Description: Marcus Jones reports that many residents were present at a public hearing on whether to allow nude dancing at the Highland Tap in Roxbury. The Highland Tap has featured nude dancing for almost ten years. The police and critics believe that the bar is attracting drug traffic and other vices to the area. City Councilor Bruce Bolling and Deputy Superintendent of the Boston Police Department William Celester speak out against nude dancing at the bar. Celester talks about criminal activity and underage dancers at the bar. Local business owners say that the Highland Tap is a good neighbor. Interview with a local business owner who says that the bar creates no problems. Interview with Highland Tap owner Agamemnon Alexopoulos, who denies any problems with drugs or violence at the bar. Interviews with Roxbury residents Norma Alvarado and Dana Holley about their opinions on nude dancing at the bar. Jones reports that the city will soon decide whether to grant a license for adult entertainment at the bar. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jesse Jackson's supporters criticize the Dukakis presidential campaign.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at a hearing on nude dancing at the Highland Tap in Roxbury. Bolling asks why Roxbury is the only neighborhood outside of the Combat Zone to have a nude dancing venue. The crowd applauds Bolling. Shots of the crowd. Members of the crowd hold up signs protesting the nude dancing venue in Roxbury. Marcus Jones reports that most of the audience members at the hearing were there to protest nude dancing at the Highland Tap in Roxbury. V: Shots of city officials at the hearing; of a man speaking at the hearing. Shots of a sign for "live adult entertainment" outside of the Highland Tap; of an African American woman entering a side door of the Highland Tap; of the exterior of the bar. Jones reports that the Highland Tap has featured nude dancing for almost ten years. Jones notes that police and critics say that the bar is attracting drug traffic and other vices. Jones adds that the bar is located near the Orchard Park Housing Development. V: Footage of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) speaking at the hearing. Celester says that the community already has enough problems without the Highland Tap. Jones reports that local businesses say that the Highland Tap has been a good neighbor. V: Footage of Lloyd (owner of Washington Fruit) seated in front of his business across from the Highland Tap. Lloyd says that his business has been here for eighteen years; that he has never seen any trouble at the Highland Tap. Footage of Celester speaking at the hearing. Celester says that police have pursued several investigations of the sale of cocaine at the Highland Tap. Celester says that police have arrested a girl under sixteen for nude dancing at the Highland Tap; that the owner was aware of the girl's age. The crowd applauds Celester. Footage of Agamemnon Alexopoulos (owner, Highland Tap) being interviewed on the street. Alexopoulos says that the Highland Tap has had no problems with drugs or violence. Alexopoulos talks about other bars in the areas that do have problems with drugs or violence. Footage of Norma Alvarado (local woman) saying that nude dancing does not create a drug problem. Footage of Dana Holley (local man) saying that the Highland Tap does not belong in a newly developed Roxbury. Marcus Jones stands outside of the bar. Jones reports that unlicensed nude dancing has been going on at the Highland Tap since the 1970s; that legal maneuvers by the bar's ownership has prevented a public hearing until now. Jones notes that the city can refuse to grant a license for adult entertainment to the bar; that the courts will ultimately decide on the fate of nude dancing at the club.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/25/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that voter support for Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) appears to be growing with each primary election, despite being labeled as "unelectable" by political analysts and the media. Jones notes that Jackson is gaining support from white voters and other voters outside of his political base. Jones suggests that critics are dismissive of Jackson because of his skin color. Jones' report includes footage from an interview with Bob Beckel (political analyst). Beckel says that Jackson will have to convince white voters and the media to see beyond his skin color. Jones' report features footage of Jackson campaigning, footage of Jackson at a candidates' forum and footage from a Jackson campaign advertisement. Jones' report also includes footage of Jackson saying that his race should not be an issue in the campaign.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US presidential candidate) at a campaign rally in New Hampshire on February 16, 1988. Jackson say that his campaign has defied the odds; that his campaign has been winning "uphill battles." Shots of the crowd. Marcus Jones reports that political analysts and the media have called Jackson the "most unelectable candidate in the race for the White House." Jones notes that support for Jackson seems to be growing. V: Footage of Jackson announcing his candidacy in November of 1983. Footage from a 1988 political advertisement for Jackson. Jones notes that Jackson's candidacy in 1983 made history; that Jackson's victories in 1988 are exceptional. Jones adds that Jackson is gaining support from voters outside of his African American base. V: Footage of a white male saying that Jackson will win in