozzotto (President, Hotel Workers Union) that he likes Jackson' s idea of putting pension money to work for social good; that Jackson's plan also gives a fair return on the investment. Footage of Roger Porter (Harvard University) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Porter says that Jackson's plan calls for government guarantees on pension investments; that the government could end up paying the difference on a poor investment. Vaillancourt says that trade issues are another important issue in the election. V: On-screen visuals list details about Jackson's position on trade issues. On-screen text reads, "Adopt 'corporate code of conduct'." Footage of Jackson saying that General Electric is the number one exporter from Taiwan. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson believes that cheap overseas labor is the main cause of the US trade deficit. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would abolish tax incentives for US companies abroad; that Jackson would insist that America's trading partners pay the same wages as those earned by US workers. V: Shots of Jackson marching with union workers. Footage of Bozzotto saying that "slave wages" paid to workers abroad will undercut organized labor in the US. Footage of Porter saying that the US cannot impose these policies on its trading partners. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is a populist on employment issues. V: On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on employment. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson supports an increase in the minimum wage; that Jackson supports the passage of a worker bill of rights; that Jackson supports the plant closing law; that Jackson supports comparable pay for jobs of comparable worth. V: Footage of Jackson addressing supporters. On-screen visuals detail Jackson's positions on social programs. Vaillancourt talks about Jackson's position on social programs. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson supports universal day care and national health care; that Jackson would double spending on education; that Jackson would focus on combatting drugs. V: Footage of Porter saying that the government cannot support the increase in spending required by Jackson's social programs. Footage of Bozzotto saying that Jackson's programs would get the average person involved in the economy. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson believes that social programs can be paid for through cuts in the defense budget. V: On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on defense issues. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would eliminate the MX, the Midgetman and the Trident missiles; that Jackson would eliminate the F-15 fighter plane, the stealth bomber, and the Strategic Defense Initiative. V: Footage of Bozzotto saying that there is "fat" to be cut out of the defense budget. Footage of Porter saying that Jackson is misguided in thinking that cuts in the defense budget will yield great savings. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is the only current Democratic candidate who has talked about taxes. V: Footage of Jackson saying that "Reaganomics" exempted some people from paying taxes. On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on taxes. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would increase the corporate tax rate to 46%; that Jackson would raise the tax rate to 38.5% for residents with incomes above $100,000; that Jackson would impose an oil import fee. V: Footage of Porter saying that Jackson's tax policy would rob the private sector of money for productive investment. Footage of Bozzotto saying that Jackson is not afraid of the American people; that Jackson is not afraid to advocate change. Vaillancourt reports that the media and the public are now paying attention to Jackson's positions on the issues; that Jackson's position as a frontrunner challenges other candidates to defend their own positions.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/04/1988
Description: Jamaica Plain's X-Men, Hispanic youth not calling themselves a gang, created mural in Egleston Square with political slogans and memorials to dead members. Latinos gather for wake of Hector Morales.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/27/1990
Description: Carmen Fields marks the death of author James Baldwin with a retrospective profile. Fields reports on Baldwin's accomplishments as an author and his social criticism. Baldwin challenged American society to deal with racism. Interview with Floyd Barbour (Professor, Simmons College) about Baldwin. Barbour says that Baldwin's voice was truthful and angry. He adds that Baldwin's work bears witness to the African American experience in the twentieth century. Fields's report includes footage of Baldwin talking about race in the United States. Fields reports that Baldwin dealt with religious themes in his later work. Fields's report is accompanied by shots of Baldwin's books and by footage from the American Playhouse production of Go Tell it on the Mountain. Fields reports that Baldwin lived in France for forty years. She notes that he returned to the US three years ago to serve as a professor at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.
0:59:07: Callie Crossley reports that James Baldwin (author) was able to capture the African American experience honestly in his books. V: Shots of black and white photos of Baldwin; of Baldwin's book, The Evidence of Things Not Seen; of Baldwin's book, The Amen Corner; of a framed print of a program for the Black-Hispanic Convocation at Princeton University in 1954, which was delivered by Baldwin. Shot of a program for a musical production of Amen Corner. Crossley reports that Floyd Barbour (Professor, Simmons College) was inspired by Baldwin as an undergraduate. V: Footage of Barbour being interviewed by Crossley. Barbour says that Baldwin's voice was truthful and full of rage; that Baldwin wrote about his background and about race in society. Crossley notes that Baldwin challenged US society to deal with racism. V: Shot of a cover of Time Magazine, featuring Baldwin. Footage of Baldwin talking about racism at a public forum. Baldwin says that the US needs to face up to its racial problems; that racial violence may erupt if US society does not deal with racism. Baldwin says that African Americans have received no support from the government or most of the citizenry. Shots of Baldwin's photo and biography from the back of a book cover; of Baldwin's books, Go Tell It on the Mountain and The Fire Next Time. Crossley talks about Baldwin's first book, Go Tell It on the Mountain. Crossley notes that it was later televised on PBS (Public Broadcasting Service). V: Footage from the American Playhouse televised production of Go Tell It on the Mountain. Crossley notes that Baldwin deals with religious themes in Go Tell It on the Mountain and in his later work. V: Footage of Barbour saying that Baldwin wrote about the pain endured by African Americans in the US; that Baldwin's work bears witness to the experience of African Americans in the twentieth century. Crossley reports that Baldwin lived in France for forty years; that he returned to the US occasionally; that Baldwin returned to the US three years ago to serve as a professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. V: Shot of Baldwin exiting a car and entering a building in France; of Baldwin typing at a typewriter. Footage of Baldwin saying that there is no "black problem"; that there is a "white problem." Baldwin says that he has no problem living with whites in the white world. Baldwin says that white people cannot see beyond skin color to the person underneath; that whites are threatened by African Americans.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/01/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports that James Farmer (civil rights leader) spoke at Faneuil Hall during a ceremony to commemorate the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Jones notes that Farmer was the head of the Congress for Racial Equality in the 1950s. Jones' report includes footage of Farmer addressing the audience at Faneuil Hall. Jones interviews Farmer about progress on civil rights issues in the US. Jones reports that Charles Yancey read a proclamation honoring King during the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of Yancey reading a proclamation at the ceremony and by footage of schoolchildren performing at the ceremony. Jones' report also includes footage of King during the civil rights movement. This tape includes additional footage from the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jesse Jackson (Democratic candidate for US President) has released position papers, detailing his stance on domestic issues
1:00:04: Visual: Black and white footage of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader) delivering a speech. Black and white footage of a white man announcing the death of King to a group of students. Marcus Jones reports that today is the twentieth anniversary of King's death. Jones reports that James Farmer (civil rights leader) talked to an audience at a ceremony commemorating King's death at Faneuil Hall. V: Footage of Farmer addressing an audience at Fanueil Hall. Farmer talks about King's vision for the nation. Shots of the audience. Jones reports that Farmer was the head of the Congress for Racial Equality in the 1950s; that Farmer is now a visiting professor at Mary Washington College in Virginia. Jones says that Farmer believes that minorities have made great strides in the past twenty years. V: Footage of Farmer being interviewed by Jones at Faneuil Hall. Farmer says that there are plenty of things that need to change in the US; that some progress has been made by minorities. Jones reports that Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) read a city proclamation honoring King at the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. V: Footage of Yancey addressing the audience. Yancey says that King was once refused admittance to the Patrick T. Campbell Junior High School in Boston; that the school is now named for King. Jones reports that students from the Martin Luther King Middle School performed a song in honor of King. V: Footage of students from the King Middle School performing at Faneuil Hall. The audience applauds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/04/1988
Description: Christy George reports that Jesse Jackson came to Boston to support the strike by employees of New England Telephone. Jackson addresses the strikers at City Hall Plaza. Management and employees cannot agree on who should pay for workers' health benefits. Interview with New England Telephone spokesman Peter Cronin, who says that the union agreed to share health care costs in 1986. George reports that employees accuse management of staging a "take-back." Jan Pierce of Communication Workers of America attends the rally on City Hall Plaza. Pierce rips up a phone bill and urges the workers not to pay their bills until the strike is over. The union is asking customers to stall payment on their phone bills until the strike is over. National unions are backing the Nynex strikers. Striking workers demonstrate outside of the New England Telephone building. The strikers urge a woman not to pay her phone bill.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (leader, Rainbow Coalition) addressing the striking employees of Nynex at City Hall Plaza. Jackson wears a baseball cap and a denim jacket. Jackson says that working people must take back America. Shots of striking workers waving signs and applauding for Jackson. Christy George reports that Jackson came to Boston to support the strike by employees of New England Telephone. V: Footage of Jackson saying that the workers need a health plan, not a "stale plan." The crowd applauds for Jackson and repeats his chants. Shots of the striking workers. Shots of hundreds of people assembled on City Hall Plaza. George reports that the telephone company and the workers do not agree on who should pay for the workers' health benefits. George reports that Nynex maintains that the union agreed to share the rising cost of health benefits. V: Footage of Peter Cronin (Spokesman, New England Telephone) saying that the union agreed in 1986 to share costs if the price of health benefits reached a certain level in 1988. Cronin says that the cost of health benefits has reached the level at which employees are expected to share costs or to take a deductible. George reports that employees say that Nynex is involved in a "take-back." George notes that the union says that it is fighting for all unions. George adds that today's rally included striking employees from Eastern Airlines and the United Mine Workers. V: Shots of striking workers at City Hall Plaza. Shots of uniformed pilots standing at the front of the rally. George reports that Jackson preached solidarity; that Jackson called on the workers to fight against the anti-labor policies of Ronald Reagan (former US president) and George Bush (US President). V: Footage of Jackson addressing the striking workers. Jackson encourages the workers to vote. He urges them to vote for important issues like wages, health care, education, and justice. Shot of a sign reading, "I won't pay my phone bill until the Nynex strike is over." George reports that the rally kicked off a new strategy by the union. V: Footage of Jan Pierce (Vice-President, Communication Workers of America) addressing the rally. Pierce rips up a phone bill and tosses the pieces into the air. Pierce urges the workers not to pay their phone bills until the strike is over. The workers cheer. Footage of Cronin saying that a customer should pay his or her bill if a service is provided. Cronin says that Nynex customers are reasonable; that Nynex customers will pay their bills. George reports that the union is actually asking customers to stall payments or to pay the minimum amount to keep their phone connected. V: Shot of a Boston Police cruiser. The cruiser has a sign supporting the strike on its window. Footage of strikers outside of the New England Telephone building on Franklin Street. Police officers are posted at the entrance to the building. Striking workers tell a female customer not to pay her phone bill. The workers tell the woman that her phone will not be disconnected because there are no workers to disconnect the phones. The woman walks away without paying her bill. The workers applaud. George stands in front of the New England Telephone building. George reports that labor unions have been losing ground in the US; that national unions are putting a lot of effort into the Nynex strike. George notes that the AFL-CIO is behind the strategy of asking customers to delay payment of their phone bills. George adds that the AFL-CIO represents a lot of people. V: Shots of the striking workers in front of the Nynex building. The workers chant, "Don't pay your bills." Shots of individual workers; of the exterior of the New England Telephone building. George reports that the AFL-CIO is throwing its weight behind this strike; that a win for labor would reverse a series of defeats. George notes that all unions will lose ground if the telephone company wins this strike. V: Shots of the striking workers.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/15/1989
Description: David Boeri reports that Jesse Jackson will travel to Iraq to interview Saddam Hussein for the Jesse Jackson Show. Previously, Jackson has met with both the Iraqi ambassador and Prince Turki bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia, the brother of King Faad. Prince Aziz considers Jackson's trip to be a diplomatic mission to cool hostilities between Iraq and the United States. Boeri's report includes footage of Prince Aziz and his entourage. Interview with Mustafa Aziz, an advisor to Prince Aziz, who says that Jackson is well regarded in the Middle East. Boeri notes that George Bush does not support Jackson's trip. Jackson traveled to Syria in 1984 to secure the release of US Navy pilot Robert Goodman, Jr.. Footage from a press conference with Goodman and Jackson and footage of Ronald Reagan, who didn't like Jackson's 1984 trip. Many suspect Jackson of using guise of a journalist carry out a diplomatic mission to Iraq. Boeri's report features footage from the Jesse Jackson Show.