the South; of another white male asking, "Why not?" Shot of Jackson at a campaign rally; of Jackson exiting an airplane. Jones notes that voters in Maine, Vermont, Minnesota, and other states are supporting Jackson. V: Footage of a white male in New Hampshire saying that critics are creating a negative image of Jackson. Footage of Jackson at a televised forum in Dallas. Jackson sits on stage with other Democratic candidates. Jackson says that the US should not be overly dependent on oil from the Persian Gulf; that every youth should have the opportunity to go to college. Jackson criticizes the defense policy of Ronald Reagan (US President). Jones suggests that critics are calling Jackson unelectable because of his skin color. V: Footage of Jackson in New Hampshire on October 12, 1987. Jackson says that the issue of his race should be left to "God"; that the issue of his credentials should be left up to the voters. Footage of Bob Beckel (political analyst) saying that Jackson addresses issues that other candidates are afraid to address. Beckel says that Jackson will have trouble convincing white voters and the media to see beyond his skin color. Beckel says that Jackson has "no shot" at winning. Beckel says that the situation is unfair to Jackson. Footage of Jackson at a campaign rally in New Hampshire. Supporters chant, "Win, Jesse, Win." Jones notes that Jackson's base of support continues to grow.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/04/1988
Description: Deborah Wang reports that Boston supporters of Jesse Jackson are undecided about whether to campaign for Michael Dukakis. The supporters recently met to discuss their role in the upcoming campaign. Jackson delegates Mel King, Saundra Graham, Juanita Wade, and Byron Rushing are among the leaders of the meeting. The leaders say that the Dukakis campaign should not take the votes of Jackson supporters for granted. There are some Jackson supporters who will not support Dukakis under any circumstances. Interview with Philip Stanley of the Dukakis campaign about the role of Jackson supporters in the Dukakis campaign. Stanley says that the Dukakis campaign has been meeting with Jackson supporters and that the campaign is taking no votes for granted. Interviews with Jackson supporters Darryl Heller, Trent Pettus and Myra McAdoo. All three supporters criticize the Dukakis campaign. Wang's report includes footage of Dukakis and Jackson at the 1988 Democratic National Convention and footage of Jackson embarking on a voter registration campaign. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Adult entertainment at the Highland Tap
1:00:02: Visual: Footage from July 21, 1988 of the Democratic National Convention. Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential nominee) and Kitty Dukakis (wife of Michael Dukakis) are congratulated by Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) and Jacqueline Jackson (wife of Jesse Jackson). They are surrounded by Democratic Party notables. Deborah Wang reports that Jackson ended his presidential campaign by endorsing the nomination of his rival Dukakis; that Jackson pledged to campaign for Dukakis in the fall. V: Footage of Jackson speaking at the Democratic Convention on July 18, 1988. Jackson is flanked by Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen (Democratic US vice-presidential nominee). Jackson says that he is not seeking a job or a salary; that he wants to serve the nation. Shot of Jackson standing at the entrance to a campaign bus. Jackson waves to supporters. Supporters hang a sign on the side of the bus. The sign reads, "Rainbow voter registration campaign." Wang reports that Jackson supporters are undecided about whether to campaign for Dukakis; that Jackson supporters met last night in Roxbury about their role in the upcoming campaign. V: Shots of the audience at the meeting. Campaign leaders including Mel King (community activist and Jackson delegate), Saundra Graham (Jackson delegate), Byron Rushing (State Representative and Jackson delegate), and Juanita Wade (Jackson delegate) sit at a table at the front of the room. Footage of Wade saying that Jackson supporters will use the Republican threat to convince others to vote for Dukakis. Wang reports that Jackson supporters are unhappy with the Dukakis campaign. V: Footage of King saying that the Dukakis campaign has not been listening to Jackson supporters. King says that the Dukakis campaign should have addressed the role of Jackson supporters before now. Footage of Graham saying that Dukakis should be pursuing the 7 million votes represented by Jackson supporters. Shot of a life-size cut-out of Dukakis in the window of the Dukakis volunteer headquarters. Footage of Philip Stanley (State Director for the 1988 Dukakis campaign) being interviewed by Wang. Stanley says that he has met twice this week with the Jackson leadership; that the discussions are progressing. Stanley says that the Dukakis campaign is not taking anyone's vote for granted. Shots of volunteers working at the Dukakis volunteer headquarters. Wang reports that some Jackson supporters says that they will not work for Dukakis under any circumstances. V: Shot of Rushing addressing the audience at the meeting of Jackson supporters. Footage of Darryl Heller (Jackson supporter) saying that Dukakis made a mistake by choosing Bentsen as his running mate. Heller says that Bentsen does not believe in any of the same things as Jackson; that Bentsen is closer to Ronald Reagan (US President) than he is to Jackson. Heller says that it would be a violation of his conscience to vote for the