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) from the Jesse Jackson Show on October 5, 1989. Jackson talks about his goal of discussing a broad range of ideas and viewpoints on his show. David Boeri reports that Jackson has found controversial ideas to discuss on his show. Boeri reports that Saddam Hussein (leader of Iraq) will be a guest star on Jackson's show; that Jackson's producers hope to be in Baghdad by the weekend. Boeri notes that Jackson's show will be syndicated. V: Shot of Hussein speaking on a telephone; of Hussein exiting a vehicle and being greeted by a few soldiers. Shot of an Iraqi military soldier in a bunker; of Iraqi military soldiers standing at attention. Footage of Jackson in Syria in January of 1984. Jackson sits beside Lieutenant Robert Goodman, Jr. (US Navy pilot) at a press conference. Jackson expresses gratitude for religious leaders and people who prayed and fasted for Goodman's release. Boeri reports that Jackson visited Syria in 1984; that Jackson went on a mission to free a US Navy pilot shot down by the Syrians. V: Footage of Jackson greeting an official in January of 1984. Footage of Goodman at the press conference with Jackson. Goodman says that he is happy to be going home; that Jackson is respected in the Middle East. Boeri reports that George Bush (US President) has not commented publicly on Jackson's trip to Iraq. Boeri reports that Ronald Reagan (former US President) did not appreciate Jackson's efforts in Syria in 1984; that Reagan did not return Jackson's pre-trip phone calls. V: Shot of Reagan speaking at a press conference during his presidency. Boeri reports that permission for Jackson's upcoming trip to Iraq was granted after a meeting with the Iraqi ambassador. Boeri reports that Jackson has been involved in a round of meetings; that Jackson recently traveled to Boston to meet Prince Turki bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia (brother of King Faad of Saudi Arabia). V: Shot of Jackson speaking. Footage of Prince Aziz and his entourage entering a luncheon room. Aziz greets US officials and members of the press, including Boeri. Boeri reports that Prince Aziz is fifth in the line of succession to the Saudi throne; that Aziz is a former deputy defense minister; that Aziz has been staying at the Charles Hotel in Cambridge. Boeri notes that Dr. Mustafa Aziz (advisor to Prince Aziz) believes that Jackson's upcoming trip to Iraq may be the last chance for a peaceful solution. V: Footage of Dr. Mustafa Aziz being interviewed by Boeri. Mustafa Aziz says that Jackson is seen in the Middle East as an honest politician and a civil rights champion. Boeri reports that Prince Aziz considers Jackson's trip to be a diplomatic mission instead of a journalistic mission. Boeri notes that Prince Aziz considers violent hostilities to be imminent. V: Footage of Mustafa Aziz being interviewed by Boeri. Mustafa Aziz says that the situation is tense and explosive. Boeri stands in front of the Charles Street Hotel. Boeri reports that the Bush administration told Jackson that they do not want him to go to Iraq; that the Bush administration said that they would not stop Jackson; that the Bush administration wished Jackson good luck. Boeri reports that Jackson's producers see the trip as an opportunity for Jackson to prove himself as a world-class journalist with international connections. Boeri notes that many suspect Jackson of taking cover as a journalist while on diplomatic mission to Baghdad. Boeri reports that Prince Aziz has installed a satellite on the roof of the Charles Hotel; that Prince Aziz will be watching Jackson's broadcast from Baghdad.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/23/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson visited Harvard Law School to join student protests over the school's minority hiring practices. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson supports Derrick Bell (Professor, Harvard Law School), who has announced that he will leave his post to protest the school's poor affirmative action record. Derrick Bell is Harvard's first African-American tenured professor. Vaillancourt reports that there are only five tenured female professors and three tenured African American male professors out of sixty-one tenured professors at the school. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Jackson addressing students at the school. Barack Obama is seen among students in the background. Jackson shakes hands with Bell and condemns the school's affirmative action record. Vaillancourt notes that the school administration has refused Jackson's offer to act as a mediator on the issue. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson accused Harvard Law School of institutional racism and sexism. She adds that Robert Clark (Dean, Harvard Law School) issued a statement defending the school's hiring practices. Vaillancourt's report features footage of Bell at a student demonstration at Harvard Law School in April 1990 and footage of Jackson at a student demonstration. This tape includes additional footage of Jackson addressing demonstrators at Harvard Law School.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) speaking at Harvard Law School. Jackson says that affirmative action is a response to years of denial by law. Shots of the audience listening to Jackson in a lecture hall at the school. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson's visit to Harvard Law School attracted national attention to the controversy over the school's minority hiring practices. V: Footage of Jackson addressing the audience. Jackson says that it is an error and an insult to say that there is no African American woman qualified to be a tenured professor at Harvard Law School. Shots of the audience. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson visited the school to support Derrick Bell (Professor, Harvard Law School). Vaillancourt notes that Bell was the first African American to be granted tenure at Harvard Law School. Vaillancourt reports that Bell has announced that he will leave his post to protest the school's poor affirmative action record. V: Shot of Jackson and Bell shaking hands in the conference hall. Footage from April 24, 1990 of Bell at a demonstration on the campus of Harvard Law School. Bell addresses student demonstrators. Bell says that he he has urged students to take risks to further their beliefs; that he must now do the same. Shot of demonstrators holding a sign reading, "Where are our tenured black women professors?" Vaillancourt reports that Bell will take a leave of absence until the school adds a woman of color to the faculty. Vaillancourt notes that there are 61 tenured professors at the school; that three of those professors are African American; that the African American professors are all male. Vaillancourt reports that half of the students at Harvard Law School are women; that there are only five tenured female professors; that there are no Latino or Asian law professors at the school. V: Shots of Bell and Jackson entering the lecture hall; of students standing and applauding for Bell and Jackson. Shots of white and African American female students in the audience. Shot of Jackson, Bell and a white woman raising linked arms at the front of the lecture hall. The students applaud. Vaillancourt reports that the school seems ready to accept Bell's departure; that Robert Clark (Dean of Harvard Law School) declined to speak on camera about the school's hiring practices. Vaillancourt reports that Clark issued a statement in which he defended the slow pace of change at Harvard Law School. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has accused Harvard of institutional racism and sexism. V: Shot of students demonstrators on the Harvard Law School campus on April 24, 1990. Footage of Jackson addressing student demonstrators outside on the campus of Harvard Law School. Student supporters stand behind him. Jackson says that Harvard should negotiate with Bell and the student demonstrators. The demonstrators applaud Jackson. Vaillancourt stands outside of a building on the Harvard Law School campus. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson met briefly with Clark today; that the school has refused Jackson's offer to act as a mediator on the issue of faculty diversity. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson called for a reexamination of race relations in the US during his speech at Harvard Law School. V: Footage of Jackson addressing an audience in a lecture hall at Harvard Law School. Jackson says that most people in the world are not white nor are they males. Jackson says that these people cannot wait for some archaic standard to allow them to be appraised as worthy by white males. Shots of students in the audience. Shot of Jackson entering a room. Jackson shakes hands and embraces Bell. Jackson shakes hands with other Harvard Law School professors and officials. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has called for a new Kerner Commission; that the Kerner Commission issued a study twenty years ago which concluded that white America and black America were separate and unequal. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson praised Bell for his courage; that Jackson called on Harvard Law School faculty to support Bell. V: Footage of Jackson addressing an audience in the lecture hall. Jackson talks about the sacrifices made by Rosa Parks (civil rights activist) and Martin Luther King (civil rights leader). Jackson says that Bell is taking a principled stand; that Bell is drawing attention to the problem of racism and sexism at Harvard. Shots of Bell at a demonstration on the Harvard Law School campus on April 24, 1990. Shots of Bell addressing a demonstration outside of a building on the Harvard Law School campus today. Jackson stands beside Bell. Student demonstrators stand behind them. The demonstrators raise their linked arms. A demonstrator holds a sign reading, "diversity now." Vaillancourt reports that faculty were scheduled to vote today on a resolution encouraging diversity. Vaillancourt notes that Harvard officials say that a personal matter forced the dean to end the meeting before the resolution came to a vote. Vaillancourt notes that the vote was not rescheduled.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/09/1990