Dukakis ticket. Footage of Trent Pettus (Jackson supporter) saying that he will not vote for Dukakis. Pettus says that Dukakis does not believe that gays and lesbians are fit to be foster parents. Pettus says that Dukakis advocates a discriminatory policy against gays and lesbians. Pettus adds that he will not vote for Dukakis. Footage of Myra McAdoo (Jackson supporter) saying that Dukakis needs to be ready to deal realistically with minority groups; that Jackson needs to receive a message from minority groups. Wang reports that some Jackson supporters will work to revive the Rainbow Coalition; that the supporters will work to get Rainbow candidates elected to state and local offices. V: Shots of Jackson supporters at the meeting in Roxbury. Footage of Jackson at the Democratic National Convention. Shots of delegates on the floor waving signs reading, "Jesse!" Wang notes that Jackson supporters will try to gain concessions from the Democratic Party. V: Footage of Rushing saying that he wants his constituents to be represented fairly by the chosen leader of the Democratic Party. Rushing says that Jackson supporters must barter their votes for fair representation. Rushing says that Jackson supporters must not be taken for granted by Dukakis. Wang stands in front of the Dukakis volunteer headquarters. Wang reports that Dukakis may not need to make peace with local Jackson supporters; that Dukakis is expected to win Massachusetts easily. Wang reports that Jackson supporters hope that Dukakis includes them in his campaign. Wang adds that Jackson supporters want Dukakis to make it clear that he does not take Jackson voters for granted.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/25/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Jesse Jackson beat George Bush in a phone poll conducted by a local radio station. Interviews with City Councilor Bruce Bolling and State Rep. Gloria Fox about their support for Jesse Jackson's presidential campaign. Fox says that Jackson's campaign staff is working hard for a Jackson victory. Bolling says that diverse constituencies can find common ground in Jackson's candidacy. Jackson at a campaign rally.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) entering a campaign rally. Marcus Jones reports that Jackson beat George Bush (Republican US Presidential candidate) in a phone poll conducted of callers to WEEI (Boston AM radio station). V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) saying that Jackson will be the next president of the US. Jones reports that Bolling is the chairman of Jackson's Massachusetts' campaign. V: Shot of Bolling with Jackson at a campaign rally. Footage of Bolling saying that voters see Jackson as a man of conviction, compassion and vision. Footage of Gloria Fox (State Representative) being interviewed by Jones. Fox says that Jackson's campaign workers are serious about the campaign; that they are working hard for a Jackson victory. Fox says that Jackson has a good campaign organization; that voters are tired of politicians who do not address their needs. Footage of Bolling saying that diverse constituencies can find a common ground in Jackson's message. Bolling adds that voters are not listening to political pundits who say that Jackson is unelectable. Footage of Fox saying that Jackson's campaign is on a roll.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/29/1988
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson has released position papers detailing his stance on domestic issues. Vaillancourt reviews Jackson's positions on the economy, trade, employment, social programs, defense spending, and taxes. Interview with labor union leader Domenic Bozzotto and Harvard professor Roger Porter about Jackson's positions on the issues. Bozzotto defends Jackson's platform while Porter criticizes it. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson would support his social programs through cuts in defense spending and increased taxes on wealthy Americans. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson's position as the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination challenges other candidates to defend their positions on the issues. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: James Farmer speaks at a ceremony in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
1:00:07: Visual: C-Span footage of Jesse Jackson (US Democratic Presidential Candidate) addressing the Democratic Convention in 1984. The audience cheers for Jackson. Footage of Jackson quoting poetry to a reporter. On-screen visuals list details about Jackson's position on the economy. On-screen text reads, "Invest pensions in America." Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has a stack of position papers on economic issues. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson advocates the investment of pension funds in federally-guaranteed securities; that Jackson would use the capital to fund public housing, roads, and other public works projects; that the investment of 10% of US pensions would yield $60 billion for projects. V: Shot of Jackson talking about his positions at a forum; of Jackson addressing supporters at a campaign rally. Footage of Domenic Bozzotto (President, Hotel Workers Union) that he likes Jackson' s idea of putting pension money to work for social good; that Jackson's plan also gives a fair return on the investment. Footage of Roger Porter (Harvard University) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Porter says that Jackson's plan calls for government guarantees on pension investments; that the government could end up paying the difference on a poor investment. Vaillancourt says that trade issues are another important issue in the election. V: On-screen visuals list details about Jackson's position on trade issues. On-screen text reads, "Adopt 'corporate code of conduct'." Footage of Jackson saying that General Electric is the number one exporter from Taiwan. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson believes that cheap overseas labor is the main cause of the US trade deficit. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would abolish tax incentives for US companies abroad; that Jackson would insist that America's trading partners pay the same wages as those earned by US workers. V: Shots of Jackson marching with union workers. Footage of Bozzotto saying that "slave wages" paid to workers abroad will undercut organized labor in the US. Footage of Porter saying that the US cannot impose these policies on its trading partners. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is a populist on employment issues. V: On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on employment. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson supports an increase in the minimum wage; that Jackson supports the passage of a worker bill of rights; that Jackson supports the plant closing law; that Jackson supports comparable pay for jobs of comparable worth. V: Footage of Jackson addressing supporters. On-screen visuals detail Jackson's positions on social programs. Vaillancourt talks about Jackson's position on social programs. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson supports universal day care and national health care; that Jackson would double spending on education; that Jackson would focus on combatting drugs. V: Footage of Porter saying that the government cannot support the increase in spending required by Jackson's social programs. Footage of Bozzotto saying that Jackson's programs would get the average person involved in the economy. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson believes that social programs can be paid for through cuts in the defense budget. V: On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on defense issues. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would eliminate the MX, the Midgetman and the Trident missiles; that Jackson would eliminate the F-15 fighter plane, the stealth bomber, and the Strategic Defense Initiative. V: Footage of Bozzotto saying that there is "fat" to be cut out of the defense budget. Footage of Porter saying that Jackson is misguided in thinking that cuts in the defense budget will yield great savings. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is the only current Democratic candidate who has talked about taxes. V: Footage of Jackson saying that "Reaganomics" exempted some people from paying taxes. On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on taxes. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would increase the corporate tax rate to 46%; that Jackson would raise the tax rate to 38.5% for residents with incomes above $100,000; that Jackson would impose an oil import fee. V: Footage of Porter saying that Jackson's tax policy would rob the private sector of money for productive investment. Footage of Bozzotto saying that Jackson is not afraid of the American people; that Jackson is not afraid to advocate change. Vaillancourt reports that the media and the public are now paying attention to Jackson's positions on the issues; that Jackson's position as a frontrunner challenges other candidates to defend their own positions.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/04/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that James Farmer (civil rights leader) spoke at Faneuil Hall during a ceremony to commemorate the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Jones notes that Farmer was the head of the Congress for Racial Equality in the 1950s. Jones' report includes footage of Farmer addressing the audience at Faneuil Hall. Jones interviews Farmer about progress on civil rights issues in the US. Jones reports that Charles Yancey read a proclamation honoring King during the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of Yancey reading a proclamation at the ceremony and by footage of schoolchildren performing at the ceremony. Jones' report also includes footage of King during the civil rights movement. This tape includes additional footage from the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jesse Jackson (Democratic candidate for US President) has released position papers, detailing his stance on domestic issues
1:00:04: Visual: Black and white footage of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader) delivering a speech. Black and white footage of a white man announcing the death of King to a group of students. Marcus Jones reports that today is the twentieth anniversary of King's death. Jones reports that James Farmer (civil rights leader) talked to an audience at a ceremony commemorating King's death at Faneuil Hall. V: Footage of Farmer addressing an audience at Fanueil Hall. Farmer talks about King's vision for the nation. Shots of the audience. Jones reports that Farmer was the head of the Congress for Racial Equality in the 1950s; that Farmer is now a visiting professor at Mary Washington College in Virginia. Jones says that Farmer believes that minorities have made great strides in the past twenty years. V: Footage of Farmer being interviewed by Jones at Faneuil Hall. Farmer says that there are plenty of things that need to change in the US; that some progress has been made by minorities. Jones reports that Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) read a city proclamation honoring King at the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. V: Footage of Yancey addressing the audience. Yancey says that King was once refused admittance to the Patrick T. Campbell Junior High School in Boston; that the school is now named for King. Jones reports that students from the Martin Luther King Middle School performed a song in honor of King. V: Footage of students from the King Middle School performing at Faneuil Hall. The audience applauds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/04/1988