Description: Christy George reports that Jesse Jackson spoke about leadership in a speech at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. George reports that Jackson is very active in this non-election year. George's report includes footage of Jackson walking a picket line with striking Eastern Airline employees and footage of Jackson visiting an Armenian earthquake zone. George talks about Jackson's activities since the 1988 election. George's report also features footage from Jackson's speech at Harvard. Jackson talks about voter cynicism in the 1988 election and the qualities of a good leader. Jackson says that the US must invest in itself in order to flourish. He explains a metaphorical term: "honeybee sense." George's report also includes footage from Jackson's 1988 presidential campaign. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Lee Atwater visits Massachusetts for a Republican Party fundraiser
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) as he enters an auditorium at the John F. Kennedy School of Goverment at Harvard University. The audience applauds for Jackson. Shot of a man in the crowd. Footage of Jackson addressing the audience. Jackson jokes about his speech being televised on C-Span. Jackson waves to his mother. Christy George reports that Jackson talked about the scarcity of good leaders in American politics during his speech at the Kennedy School of Government. V: Footage of Jackson delivering his speech. Jackson says that public cynicism won more voters than Bush did in the 1988 campaign. Jackson notes that 50% of the eligible voters did not vote; that 70% of voters expressed a desire for a different choice. Jackson says that Bush's campaign won while the country lost. Footage of Jackson at a campaign rally in New Hampshire on February 16, 1988. The crowd chants, "Win, Jesse, Win." George notes that Jackson travels the country regularly in non-election years. V: Shots of Jackson doing a television interview; of Jackson picketing with striking Eastern Airline employees. George reports that Jackson has walked with striking Eastern Airline employees across the nation; that Jackson turned a tour of an Armenian earthquake zone into a Soviet-American people's summit. V: Shot of a Soviet news anchor reading the news; of Jackson kissing a baby in Armenia. Footage of Jackson looking out of a window while riding on a bus in Armenia. Jackson speaks to the media, saying that human beings must care for one another. Footage of Jackson at a 1988 campaign rally. George calls Jackson a "perpetual candidate" and a "peripatetic preacher." V: Footage of Jackson speaking at the Kennedy School. Jackson says that he is a "liberal" who fights for change. Jackson says that pollsters and pundits are looking for a manufactured candidate. Jackson says that great leaders do not follow opinion polls; that great leaders mold public opinion. Jackson says that John F. Kennedy (former US President) was not following opinion polls when he reached out to Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Jackson says that Kennedy's actions were based on courage and principles. Jackson says that the US needs bold leadership to deal with the nation's "structural crisis." Jackson talks about "honeybee sense." Jackson says that honeybees know to drop pollen when they pick up nectar; that honeybees know the importance of keeping the flowers alive. Jackson says that the US needs to invest in itself in order to stay alive and flourish. The crowd rises to its feet and applauds for Jackson.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that anti-war activists protested across the nation to rally public opinion against the use of force in the Persian Gulf, including in downtown Boston. Jesse Jackson visited MIT to speak out against going to war in the Middle East on the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Jones notes that the MIT Initiative for Peace in the Middle East brought Jackson to the campus. Jackson says that the US must not rush to war on January 15. Interviews with MIT graduate students Corrie Lathan and Steve Penn, who oppose the war. Interview with Jesse Jackson, who says that the US and Iraq should negotiate because war is inevitable if talking is impossible. Jones' report includes footage from Inside Edition of Jackson in Iraq. Following the edited story is additional b-roll of anti-war demonstrations and of Jackson at MIT talking about Martin Luther King, Jr.
1:00:36: Visual: Footage of anti-war protesters on Winter Street in downtown Boston. The protesters carry signs protesting the Gulf War. They chant together, "We remember Vietnam. We won't go." Shot of two police officers standing in front of a building. Marcus Jones reports that a group of anti-war protesters demonstrated outside of the Army recruiting headquarters in Boston. V: Shot of a protesters carrying a sign reading, "U.S. Troops out of the Gulf." The protesters chant, "We won't fight for Texaco." Shot of a protester handing out leaflets. Jones reports that anti-war activists took to the streets across the country today; that the protesters are trying to rally public opinion against the use of force in the Persian Gulf. V: Shot of an older white woman wearing a sign around her neck. The sign reads, "Bring our troops home." Shot of two white children standing among the protesters. Jones reports that Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) visited MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) tonight; that the members of the MIT Initiative for Peace in the Middle East brought Jackson to the campus. Jones reports that Jackson spoke out against going to war in the Middle East on the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights activist). V: Shots of Jackson greeting an MIT student; of Jackson greeting students as he walks to the podium. Shots of students in the audience. Footage of Jackson addressing the students. Jackson says that the US must not rush to war on January 15. Jackson says that efforts toward peace must be made on King's birthday. Footage of Corrie Lathan (MIT graduate student) being interviewed. Lathan says that she is opposed to the war; that the situation should be resolved in a non-violent manner. Footage of Steve Penn (MIT graduate student) being interviewed by Jones. Penn says that decision-makers in the US understand pressure; that the voice of the people must speak out against the war. Jones reports that Jackson's call for restraint may reflect a change in his thinking. Jones notes that Jackson met with Saddam Hussein (Iraqi leader) last year. Jones reports that Jackson said last year that war would be inevitable if talking proved impossible. V: Footage from Inside Edition of Jackson entering a building in Iraq; of Jackson speaking to Hussein. Jones questions whether Jackson has changed his position. V: Footage of Jackson speaking at MIT. Jones asks Jackson if he has changed his position. Jackson says that he has kept the same position. Jackson says that war is inevitable if talking is impossible. Jackson says that the US and Iraq should "talk"; that the two countries must choose negotiation over confrontation. The audience applauds for Jackson as he walks away from the podium.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/14/1991
Description: John Hashimoto reports that Jesse Jackson visited Madison Park High School to talk to students. Hashimoto's report includes footage of Jackson's address to students in the school gymnasium. The students cheer enthusiastically as he approaches the podium. Jackson tells students that they must live with the consequences of their actions. He tells them that they can become whatever they want to be. He reprimands one student for talking during his speech. Jackson urges students to register to vote. He directs those who are not registered to a voter registration table in the gymnasium. Hashimoto reports on speculation that Jackson will run for the presidency in 1992. Hashimoto notes that Jackson could be elected senator if Washington DC becomes a state. Hashimoto reports that Jackson also spoke at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Hashimoto notes that Jackson addressed national and political issues in his address at UMass. Hashimoto's report features footage of Jackson's address at UMass. Hashimoto reports that Jackson is working to keep himself visible. Hashimoto calls Jackson a "perennial candidate" for elected office. The edited news story is followed by b-roll footage of Jackson and his entourage arriving at the high school, and the opening of the assembly including color guard and the end of the national anthem. Additional footage of Jackson's address. Byron Rishing, Bruce Bolling, and Charles Yancey sit behind Jackson during assembly. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Francis "Mickey" Roache speaks to high school students on police stop-and-search policy
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) holding up a child as the media photographs him. Jackson greets supporters and students at Madison Park High School in Roxbury. Shots of students in the audience. John Hashimoto reports that Jackson visited Madison Park High School to talk to students about reality, hope, and self-determination. V: Footage of Jackson addressing the students. Jackson asks students to stand if they know someone their age who is in jail because of drugs. Shots of students standing up in the audience. Footage of Jackson pointing to a student in the audience. Jackson tells the student that he will escort the student out of the auditorium if the student does not stop talking. Jackson tells the student to respect the student assembly. Footage of Jackson telling the students that they can be whatever they want to be. Jackson says that if Dan Quayle (US Vice-President) can be vice president, then the students can be whatever they want to be. The students applaud. Shots of students in the audience. Footage of Jackson telling the students that they must live with the consequences of their actions. Shots of the students rising to their feet to applaud for Jackson. Hashimoto reports that Jackson ended his talk by urging the students to vote. V: Footage of Jackson addressing the students. Jackson asks the students who are eligible to vote but who are not registered to come down to the voter registration table. Shots of students walking toward the table; of students registering to vote at the table. Hashimoto reports that many are wondering if Jackson will run for president in 1992. V: Footage of Jackson addressing the students. Jackson says that he will not talk about 1992. Jackson says that his priorities are to organize workers and to register voters. Shots of students lined up to register to vote. Hashimoto reports that Jackson sounds like a candidate; that Jackson is one of the backers of a bill to make Washington DC a state unto itself. Hashimoto notes that Washington DC would need 2 senators if it became a state; that Jackson could be a candidate for one of those two positions. V: Footage of Jackson, his entourage, and his supporters walking outside of a school building. Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) walks with Jackson. Shot of Jackson entering a gymnasium at University of Massachusetts in Boston to the roaring applause of students. Jackson shakes hands with students near the podium. Shots of the audience as they applaud. Hashimoto reports that Jackson spoke at UMass Boston today; that he addressed national and political issues. V: Footage of Jackson speaking at UMass Boston. Jackson talks about the need to rebuild small towns in the US. Shots of Jackson addressing the audience at UMass Boston. Hashimoto reports that Jackson is working to keep himself visible. Hashimoto notes that Jackson's dominance as the nation's most visible African American leader is threatened by moderate politicians like Douglas Wilder (Governor of Virginia). V: Shot of Wilder exiting a voting booth. Hashimoto reports that Jackson will host his own television talk show in the fall. V: Shots of Jackson addressing the audience at UMass Boston. Footage of Jackson saying that it is time for mass action, mass education, mass demonstration; that it is time for the US to do the right thing. Hashimoto stands in the gymnasium at UMass Boston. Hashimoto reports that Jackson acts like a winner despite losing the Democratic nomination in 1988. Hashimoto says that many wonder if Jackson will ever become an elected official instead of a "galvanizing symbol." Hashimoto notes that Jackson is a perennial candidate for office, but has never won.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/08/1990
Description: Sam Fleming reports that Jesse Jackson is campaigning in New Hampshire. Some consider Jackson to be the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, but many political observers doubt Jackson's chances of winning the nomination. Jackson addresses supporters at a campaign rally, including about his support for the gay and lesbian community. Interviews with enthusiastic Jackson supporters in New Hampshire. Jackson tells reporters that his race is not as important as his credentials. He addresses another rally on the need for national affordable health care. Interview with Joe Grandmaison the Chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party, who says that it would not be wise to underestimate Jackson and his campaign. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Ray Flynn, Michael Dukakis, and Bruce Bolling discuss linkage between Chinatown development and Parcel 18 in Roxbury
1:00:54: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic candidate for US President) getting his picture taken in front of the fall foliage in New Hampshire. Jackson walks into a rustic building. Sam Fleming reports that Jackson is trying to secure voter support in New Hampshire; that Jackson is considered to be the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination. V: Shots of Jackson shaking hands with New Hampshire voters. Shot of Jackson addressing the crowd. The crowd applauds. Fleming reports that many political observers doubt Jackson's chances of winning the nomination; that Jackson is not paying attention to the "conventional wisdom" of the political observers. V: Footage of Jackson addressing the crowd. Shots of members of the crowd. Jackson talks about speaking at last weekend's rally for gays and lesbians in Washingon D.C. Jackson says that the voices of gays and lesbians deserve to be heard. Fleming notes that Jackson is reaching out to the dispossesed. V: Footage of Jackson talking about his efforts to build a diverse coalition of supporters. Jackson says that his leadership will put the nation on a course for jobs, peace, and justice. The crowd applauds. Shots of individual audience members. Footage of an older white female voter saying that Jackson is "energizing"; of a white female voter saying that she hopes that Jackson has a chance at the nomination. Footage of an older white male voter saying that some critics are trying to create a negative image of Jackson; that Jackson is "electable." Footage of Jackson speaking to reporters. A reporter asks Jackson if an African American can win the Democratic nomination. Jackson says that the issue of his race should be left to "God"; that the issue of his credentials should be left up to the voters. Fleming notes that Jackson has been questioned about the state of his marriage. V: Footage of Jackson telling reporters that he will not speculate about rumors; that he is fighting to win the nomination. Fleming reports that Jackson opened his campaign office in Manchester, N.H. V: Footage of a crowd gathered in front of Jackson's campaign office. Shot of a white female voter holding a hand-made Jackson campaign sign. The crowd begins to chant, "We want Jesse." Jackson shakes hands with voters outside of the office. Shots of an older white man; of a young African American boy in the crowd. Jackson addresses the crowd. Jackson talks about the need for a national health care system. Jackson says that he will provide "bold leadership." Fleming notes that Jackson did well with white Democratic voters in New Hampshire in 1984. Fleming reports that one Jackson campaign supporter said that the Jackson campaign lacked an organized structure; that fundraising so far has been minimal. Fleming adds that some voters see Jackson as a candidate supported mainly by African Americans. V: Shots of Jackson addressing a crowd; of individual members of the crowd. Footage of Joe Grandmaison (Chairman, New Hampshire Democratic Party) saying that no one underestimates the strength of Jackson and his message. Footage of Jackson addressing the crowd about the need to save jobs, schools, farms, and the environment, and to "give peace a chance." The crowd chants along with Jackson and applauds for him. Shot of an elderly woman at the Jackson campaign rally.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/12/1987
Description: David Boeri reports that Jesse Jackson spoke at the Massachusetts State House about the importance of access to higher education. Boeri notes that some students cannot afford higher education because of the increasing costs of higher education and federal cuts in student aid. Many supporters turned out to listen to Jackson. Jackson talks to the audience about the importance of education. Jackson addresses the media after his speech.