Description: Composer John Cage creates a live musical performance event on WGBH radio's “Chamberworks.” "Chamberworks" host Bill Cavness introduces the piece and invites listeners to call in and become part of it. Cage sits in the booth and takes calls. Interview with Cage on the acceptance and understanding of his enigmatic, elusive work. Musicians play as part of the live musical performance. Interview with musicians on playing pieces composed by Cage.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/25/1988
Description: David Boeri reports that Kathy Gannett, a former employee, has settled a wrongful dismissal complaint against the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Gannett claims that she was fired for filing a complaint with HUD against the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) for discriminatory housing policies. Footage from an interview with Gannett in 1987. HUD officials claim that Gannett was fired for inappropriately questioning Doris Bunte of the BHA during a meeting. Interview with Gannett and her attorney Elizabeth Rogers. Gannett talks about the case and says that her complaint against the BHA was ignored. Gannett says that she did not question Bunte inappropriately, but asked if Bunte had asked for protection for minority families moving into white housing projects. Boeri quotes Bunte as saying that Gannett was impertinent towards her during a meeting. Boeri reports on the deal reached by the two parties. Following the edited story is b-roll of Gannett.
1:00:08: V: Footage of Kathy Gannett (former HUD employee) saying that no one seemed to want to listen to her when she filed a complaint about discrimination in public housing in Boston. Shots of white parochial school students walking toward a housing project in South Boston; of white residents sitting on park benches outside of a housing project in South Boston; of a young white boy scrambling under a fence near a housing project in South Boston; of white children near a housing project in South Boston. David Boeri reports that Kathy Gannett is a former employee of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); that Gannett filed a complaint against the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) last fall. Boeri reports that Gannett wrote a report on occupancy in BHA housing; that HUD buried the report for eighteen months. Boeri notes that the BHA maintained that there were no African American families in public housing in South Boston because white families were higher up on the waiting list. V: Shot of Gannett walking into a building. Footage of Gannett from 1987 saying that African American families were passed over on the waiting list for apartments in South Boston public housing projects; that the BHA is denying access to public housing projects on the basis of skin color. Shots of white residents in front of housing project buildings in South Boston. Boeri reports that Gannett claimed she was fired because of her report on discrimination in BHA housing. Boeri notes that HUD officials say that Gannett was fired because of her questioning of Doris Bunte (BHA) at a meeting between BHA and HUD officials. V: Shot of Bunte speaking to a reporter. Footage of Gannett saying that Bunte said that BHA would not move forward with desegregation until it received extra funding for security. Footage of Boeri interviewing Gannett and Elizabeth Rogers (attorney for Gannett). Rogers says that Gannett asked Bunte if the BHA had asked the mayor for adequate protection for minority families in white housing projects. Boeri reports that Gannett says that she was polite to Bunte during the meeting. Boeri quotes Bunte as saying that Gannett's question was "impertinent and inappropriate, if not actually hostile." V: Shot of a HUD document. A quote from Bunte is written in text on-screen. Boeri reports that Gannett filed suit; that she has settled the suit. Boeri notes that the settlement has wiped the firing incident from Gannett's record. V: Shot of Rogers and Gannett. Shot of Gannett exiting a building with a small group of people. Audio of Gannett asking how the city of Boston will protect minority families who choose to live in white housing developments. Boeri stands in City Hall Plaza. Boeri talks about Gannett's settlement with HUD. Boeri notes that HUD did not apologize to Gannett; that Bunte had no comment on the settlement.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/11/1988
Description: South Boston residents pack St. Monica's Church to hear City Councilors James Kelly and Albert "Dapper" O'Neil and Rev. Earl W. Jackson, Sr. oppose mayor's public housing desegregation plan.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/12/1988