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Kevin Sheehan (State Student Association of Massachusetts) talking about college students who must work forty hours per week on top of taking classes. Footage of Mike Ferrigno (State Student Association of Massachusetts) addressing a crowd at the State House about the debt incurred by many students in college. David Boeri reports that many low- and middle-income college students are incurring heavy debt in colleges; that some students can not afford to go to college. V: Shot of students walking on a campus. Boeri reports that speakers at a State House rally attacked federal cuts in federal aid to students. Boeri notes that the cuts come at a time when tuition and the cost of living are increasing; that grants are less easy to obtain. V: Shot of speakers and the audience inside the State House. Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) speaking about the importance of access to education. Boeri reports that Jackson said that universities have let the enrollment numbers fall for African American, minority, and low-income students. V: Shots of the members of the audience, including Mel King (community activist), Bill Owens (former state senator) and Shirley Owens Hicks (state representative). Footage of Jackson urging students to protest cuts in student aid. Jackson condemns the priorities of Ronald Reagan (US President). Jackson says that Reagan is "embarking on a trillion dollar misadventure in space." Jackson tells students that they need to stay sober, fight the Star Wars program and to "vote with Red Sox fever." The audience applauds as members rise to their feet. Footage of Jackson speaking to the media after his speech. Jackson uses the parable of Jesus Christ to illustrate society's obligation to cater to the needs of the poor and needy. Jackson says that many children are "locked out and living in the manger." Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) is visible behind Jackson. Boeri reports that the State Student Association has registered over 5,000 new student voters; that the students will vote for more affordable education in November.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/17/1986
Description: Alexandra Marks reports on the Jeter family's business. These entrepreneurs started Jet-A-Way trash disposal and recycling business in Boston in 1967. Interview with Jesse Jeter on the lack of media attention on successful African American people and other minority businesses. He also talks about the racism he experiences in some of his business relationships. Interview with Ed and Darlene Jeter on the hard work they put into their business. They also discuss the help that affirmative action has given their company. Footage from the NAACP's Leadership Development Training Conference. Interview with entrepreneur William Singleton, president of Quest, who talks about the lack of financing for minority companies. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of the Jet-A-Way company at work. Recycling yard, dumpsters, heavy machinery.
1:00:07: Visual: Shots of machinery sorting trash at a Jet-A-Way sorting facility. Alexandra Marks reports that Jet-A-Way owns a state-of-the-art trash-sorting plant; that Jet-A-Way is a multi-million dollar Boston company; that Jet-A-Way recycles trash, industrial waste, and construction debris. V: Footage of Jesse Jeter (marketing director, Jet-A-Way) being interviewed at the facility. Jeter says that they recycle materials from projects as far away as South Korea and Japan. Marks reports that Jeter's parents started Jet-A-Way in 1967; that Jet-A-Way is one of the fastest-growing minority firms in the US. V: Shots of bales of paper being moved around a warehouse; of Jeter watching standing in the warehouse as a white worker maneuvers a piece of equipment. Shot of a Jet-A-Way truck. Footage of Jeter being interviewed by Marks. Jeter says that people are not familiar with successful African American entrepreneurs; that the media concentrate on crime, drug and poverty in the African American community. Marks reports that Jeter says that people make prejudicial assumptions about many minority businesses. V: Footage of Jeter being interviewed by Marks. Jeter says that people will second-guess the decisions of a minority firm. Jeter says that prospective clients will ask to see the client lists of minority firms; that prospective clients doubt the legitimacy of minority firms. Jeter says that his firm services MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the John Hancock Company, and the Town of Newton. Footage of Ed Jeter (Jet-A-Way) and Darlene Jeter (Jet-A-Way) being interviewed. Ed Jeter says that the company has succeeded through hard work. Marks reports that Darlene and Ed Jeter have seen the company through several economic downturns; that they are good businesspeople. V: Footage of Ed Jeter being interviewed. Ed Jeter says that the company benefitted from minority quotas that were in place when the business began. Footage of Darlene Jeter being interviewed. Darlene Jeter says that Jet-A-Way formed good business relationships with their early clients; that they have served some clients for over twenty years. Marks reports that business success was the theme of a last week's NAACP Leadership Development Training Conference. Marks reports that prominent African American women modeled business fashion; that young entrepreneurs worked the crowd at the luncheon. V: Footage from the NAACP Leadership Development Training Conference. Shot of an African American man singing and playing the piano at the luncheon. Shot of an African American woman modeling a dress on a catwalk. The audience at the luncheon applauds. Shot of a second African American woman modeling an outfit. Shot of William Singleton (President, Quest Publishing Company) talking about his company to two conference attendees. Footage of Singleton being interviewed at the conference. Singleton says that most people do not see the activity of African American entrepreneurs; that African American entrepreneurs are underfinanced and working hard. Marks reports that Singleton's company publishes the magazine "Black History Is No Mystery." Marks notes that Singleton believes that the lack of financing for African American entrepreneurs is due to ignorance. V: Shot of Singleton talking to conference attendees at a table. Footage of Singleton being interviewed at the conference. Singleton says that financers do not understand how the African American community works; that people are starting to understand. Marks reports that there are challenges for African-American businesses. V: Shots of workers sorting trash and debris on an assembly line. Jesse Jeter surveys the operation in the facility. Footage of Jesse Jeter being interviewed. Jesse Jeter says that racism exists in Boston and in the US. Jesse Jeter says that racism affects contracts, business relationships, and personal relationships. Shots of machinery moving trash in the Jet-A-Way facility; of Jeter directing operations in the facility.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/29/1991
Description: James Roosevelt, Jr. announces his campaign for the 8th District congressional seat. He is running against Joseph P. Kennedy. He holds a rally to announce his campaign. Interview with Jim Roosevelt's uncle, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. on the strength of his nephew's campaign. Jim Roosevelt addresses crowd, quoting Eleanor Roosevelt. He also talks about refusing to accept money from political action committees (PACs). Joseph P. Kennedy at a press conference. Roosevelt shakes hands with constituents. Vaillancourt reports that Roosevelt previously worked on Senator Ted Kennedy's campaigns and questions whether Kennedy will support Roosevelt considering his nephew is also in the race.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/04/1986
Description: Christopher Lydon reports that Mayor Ray Flynn is requesting the creation of a Boston Employment Commission in order to boost the number of Boston residents working in Boston jobs. The Flynn administration would like the Boston work force to be 10% female, 25% minority and 50% Boston residents. Interview with Flynn about employment in Boston. Interview with City Councilor James Kelly, who says that sanctions will be imposed unfairly on the construction industry. Interviews with Mel King and City Councilor Thomas Menino. Lydon notes that critics believe that compliance with the ordinance would cost jobs. Brief interviews with construction workers and white-collar workers about the proposed ordinance. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Minister Don Mohammad speaks out against drug traffic in Roxbury
1:00:02: Visual: Footage of a white male construction worker being interviewed on the street. The man says that he is from Boston. Hope Kelly (WGBH reporter) asks him which neighborhood he is from. The man says that he is actually from Billerica. The man says that he avoids telling people that he is not from Boston. Christopher Lydon reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) is requesting the creation of the Boston Employment Commission; that the Commission's goal would be to boost the number of Boston residents working on Boston jobs. V: Footage of Flynn being interviewed. Flynn says that Boston is experiencing a significant growth period; that there are plenty of opportunities for everyone. Flynn says that people are not fighting over crumbs. Footage of a white male construction worker being interviewed on the street. The man says that Flynn wants to put the "outsiders" out of work; that the "outsiders" are the true professionals who have been in the union for over ten years. Footage of another white male construction worker being interviewed. The man asks where he is supposed to go to work. The man says that the work is in the city of Boston; that he should be allowed to work there. Lydon reports that many construction workers fear displacement by the goals set by the Flynn administration. Lydon reports that the Flynn administration would like the Boston work force to be 10% female, 25% minority and 50% Boston residents. V: Shot of Boston City Hall. Lydon says that the present work force does not resemble Flynn's proposed work force. V: Footage of Hope Kelly interviewing construction workers at International Place. Two white male construction workers say that they are from North Attleborough. Another white male construction worker says that he is from Canton; that ninety percent of the workers on his job are not living in the city. Footage of Hope Kelly interviewing white-collar workers in Post Office Square. A white male says that he is a commuter. Another white male says that he is from Walpole. A white female says that she is from Newton. Another white female says that she is from Brookline. A third white female says that she is from Quincy. Lydon reports that Flynn's proposed ordinance would change the demographics of the work force in the public and private sectors. Lydon says that the greatest opposition so far comes from the unions; that the construction unions say that their field is being singled out. V: Shots of corporate workers crossing the street near Government Center; of a man carrying a brief case as he crosses the street. Shot of two white corporate workers conversing on the sidewalk. Shot of an African American construction worker talking to white colleagues. Shot of the State Street Bank building. Lydon reports that the unions have a political ally in James Kelly (Boston City Council and Sheet Metalworkers Union). V: Footage of James Kelly being interviewed. Kelly says that Flynn's ordinance talks about good faith efforts and voluntary agreements between the city and major corporations. Kelly says that sanctions will be imposed on construction companies. Lydon reports that the sanctions include potential fines against developers whose hiring practices do not meet the standards of the ordinance. Lydon notes that the mayor has issues two previous ordinances with similar goals. V: Shot of a backhoe excavating dirt at a construction site. Footage of Mel King (candidate for US Representative) being interviewed outside of his campaign offices. King says that the mayor has been unable to put "teeth" in the ordinance. Lydon reports that Flynn supporters point to progress. V: Footage of Thomas Menino (Boston City Council) being interviewed. Menino says that some trades are up to 20% and higher. Menino says that progress is being made. Menino says that the city has not yet imposed any sanctions on the construction trades. Lydon reports that King believes that sanctions are necessary. V: Footage of King being interviewed. King says that the ordinance needs "teeth." King says that there is no real monitoring process. Lydon reports that critics believe that compliance with the ordinance could cost jobs. Flynn disagrees with critics. Flynn says that at least six major public works projects are imminent. V: Shot of Flynn. Lydon reports that many workers do not believe Flynn. V: Footage of a white male construction worker being interviewed by Hope Kelly. The construction worker says that he does not believe Flynn. He asks Hope Kelly if she believes Flynn.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/24/1986
Description: Lithuanian singer performs. Rep. Joe Kennedy speaks with visiting Lithuanian singers about political changes in Baltic states. Interview with Kennedy on the responsibility of the United States to help countries emerging from Soviet control. Footage of Gorbachev speaking to crowd.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/29/1990
Description: Composer John Cage creates a live musical performance event on WGBH radio's “Chamberworks.” "Chamberworks" host Bill Cavness introduces the piece and invites listeners to call in and become part of it. Cage sits in the booth and takes calls. Interview with Cage on the acceptance and understanding of his enigmatic, elusive work. Musicians play as part of the live musical performance. Interview with musicians on playing pieces composed by Cage.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/25/1988
Description: Composer John Harbison working with Boston Symphony Orchestra conductor Seiji Ozawa on a piece commissioned by the BSO. Interview Harbison on his composing process and what he wants to listener to get out of his work. Ozawa leads the BSO in rehearsal of Harbison's work. Violinist Joel Smirnoff in back of orchestra.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/22/1984
Description: Another audio track is in the background of this video. Excerpt from an interview with John Updike on Rabbit is Rich. He answers questions about his connections to protagonist Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom. He talks about America running out of gas, literally and metaphorically.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/07/1982
Description: Carmen Fields interviews three Northeastern journalism students on the coverage of the Persian Gulf war. Two students are impressed with the immediacy of the coverage provided by television (CNN and the networks), but the other thinks that it is "not as in-depth as it could get." Fields contrasts the commitment to "the people's right to know" of Watergate-era journalists with the students' views regarding the importance of censorship to protect national security and the lives of individual soldiers. The students also discuss the missing CBS news crew led by Bob Simon, and question the news team's decision to report in a war zone without a military escort.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/18/1991