Description: Christy George reports that City Councilor James Kelly objects to an interfaith, interracial prayer service to be held in South Boston because he fears that the meeting could be seen as an endorsement of the city's plan to integrate South Boston housing projects. Kelly has called for the meeting to be moved to another location. Interview with Father Thomas McDonnell of St. Augustine's Church in South Boston and Reverend John Borders of the Morningstar Baptist Church. McDonnell and Borders say that South Boston is not a racist neighborhood. Interview with Jim Kelly. George quotes Kelly as saying that he opposes forced busing, racial quotas, and forced housing. Community leaders have met with Mayor Ray Flynn to discuss the peaceful integration of public housing projects, and hold a press conference. Doris Bunte of the Boston Housing Authority, Charles Stith of the Union United Methodist Church, John O'Bryant of the Boston School Committee, and Don Muhammad of the Nation of Islam, Roxbury speak at the press conference. George reports that Bernard Cardinal Law (Archdiocese of Boston) endorses the meeting. George notes that Flynn is pushing for housing integration over the objections of South Boston residents. Footage of Flynn at a community meeting in South Boston and footage of anti-busing activity in South Boston in 1977.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of Father Thomas McDonnell (St. Augustine's Church in South Boston) and Reverend John M. Borders, III (Morningstar Baptist Church in Mattapan) sitting together for an interview in South Boston. McDonnell says that both men believe in the power of prayer. Christy George reports that religious leaders want to hold an interfaith, interracial prayer meeting at St. Monica's Church in South Boston; that James Kelly (Boston City Council) has taken out a half-page advertisement in the South Boston Tribune; that the ad calls on the Catholic Church to move the prayer meeting to another location. George reports that Kelly fears that the prayer meeting could be seen as an endorsement of the city's plan to desegregate public housing projects in South Boston. V: Shot of the exterior of St. Monica's Church; of Kelly's advertisement in the South Boston Tribune; of a statue in front of the church. Footage of McDonnell saying that racism is a moral issue. Borders says that prayer is a means to change the people's hearts. Footage of police arresting two women on G Street in South Boston on May 12, 1977. Shots of police cruisers escorting school buses along a city street; of a housing project in South Boston. Shots of a sign for the Old Colony Housing Project; of a white woman and children in front of a housing project building. George notes that South Boston became a battleground during school desegregation. George reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) has announced that the public housing projects in South Boston will be integrated; that Flynn alienated many South Boston voters by pushing for public housing integration. V: Shot of Flynn approaching the stage at a community meeting in South Boston on January 12, 1988. The crowd jeers and boos as Flynn walks on to the stage. Shot of audience members seated at long tables. Footage of Kelly at the community meeting. Kelly says that South Boston residents will serve time for civil rights violations if the public housing projects are integrated. The crowd applauds Kelly. George reports that community leaders met with Flynn today to talk about peaceful desegregation of the projects; that attendees at the meeting expressed thinly disguised scorn for Kelly. V: Shot of Doris Bunte (Boston Housing Authority) speaking at a press conference. Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church) and two other African American community leaders stand behind her. Footage of John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee) at a press conference. A reporter asks him if Kelly's name was mentioned in the meeting with Flynn. O'Bryant replies, "Who's he?" George reports that Kelly believes that affirmative action is reverse racism. George quotes Kelly as saying that "assigning the needy to public housing based on race is morally and legally wrong." V: Shot of Kelly at his desk. A quote from Kelly is written out in text on-screen. Footage of Kelly saying that supporters of equal opportunity must oppose forced busing, racial quotas, and forced housing. Footage of Stith saying that there are some elected officials who insist on keeping the city divided; that religious leaders are making an effort to unite the city. Footage of Minister Don Muhammad (Nation of Islam, Roxbury) saying that not all Irish residents are racist; that African Americans in Roxbury are not all drug addicts. George reports that Bernard Cardinal Law (Archdiocese of Boston) endorsed the prayer meeting. George quotes Law as saying that publicity "could lead to the erroneous impression that racial discrimination is a problem of geography, which it is not. . . . Racial discrimination is a problem of the human heart." V: Shot of Law addressing an audience. A quote from Law is written out in text on-screen. George reports that one of the goals of the prayer meeting is to debunk the myth of South Boston as a racist neighborhood. V: Shot of a white family walking in front of St. Monica's Church. Footage of Borders saying that Kelly does not represent the views of all South Bostonians. Borders says that he had no problems in South Boston when he drove to today's interview at the church. George reports that religious leaders say that the prayer meeting is not about politics; that the controversy surrounding the meeting has become political despite the efforts of religious leaders.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/20/1988