Description: Marcus Jones profiles Julian Bond. Jones notes that Bond was a lecturer at Harvard University last fall. Jones interviews Bond about his role in the Eyes on the Prize series and his involvement in the civil rights movement. Bond talks about his beginnings in the civil rights movement and about the 1968 Democratic Convention. Jones notes that Bond was nominated for vice president during that convention. Jones' report includes footage from the 1968 Democratic Convention and footage from Eyes on the Prize. Jones interviews Harvard students Carlos Watson and Natosha Reid about the class they took with Bond at Harvard. Jones' report also features footage of Bond in class with his students. This tape includes additional b-roll footage of Bond in class with his students. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Banks agree to improve access to banking services in low-income neighborhoods Banks improve services to low-income neighborhoods Christopher Lydon interviews Sarah Small Sarah Small
1:00:06: Visual: Footage from the opening credits of Eyes on the Prize II. Footage of Julian Bond (narrator, Eyes on the Prize) talking about the success of the Eyes on the Prize series. Bond says that the first series had a tremendous impact on the viewing public. Bond says that the second series will also have an impact; that he is proud to be associated with the series. Black and white footage from Eyes on the Prize, with narration by Bond. Marcus Jones reports that Bond is the narrator for the six episodes in the first series; that Bond will be the narrator for the eight episodes in the second series. Jones notes that Bond is proud of his social activism. V: Footage of Bond being interviewed by Jones. Bond talks about the accomplishments of the civil rights movement. Footage from Eyes on the Prize with narration by Bond. Jones reports that Bond was a senior at Morehouse College in Atlanta in 1959; that Bond joined the student sit-in movement. V: Footage of Bond being interviewed by Jones. Bond talks about how he became involved in the sit-in movement. Bond says that he has been involved in the civil rights struggle ever since. Black and white footage from Eyes on the Prize of the 1964 Democratic Convention. Jones reports that an African American delegation from Mississippi demanded to be seated in the place of an all-white delegation at the 1964 Democratic Convention. Jones notes that the effort failed; that Bond and other activists challenged the rules of representation at the 1968 Democratic Convention; that Bond was named as a nominee for vice president. V: Color footage from the 1968 Democratic Convention. Footage of Bond being interviewed by Jones. Bond talks about being nominated for vice president at the 1968 Democratic Convention. Bond says that he was nominated in an attempt to seize control of the microphones; that he was only twenty-eight years old. Bond says that the attempt failed; that the reformers were not allowed enough input on the convention floor. Jones reports that Bond lectured on southern politics at Harvard University last fall. V: Shots of Bond with his students at Harvard. Footage of Natosha Reid (freshman, Harvard University) saying that Bond's class has given her perspective on African Americans in politics. Footage of Carlos Watson (junior, Harvard University) saying that Bond's class was one of the best classes of the semester. Shot of Bond in class with his students. Jones reports that Bond intends to do more teaching and television work in the future. V: Footage of Bond being interviewed by Jones. Bond says that great leaders and fiery orators are important. Bond says that ordinary people need to be the leaders of the civil rights movement; that ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary things without depending on a leader.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1990
Description: David Boeri reports that Kathy Gannett, a former employee, has settled a wrongful dismissal complaint against the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Gannett claims that she was fired for filing a complaint with HUD against the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) for discriminatory housing policies. Footage from an interview with Gannett in 1987. HUD officials claim that Gannett was fired for inappropriately questioning Doris Bunte of the BHA during a meeting. Interview with Gannett and her attorney Elizabeth Rogers. Gannett talks about the case and says that her complaint against the BHA was ignored. Gannett says that she did not question Bunte inappropriately, but asked if Bunte had asked for protection for minority families moving into white housing projects. Boeri quotes Bunte as saying that Gannett was impertinent towards her during a meeting. Boeri reports on the deal reached by the two parties. Following the edited story is b-roll of Gannett.
1:00:08: V: Footage of Kathy Gannett (former HUD employee) saying that no one seemed to want to listen to her when she filed a complaint about discrimination in public housing in Boston. Shots of white parochial school students walking toward a housing project in South Boston; of white residents sitting on park benches outside of a housing project in South Boston; of a young white boy scrambling under a fence near a housing project in South Boston; of white children near a housing project in South Boston. David Boeri reports that Kathy Gannett is a former employee of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); that Gannett filed a complaint against the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) last fall. Boeri reports that Gannett wrote a report on occupancy in BHA housing; that HUD buried the report for eighteen months. Boeri notes that the BHA maintained that there were no African American families in public housing in South Boston because white families were higher up on the waiting list. V: Shot of Gannett walking into a building. Footage of Gannett from 1987 saying that African American families were passed over on the waiting list for apartments in South Boston public housing projects; that the BHA is denying access to public housing projects on the basis of skin color. Shots of white residents in front of housing project buildings in South Boston. Boeri reports that Gannett claimed she was fired because of her report on discrimination in BHA housing. Boeri notes that HUD officials say that Gannett was fired because of her questioning of Doris Bunte (BHA) at a meeting between BHA and HUD officials. V: Shot of Bunte speaking to a reporter. Footage of Gannett saying that Bunte said that BHA would not move forward with desegregation until it received extra funding for security. Footage of Boeri interviewing Gannett and Elizabeth Rogers (attorney for Gannett). Rogers says that Gannett asked Bunte if the BHA had asked the mayor for adequate protection for minority families in white housing projects. Boeri reports that Gannett says that she was polite to Bunte during the meeting. Boeri quotes Bunte as saying that Gannett's question was "impertinent and inappropriate, if not actually hostile." V: Shot of a HUD document. A quote from Bunte is written in text on-screen. Boeri reports that Gannett filed suit; that she has settled the suit. Boeri notes that the settlement has wiped the firing incident from Gannett's record. V: Shot of Rogers and Gannett. Shot of Gannett exiting a building with a small group of people. Audio of Gannett asking how the city of Boston will protect minority families who choose to live in white housing developments. Boeri stands in City Hall Plaza. Boeri talks about Gannett's settlement with HUD. Boeri notes that HUD did not apologize to Gannett; that Bunte had no comment on the settlement.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/11/1988